tag:github.com,2008:https://github.com/spechub/Hets/releases Tags from Hets 2022-10-08T19:53:59Z tag:github.com,2008:Repository/20492711/v0.108.0 2022-10-08T19:53:59Z v0.108.0 jelmd tag:github.com,2008:Repository/20492711/v0.106.0 2022-07-01T05:00:27Z v0.106.0 jelmd tag:github.com,2008:Repository/20492711/v0.105 2020-12-14T13:33:36Z Haddock; faster translation OWL22CASL <p>Merge pull request <a class="issue-link js-issue-link" href="https://github.com/spechub/Hets/pull/1970">#1970</a> from spechub/1935_owl22casl_sentence_transla…</p> <p>…tion</p> <p>1935 owl22casl sentence translation</p> tillmo tag:github.com,2008:Repository/20492711/v0.104.1 2019-11-21T16:25:52Z v0.104.1 jelmd tag:github.com,2008:Repository/20492711/release-0.9904 2019-11-20T12:25:32Z TPTP; database access; renewal of RESTful interface; IRIs; GDOL; docker <p>[WIP] Create Dockerfile for Hets (Server) (<a class="issue-link js-issue-link" href="https://github.com/spechub/Hets/pull/1868">#1868</a>)</p> <p>* Add a basic Dockerfile</p> <p>* Update the packages installed with Docker</p> <p>* Fix the package sources and binary name for Docker setup</p> <p>* Update Dockerfile to use Ubuntu 18.04 and remove the ppa workaround</p> <p>* Ignore Hets-lib in Docker directory</p> <p>* Create a docker compose setup for hets server</p> <p>* WIP Hets connection to database in Docker</p> <p>* Container now correctly addresses database</p> <p>* Remvoe workaround for Hets-Libs</p> <p>* Temporarily remove of Postgres bind mount</p> <p>* Container now in correct network configuration</p> <p>* Fix typo in database configuration</p> <p>* Hets is now a standalone container</p> <p>* Removes comment</p> <p>* Use /data/ as the working directory</p> <p>* Add a workaround for the new hets-server binary (2019-06-19)</p> <p>* Clean-up of unused docker files</p> <p>* Use docker secret to persist postgres password</p> <p>* Remove Workaround for old hets binary and use dynamic IP address for <br />hostnames</p> <p>* Use a docker volume instead of a bind mount for persistend postgres data</p> <p>* Remove whitespace in gitignore</p> tillmo tag:github.com,2008:Repository/20492711/v0.103.1 2019-06-26T12:45:22Z v0.103.1 jelmd tag:github.com,2008:Repository/20492711/v0.101.1 2018-10-24T14:24:26Z v0.101.1 jelmd tag:github.com,2008:Repository/20492711/release-0.9903 2016-08-14T21:56:08Z ESSLLI2016 <p>Merge pull request <a class="issue-link js-issue-link" href="https://github.com/spechub/Hets/pull/1672">#1672</a> from spechub/owl-datatypes-in-casl</p> <p>Owl datatypes in casl</p> tillmo tag:github.com,2008:Repository/20492711/release-0.9902 2016-07-08T09:28:42Z networks, OWL2, Common Logic <p>Merge pull request <a class="issue-link js-issue-link" href="https://github.com/spechub/Hets/pull/1642">#1642</a> from spechub/1620_owl_http_redirects</p> <p>1620 owl http redirects</p> tillmo tag:github.com,2008:Repository/20492711/0.9902 2016-03-17T06:36:15Z Better names and labels <p>Merge pull request <a class="issue-link js-issue-link" href="https://github.com/spechub/Hets/pull/1606">#1606</a> from spechub/1597_names_in_bridges</p> <p>1597 names in bridges</p> tillmo