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Ivan Herman edited this page Feb 8, 2017 · 16 revisions

A person object (used for editors authors) contains the following fields (most of the fields are straightforward). Only the name field is required.

Name of the person
email address (turned into a mailto URL by respec)
home page of the author
company name
url of the company
identifier of the persons’ W3C account, if applicable. (This id can be found through the “my profile” URL that will be redirected to the user’s page; the id appears in the address bar).
any text in this field will appear at the end of the person’s identification in parenthesis
refers to an array of extras (see below) objects, displayed at the end of the person's identification

The “extras” are objects, each rendered as a separate span element, with the following fields:

the content of the resulting span; this can contain html elements
a value of the class attribute added to the enclosing span (can be used for styling)
if set, the content within the enclosing span is turned into an active link pointing to the value of href

A simple example:

	name:       "Benjamin Young",
	company:    "John Wiley & Sons, Inc.",
	companyURL: "",
	mailto:     "",
	w3cid:      65468

A more complex example, using the extras field to include a reference to the person’s ORCID id (with a logo):

	name:       "Ben De Meester",
	mailto:     "",
	company:    "Ghent University - iMinds - Data Science Lab",
	companyURL: "",
	url:        "",
	extras: [{
		name:  "<img src='figures/orcid_logo.png' alt='orcid logo'/>",
		href:  "",
		class: "orcid"
	w3cid:      "73403"


Configuration options

W3C Configuration options

Linter rules

Internal properties

Handled by ReSpec for you.

Special <section> IDs

HTML elements

Custom Elements


HTML attributes

CSS Classes

Special properties

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