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Show the progress of your PnP Provisioning process with SharePoint Application customizer and SignalR

The blog post.

How to configure to run locally

1. Prerequisites

You should configure Azure Storage account prior running the sample. For local development use Azure Storage Explorer with below artifacts:

Blob containers

pnp-drone - contains templates.xml - PnP Provisioning XML file and folder assets with required files. Template used in the demo is "Contoso Drone Landing"
The structure:



Create a queue with name pnp-provision.


Create an Azure Table with name PnPDroneProvisioning.

Azure Logic app

Azure logic app receives web url from custom SharePoint Site Design. Similar to the Calling Microsoft Flow from a site script, but Logic App instead of a Flow, because HTTP connector is premium.

2. Azure AD app registration

  1. Create a new Azure AD app registration, enable implicit flow, add user_impersonation scope via Expose an API

  2. Add API permissions - SharePoint - Sites.FullControl.All, User.ReadWrite.All

  3. This sample uses Azure AD authentication based on certificates in order to generate an access token for SharePoint. Alternatively, you can use SharePoint-registered app

  4. Create a new certificate to generate and sign access token from webjob (PowerShell):

    $cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -Subject "CN=SPFxSignalR" -CertStoreLocation "Cert:\CurrentUser\My"  -KeyExportPolicy Exportable -KeySpec Signature -NotAfter (Get-Date).AddYears(3)
     $bin = $cert.RawData
     $base64Value = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bin)
     $bin = $cert.GetCertHash()
     $base64Thumbprint = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bin)
     $keyid = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
     $jsonObj = @{customKeyIdentifier=$base64Thumbprint;keyId=$keyid;    type="AsymmetricX509Cert";usage="Verify";value=$base64Value}
     $keyCredentials=ConvertTo-Json @($jsonObj) | Out-File "keyCredentials.txt"
  5. This command will create a file called keyCredentials.txt. Go to Azure App Registration, then select Manifest and copy the content of keyCredentials.txt to keyCredentials node.

  6. From your windows machine open Certificates snap-in, export private certificate SPFxSignalR from Personal certificates and add it into the solution (select "Copy always" in Visual Studio, so that this fille will be available under your bin output). You should protect the certificate with a password. The name of certificate is cert.pfx.

  7. Under "Certificates & secrets" in Azure portal generate a new Client Secret.

  8. Take a note on your App display name, App (Client) ID, Client Secret.

3.a Visual Studio: SignalRHub

  1. Right click on a project -> Manage user secrets. Add below user secrets:

        "AzureAd:Instance": "",
        "AzureAd:TenantId": "<your tenant id>",
        "AzureAd:ClientId": "<client id from step #2>",
        "AzureWebJobsDashboard": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true"

3.b Visual Studio: ProvisioningJob

Azure WebJob relies on some configuration settings, which should be provided via Environment variables. Edit your system environmental variables and add below variables:

  • SignalrHostUrl - the host url part of your SignalR hub, i.e. https://localhost:44341
  • AzureAd:ClientId - Client Id from step #2
  • AzureAd:ClientSecret - Client Secret from step #2
  • AzureAd:TenantId - Your Tenant Id
  • CertificatePassword - password from .pfx certificate generated at step #2


4. SPFx

  1. Open pnp-notifier\config\package-solution.json and under webApiPermissionRequests change resource name to match the display name from step #2
  2. Open pnp-notifier\src\extensions\consts.ts and update cientId with one from step #2, cloudHubUrl should point to your Azure Web app url (when deployed).
  3. Package solution, upload to App Catalog, approve Permission Request like described in the Manage permission requests


5. Add Site Script and Site Design

Under PS\siteScript sample.ps1 change url to point to your Logic app trigger url. Add site design to your tenant using SP Online Management Shell.

6. Are you still here? Ok, run it!

Run gulp serve in SPFx folder (you need to change serveConfigurations under pnp-notifier\config\serve.json to match your tenant).

Run WebJob locally, run SignalR web application, add a new message into the pnp-provision queue in format:

  "WebUrl": "https://<your org>"

Queue will trigger your web job, the job will send notification to your SharePoint web site through the SignalR hub.

How to publish

  1. Create a new Azure Web app.

  2. Deploy SignalR hub into the Azure Web app.

  3. Deploy WebJob to the same Azure Web app (AlwaysOn should be true).

  4. On the Web app, add below App settings:

    • AzureAd:ClientId - Client Id of app registration on step #2
    • AzureAd:Instance -
    • AzureAd:TenantId - your tenant id
    • AzureWebJobsDashboard - Azure storage connection string
    • AzureWebJobsEnv - Production
    • CertificatePassword - password from .pfx certificate generated at step #2
    • SignalrHostUrl - the host url part of your SignalR hub, i.e.