For our example, let's say a company wants to run a job after each weekday to
process data collected during the work day. The first intuitive answer to this
would be schedule="0 0 * * 1-5"
(midnight on Monday to Friday), but
this means data collected on Friday will not be processed right after Friday
ends, but on the next Monday, and that run's interval would be from midnight
Friday to midnight Monday. What we want is:
- Schedule a run for each Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. The run's data interval would cover from midnight of each day, to midnight of the next day (e.g. 2021-01-01 00:00:00 to 2021-01-02 00:00:00).
- Each run would be created right after the data interval ends. The run covering Monday happens on midnight Tuesday and so on. The run covering Friday happens on midnight Saturday. No runs happen on midnights Sunday and Monday.
For simplicity, we will only deal with UTC datetimes in this example.
All datetime values returned by a custom timetable MUST be "aware", i.e.
contains timezone information. Furthermore, they must use pendulum
datetime and timezone types.
A timetable must be a subclass of :class:`~airflow.timetables.base.Timetable`, and be registered as a part of a :doc:`plugin </authoring-and-scheduling/plugins>`. The following is a skeleton for us to implement a new timetable:
from airflow.plugins_manager import AirflowPlugin
from airflow.timetables.base import Timetable
class AfterWorkdayTimetable(Timetable):
class WorkdayTimetablePlugin(AirflowPlugin):
name = "workday_timetable_plugin"
timetables = [AfterWorkdayTimetable]
Next, we'll start putting code into AfterWorkdayTimetable
. After the
implementation is finished, we should be able to use the timetable in our DAG
import pendulum
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.example_dags.plugins.workday import AfterWorkdayTimetable
with DAG(
start_date=pendulum.datetime(2021, 3, 10, tz="UTC"),
tags=["example", "timetable"],
When Airflow's scheduler encounters a DAG, it calls one of the two methods to know when to schedule the DAG's next run.
: The scheduler uses this to learn the timetable's regular schedule, i.e. the "one for every workday, run at the end of it" part in our example.infer_manual_data_interval
: When a DAG run is manually triggered (from the web UI, for example), the scheduler uses this method to learn about how to reverse-infer the out-of-schedule run's data interval.
We'll start with infer_manual_data_interval
since it's the easier of the two:
.. exampleinclude:: /../../airflow/example_dags/plugins/ :language: python :dedent: 4 :start-after: [START howto_timetable_infer_manual_data_interval] :end-before: [END howto_timetable_infer_manual_data_interval]
The method accepts one argument run_after
, a pendulum.DateTime
that indicates when the DAG is externally triggered. Since our timetable creates
a data interval for each complete work day, the data interval inferred here
should usually start at the midnight one day prior to run_after
, but if
falls on a Sunday or Monday (i.e. the prior day is Saturday or
Sunday), it should be pushed further back to the previous Friday. Once we know
the start of the interval, the end is simply one full day after it. We then
create a :class:`~airflow.timetables.base.DataInterval` object to describe this
Next is the implementation of next_dagrun_info
.. exampleinclude:: /../../airflow/example_dags/plugins/ :language: python :dedent: 4 :start-after: [START howto_timetable_next_dagrun_info] :end-before: [END howto_timetable_next_dagrun_info]
This method accepts two arguments. last_automated_dagrun
is a
:class:`~airflow.timetables.base.DataInterval` instance indicating the data
interval of this DAG's previous non-manually-triggered run, or None
if this
is the first time ever the DAG is being scheduled. restriction
how the DAG and its tasks specify the schedule, and contains three attributes:
: The earliest time the DAG may be scheduled. This is apendulum.DateTime
calculated from all thestart_date
arguments from the DAG and its tasks, orNone
if there are nostart_date
arguments found at all.latest
: Similar toearliest
, this is the latest time the DAG may be scheduled, calculated fromend_date
: A boolean reflecting the DAG'scatchup
Both earliest
and latest
apply to the DAG run's logical date
(the start of the data interval), not when the run will be scheduled
(usually after the end of the data interval).
If there was a run scheduled previously, we should now schedule for the next
weekday, i.e. plus one day if the previous run was on Monday through Thursday,
or three days if it was on Friday. If there was not a previous scheduled run,
however, we pick the next workday's midnight after restriction.earliest
(unless it is a workday's midnight; in which case it's used directly).
also needs to be considered---if it's False
, we
can't schedule before the current time, even if start_date
values are in the
past. Finally, if our calculated data interval is later than
, we must respect it and not schedule a run by returning
If we decide to schedule a run, we need to describe it with a :class:`~airflow.timetables.base.DagRunInfo`. This type has two arguments and attributes:
: A :class:`~airflow.timetables.base.DataInterval` instance describing the next run's data interval.run_after
: Apendulum.DateTime
instance that tells the scheduler when the DAG run can be scheduled.
A DagRunInfo
can be created like this:
info = DagRunInfo(
data_interval=DataInterval(start=start, end=end),
Since we typically want to schedule a run as soon as the data interval ends,
and run_after
above are generally the same. DagRunInfo
provides a shortcut for this:
info = DagRunInfo.interval(start=start, end=end)
assert info.data_interval.end == info.run_after # Always True.
For reference, here's our plugin and DAG files in their entirety:
.. exampleinclude:: /../../airflow/example_dags/plugins/ :language: python :start-after: [START howto_timetable] :end-before: [END howto_timetable]
import pendulum
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.example_dags.plugins.workday import AfterWorkdayTimetable
from airflow.operators.empty import EmptyOperator
with DAG(
start_date=pendulum.datetime(2021, 1, 1, tz="UTC"),
tags=["example", "timetable"],
Sometimes we need to pass some run-time arguments to the timetable. Continuing
with our AfterWorkdayTimetable
example, maybe we have DAGs running on
different timezones, and we want to schedule some DAGs at 8am the next day,
instead of on midnight. Instead of creating a separate timetable for each
purpose, we'd want to do something like:
class SometimeAfterWorkdayTimetable(Timetable):
def __init__(self, schedule_at: Time) -> None:
self._schedule_at = schedule_at
def next_dagrun_info(self, last_automated_dagrun, restriction):
end = start + timedelta(days=1)
return DagRunInfo(
data_interval=DataInterval(start=start, end=end),
run_after=DateTime.combine(, self._schedule_at),
However, since the timetable is a part of the DAG, we need to tell Airflow how
to serialize it with the context we provide in __init__
. This is done by
implementing two additional methods on our timetable class:
class SometimeAfterWorkdayTimetable(Timetable):
def serialize(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
return {"schedule_at": self._schedule_at.isoformat()}
def deserialize(cls, value: dict[str, Any]) -> Timetable:
return cls(Time.fromisoformat(value["schedule_at"]))
When the DAG is being serialized, serialize
is called to obtain a
JSON-serializable value. That value is passed to deserialize
when the
serialized DAG is accessed by the scheduler to reconstruct the timetable.
By default, a custom timetable is displayed by their class name in the UI (e.g.
the Schedule column in the "DAGs" table). It is possible to customize this
by overriding the summary
property. This is especially useful for
parameterized timetables to include arguments provided in __init__
. For
our SometimeAfterWorkdayTimetable
class, for example, we could have:
def summary(self) -> str:
return f"after each workday, at {self._schedule_at}"
So for a DAG declared like this:
with DAG(
schedule=SometimeAfterWorkdayTimetable(Time(8)), # 8am.
The Schedule column would say after each workday, at 08:00:00
.. seealso:: Module :mod:`airflow.timetables.base` The public interface is heavily documented to explain what should be implemented by subclasses.
You can also provide a description for your Timetable Implementation
by overriding the description
This is especially useful for providing comprehensive description for your implementation in UI.
For our SometimeAfterWorkdayTimetable
class, for example, we could have:
description = "Schedule: after each workday"
You can also wrap this inside __init__
, if you want to derive description.
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.description = "Schedule: after each workday, at f{self._schedule_at}"
This is specially useful when you want to provide comprehensive description which is different from summary
So for a DAG declared like this:
with DAG(
schedule=SometimeAfterWorkdayTimetable(Time(8)), # 8am.
The i icon would show, Schedule: after each workday, at 08:00:00
.. seealso:: Module :mod:`airflow.timetables.interval` check ``CronDataIntervalTimetable`` description implementation which provides comprehensive cron description in UI.
.. versionadded:: 2.4
Since Airflow 2.4, Timetables are also responsible for generating the run_id
for DagRuns.
For example to have the Run ID show a "human friendly" date of when the run started (that is, the end of the data interval, rather then the start which is the date currently used) you could add a method like this to a custom timetable:
def generate_run_id(
run_type: DagRunType,
logical_date: DateTime,
data_interval: DataInterval | None,
) -> str:
if run_type == DagRunType.SCHEDULED and data_interval:
return data_interval.end.format("YYYY-MM-DD dddd")
return super().generate_run_id(
run_type=run_type, logical_date=logical_date, data_interval=data_interval, **extra
Remember that the RunID is limited to 250 characters, and must be unique within a DAG.