SparkFun Qwiic Pocket Development Board - ESP32-C6 (DEV-22925)
The SparkFun Qwiic Pocket Development Board - ESP32-C6 is designed to fit in the 1"x1" Qwiic standard size making it easy to add a powerful wireless development platform that stacks into any existing project using the Qwiic ecosystem. It features the ESP32-C6 Mini-1 module from espressif™. We designed this board with components on both sides of the PCB to squeeze as many features as possible into its tiny footprint including a USB-C connector, Qwiic connector, 2-pin JST battery connector with on-board charging circuit, as well as two buttons for Reset and Boot. The design also works to optimize power consumption and in our testing we measured total current consumption by the board to be ~14µA in Deep Sleep mode making it a great fit for remote, battery-powered applications.
- /Documents - Datasheets, additional product information
- /Examples - Example code
- /Hardware - Eagle design files (.brd, .sch)
- /Production - Production panel files (.brd)
- /docs - Documentation files for the Qwiic Pocket Development Board - ESP32-C6
- Hookup Guide - Basic hookup guide for the Qwiic Pocket Development Board ESP32-C6.
- SparkFun Fritzing repo - Fritzing diagrams for SparkFun products.
- DEV-22925 - Initial release
This product is open source!
Please review the file for license information.
If you have any questions or concerns on licensing, please contact technical support on our SparkFun forums.
Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.
- Your friends at SparkFun.