The project demonstrates how to use Twilio's Programmable Video SDK to access raw audio samples using the AudioSink
API on AudioTrack
See the master README for instructions on how to generate access tokens and connect to a Room.
This example requires Android Studio as well as two devices running Android API level 16 or higher.
Once you have setup your access token, install and run the example. You will be presented with the following screen:
After you connect to a Room on two devices tap the microphone icon to begin recording the RemoteParticipant
audio stream. Tap again to stop the recording.
You can listen to the recorded .wav file by tapping on the play icon
- Local audio samples are not raised until at least one underlying WebRTC PeerConnection is negotiated. In a Peer-to-Peer Room it is not possible to record or recognize audio until at least one other Participant joins. The same limitation does not apply to Group Rooms where there is a persistent PeerConnection with Twilio's media servers.