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Spacelift Ansible Runner Image

This repository contains the Dockerfile for building our default Ansible runner image.

Quick Start

To use the Ansible runner image, simply update your stack settings to use as the runner image for the stack.

Docker Repository

The image is pushed to the public repository. It is also pushed to the repository as a backup in case of issues with ECR.

Altogether we have 4 flavors of the image:

  • runner-ansible:${ANSIBLE_VERSION} - built on top of python:3.12-alpine base image, with ansible and ansible-runner installed.
  • runner-ansible:${ANSIBLE_VERSION}-aws - built on top of runner-ansible, with boto3 installed.
  • runner-ansible:${ANSIBLE_VERSION}-gcp - built on top of runner-ansible, with google-auth installed.
  • runner-ansible:${ANSIBLE_VERSION}-azure - built on top of runner-ansible, with azure-cli installed.

Every image is available for the following architectures:

  • linux/amd64
  • linux/arm64

Tag Model

This repository create a tag for each minor version of ansible.

In case you don't care about locking the minor version, we also create a tag for the major version that is automatically bumped when a new minor is released.

You can find below is a non-exhaustive list of tags. This may get outdated with time.

  • 10, 10.2
  • 10.1
  • 9, 9.8
  • 9.7
  • ...

All tags are rebuild every sunday at midnight to be able to get latest security fixes.


The only requirement for working on this repo is a Docker installation.

ℹ️ Please do not open PR to add a new package to those base images because your workflow need it.

We want to keep the size of those base image as small as possible 🙏 Only package that are a strong requirement to run ansible will be accepted in base images.

If you need a specific package, please maintain your own version using those image as base image with FROM

We are open to add new image flavors if needed to support common ansible roles and use cases. The rule of thumb is to keep base image small.

Testing a new Image

The easiest way to test a new image before opening a pull request is to push it to your own Docker repository and then update a test stack to use your custom image. The following steps explain the process using Docker Hub, but any other public container registry can be used.

First, sign-up for an account at Docker Hub, and login via docker login:

docker login

Next, build the image using your Docker Hub username to tag it. For example, if your username is abc123, you would use the following command to build the image:

docker build -t abc123/runner-ansible:latest .

Once the build has completed, push your changes:

docker push abc123/runner-ansible:latest

Congratulations! You can now update your stack to use abc123/runner-ansible:latest as its runner image.


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