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Iskandar Zulkarnaien edited this page May 10, 2019 · 5 revisions

===================================== Documentation For Sound 1920

Removal of Sourcesound & Sound Distinction

Previously, 2 types of abstractions for sound existed, Sourcesound and Sound. They are defined as shown below.

A Sourcesound is a pair(wave, duration). Wave is a mathematical function that accepts time t and returns amplitude of the wave at that time. Duration is the duration of the Sourcesound.

A Sound is a discretized sample of audio, stored in an array.

In Sound 1920, all abstractions operate on Sourcesound only. Sourcesounds are converted to Sound only upon playing. As Sounds are never used outside of the play() function, this distinction has become obsolete. Henceforth, all Sourcesounds will be renamed to Sound, with the following definition.

A Sound is a pair(wave, duration). Wave is a mathematical function that accepts time t and returns amplitude of the wave at that time. Duration is the duration of the Sound.

Improved runtime & play() function

Previously, sound manipulation would involve many back and forth conversions between Sourcesound and Sound, which proved to be very time-costly. As stated above, this conversion now only occurs when play() is called, resulting in a large speed up.

However, the process of converting Sourcesounds into discrete samples (discretization) is inherently time-costly and thus play() may still result in an unacceptably long latency between running and playback, especially for long or complex sounds.

The new play() function utilises WebAudio abstractions to solve this issue. Two AudioBuffers of size 0.1 seconds are initialised. Then, the first 0.1s of the input sound is discretized and fed into the first buffer and then played by creating an AudioBufferSourceNode using that buffer. While the first sample is playing, the next 0.1s sample is discretized and fed into the second buffer, then scheduled to play after the current sample ends. This implementation is reliant on the fact that second sample will be computed and ready to play before the first sample ends. Upon the end of the current sample, an eventlistener triggers the discretization of the next 0.1s into the buffer of the ended sample and schedules it to play after the current sample. To maintain space-efficiency, only two buffers are created and utilised however a new AudioBufferSourceNode is necessarily created for each sample as is intended by the WebAudio API. This buffering method results in virtually zero wait time between running and playback.

Introduction of play_safe()

While the new play() function solves the latency issue, it is unsuitable for extremely complex sounds, where the processing time (discretization time) is longer than the length of the sample. The sound becomes "choppy" and begins to "stutter". A check could be added to detect this and prompt the user to use play_safe() instead to play their sound.

The play_safe() function discretizes the whole sound before playback (similar to the older implementation of play()). This circumvents the above issue but reintroduces the previous issue of latency between running and playback. However, more testing is required to determine if this is still an issue in the Native implementation of the Source Academy which features massively improved performance.

Microphone Recording

Recording of sound input from student's microphone is available in Sound 1920. This section details the usage of the abstractions available.

To begin microphone recording, init_record() must be called to grant access to user's microphone. record_for(duration) begins a sound recording that lasts for the specified duration. This sound is saved to a global 'recorded_sound' variable. Alternatively, for more precise control of exactly when to start and stop and recording, start_record() and stop_record() may be called.

Known Bugs & Issues

The following are known issues with the current implementation of Sound 1920 as of 19 April 2019.

-Both play() and play_safe() return undefined instead of throwing an error when given a non-sound list or pair.

-Sound 1920 appears to be buggy for Mac OS / Safari Browser. More testing required. Recommend Firefox / Chrome instead.

-Microphone sound is not working on Chrome on Mac OS and Windows. It is suspected to be due to a security issue.

-Multiple calls to record_for() in the Source Academy has unknown behaviour. It must be called one by one on the REPL instead.

Future Plans / Improvements

-Prompt user to use play_safe() when sound is too complex for normal play().

-Prompt user to save their work before pressing play_safe().

-play_safe() "remembers" and immediately plays back the input sound if no changes were made since last run, in order to save processing time.

-Further improvement of discretize function by using workers or multi-threading.

-Stereo sounds (WebAudio multiple channels? For side quest?)