Tip : Make sure to install Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib first and then proceed next.
- Torch package
- Tkinter
- HeidiSQL
Grab a cup of coffee as these will take some time ! - click here to start server in HeidiSQL and configure settings by setting username and password.
[Note you need mainly these four things to get started :]
- Create a new database and table accordingly.
- Then, Go to 'blindness.py' file and change some configuration settings according to your database.
connection = sk.connect(
- Now, your DB server must be connected.
- Finally, you also want 'classifier.pt' file which contains model's dictionery required when it is to be loaded.
(since, it's a large file you can mail me if you want that file at this id : souravs_1999@rediffmail.com) and put that file in the same directory and then modify the path accordingly in the 'model.py' file.
model = load_model('../Desktop/classifier.pt')
- Finally, execute your 'blindness.py' file and your GUI must start (recommended to start this from your terminal and keep all your project files in same directory).
- Upload the image and get your predictions.
- If you want to get SMS on mobile for your predictions , then Create an account on Twilio by verifying your number.
- Next, get your credentials from the Dashboard of twilio and use 'send_sms.py' to fetch API request and fill and replace your credentials. [Note, currently 'send_sms.py' is commented out, so uncomment everything before using it].
- Then, uncomment following lines in 'blindness.py'
#from send_sms import *
#send(value, classes)
- Your messaging service should start and also you now see Message_Id printed on your terminal.
[Note : You can use sample images in the folder sampleimages which is taken from the original test dataset to test the system]