The website for IIT (ISM) Gymkhana is hosted at
It is made by the Web Development Team of Cyber Labs consisting of:
- Nikhil BN
- Sourav Prasad
- Naman Zelawat
- Chirag Jain
- Ridhish Jain
- Saharsh Singh
- Anupriya Shree
- To add events in the calendar, user needs to add a JSON object in events.json
- To add more search options, more JSON objects need to be created in search.js
- Toastmasters - Everything missing
- Chayanika Sangh - Everything missing
- LitC - Everything except logo missing
- Book Club - Everything except logo missing
- Cyberlabs - Everything missing
- RoboISM - Everything missing
- Mechismu - photo of faculty advisor and student cordinators, description of gallery photos, FAQ missing
- E-cell - contact info of faculty advisor and student coordinators, achievements, gallery photo descriptions, faq missing
- Arka - mail ID of student coordinators, achievements, events description and photos, gallery images and descriptions, FAQ missing
- LITM - Everything missing
- Manthan- Everything missing
- ADC - Everything missing
- WTC - FAQs missing
- Udaan- Achievements,Gallery photo descriptions,some faq missing,event description missing
- Quiziapa- Gallery photo descriptions,some faq missing,Event description missing
- Artfreaks-Photos missing
- Fotofreaks-Everything Missing
- Clevr-mail ID of student coordinators, achievements, events description and photos, gallery images and descriptions, FAQ missing
- LCI - Everything is missing
- Artfreaks - Photos missing