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DILITHIUM: Deep learning with less-to-no supervision for the segmentation of vessels in high-resolution 7T MRAs using unsupervised and weakly-supervised learning

In this study the Attention WNet proposed in the study "Upgraded w-net with attention gates and its application in unsupervised 3d liver segmentation" is adapted for performing 3D patch-based unsupervised vessel segmentation. Additionally, a UNet MSS alternate for the encoder and decoder of the aforementioned WNet is proposed. The MIP-based weak supervision approach is also proposed in this study and the implementation of the proposed methods is presented in this source code.

##Setup Instructions

All experiments are performed using Tesla V100-SXM2 GPU via NVLink provided by OVGU GPU18 HPC8. The GPU node is equipped with a GPU memory of 32GB and a maximum of 10 CPU threads with a memory of 6GB per CPU. The cluster runs Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS with CUDA 11.4. The HPC consists of 8 such GPU nodes with a limitation of one node per user and each GPU process is allowed to run for a maximum period of 6 days. Therefore, the environment for the experiments is tailored to suit the memory and time constraints.


  • python ^3.8
  • pytorch ^1.11.0
  • torchio ^0.18
  • nibabel ^3.2.2
  • numpy ^1.22.3
  • pandas ^1.4.1
  • scipy ^1.8.0
  • scikit-image ^0.19.2

Run Instructions

The implementation covers a wide range of training, testing and inference code. Please follow the instructions below for each specific method and feature.

Generic Hyper-parameters

The values for each the generic hyper-parameters specified below is curated for the GPU on which the experiments were run.

-batch_size 16 -patch_size 32 -learning_rate 0.0001 -num_epochs 50 -stride_depth 16 -stride_width 28 -stride_length 28 -num_worker 8 -init_threshold 3

*Use stride diemnsions of 2x2x2 for inference

Train Unsupervised WNet

python -model 2 -model_name <name_of_the_current_run> -dataset_path <path_to_dataset_folder> -output_path <path_to_output_folder> -training_mode "unsupervised" -train True -s_ncut_loss_coeff 0.1 -reconstr_loss_coeff 1.0 -radius 4 -num_classes 5 ...<generic_hyper_parameters>

Select relevant model by selecting -model as 1 (for UNet), 2 (for Attention UNet) or 3 (for UNet MSS) for the encoder and decoder of WNet. Dataset folder can be organized as illustrated below:
If cross validation is to be performed, please create the dataset folder consisting of train and train_label folders along with test and test_label folders (include label folder for weakly-supervised / MIP methods) e.g.,
Otherwise prepare the dataset folder consisting of train, train_label, validate, validate_label, test and test_label folders (include label folder for weakly-supervised / MIP methods) e.g.,
Each folder must contain at least one 3D MRA volume in nifti .nii or nii.gz formats

Train Weakly-supervised WNet

python -model 2 -model_name <name_of_the_current_run> -dataset_path <path_to_dataset_folder> -output_path <path_to_output_folder> -training_mode "weakly-supervised" -train True -s_ncut_loss_coeff 0.0 -reconstr_loss_coeff 1.0 -mip_loss_coeff 0.1 -num_classes 5 -with_mip True -mip_axis "z" ...<generic_hyper_parameters>

Select the MIP axis by selecting -mip_axis as "x" (for x-axis), "y" (for y-axis), "z" (for z-axis) or "multi" (for multi-axial MIP loss).

Generate inference on 3D nifti volume

The inference can be drawn on a specific 3D volume or a set of 3D volumes in a directory.
The following inference hyper-parameters are tuned for the experiments:

-stride_depth 2 -stride_width 2 -stride_length 2 -otsu_thresh_param 0.1 -area_opening_threshold 32 -footprint_radius 1 

Set -otsu_thresh_param as 0.3 (for Weakly-supervised Att. MIP and mMIP methods) or 0.7 (otherwise). Set -area_opening_threshold as 8. *These params can be further tuned.

For a single 3D volume:

python -model 2 -pre_train True -load_path <path_to_checkpoint.pth> -checkpoint_filename <if_other_than_'checkpointbest.pth'> -dataset_path <path_to_folder_containing_nii> -output_path <path_to_output_folder> -predictor_path <path_to_nii.gz> -predict True ...<inference_hyper_parameters>

Select -model depending on the pre-trained model.

For a set of 3D volumes:

python -model 2 -pre_train True -load_path <path_to_checkpoint.pth> -checkpoint_filename <if_other_than_'checkpointbest.pth'> -dataset_path <path_to_folder_containing_nii> -output_path <path_to_output_folder> -test True ...<inference_hyper_parameters>

*The inference is a time-consuming process as it involves overlapping patches of size 32x32x32 over the entire 3D volume of size 480x640x164.

Creating Vessel Diameter Mask

The implementation includes a novel evaluation method where the quality of the segmented vasculature of different size can be compared between the predicted segmentation and the ground truth. This is achieved by computing a vessel diameter mask. This can be computed using:

python -create_vessel_diameter_mask True -seg_path <path_to_predicted_segmentation_nii.gz> -gt_path <path_to_gt_segmentation_nii.gz> -output_path <path_to_output_folder> -dim <2 for 2D or 3 for 3D> 

The method returns 2D mask for -dim 2 and 3D mask for -dim 3. It also returns a DF.csv containing the dice scores evaluated against different vessel sizes (diameters).

Cross Validation

The trainings can be performed with k-fold cross validation by specifying additional parameters to the aforementioned training cmd.

-cross_validate True -k_folds 5

Set the number of folds using -k_folds. Please organize the dataset folder as mentioned above.

Using WandB for logging

The implementation is integrated with the wandb api. Use the following parameters to configure the wandb api.

-wandb True -wandb_project <wandb_project_name> -wandb_entity <wandb_entity_name> -wandb_api_key <wandb_api_key>

The wandb config properties can be found at after creating the project.


arg description default
-model 1{U-Net}; 2{U-Net_Deepsup}; 3{Attention-U-Net} 2
-model_name Name of the run "Model_v1"
-dataset_path Path to folder containing dataset ""
-output_path Folder path to store output ""
-training_mode Training Mode: 'unsupervised' or 'weakly-supervised' "unsupervised"
-train To train the model False
-test To test the model False
-predict To predict a segmentation output of the model and to get a diff between label and output False
-eval Set this to true for running in production and just for evaluation False
-pre_train Set this to true to load pre-trained model False
-create_vessel_diameter_mask To create a vessel diameter mask for input predicted segmentation against GT False
-predictor_path Path to the input image to predict an output, ex:/home/test/ww25.nii ""
-predictor_label_path Path to the label image to find the diff between label an output ""
-seg_path Path to the predicted segmentation, ex:/home/test/ww25.nii ""
-gt_path Path to the ground truth segmentation, ex:/home/test/ww25.nii ""
-dim number of dimensions for creating diameter mask. Use 2 for 2D mask and 3 for 3D mask. 2
-save_img Set this to true to save images in the /results folder True
-recr_loss_model_path Path to weights '.pth' file for unet3D model used to compute reconstruction loss ""
-load_path Path to checkpoint of existing model to load, ex:/home/model/checkpoint ""
-checkpoint_filename Provide filename of the checkpoint if different from 'checkpoint' ""
-load_best Specifiy whether to load the best checkpoiont or the last. Also to be used if Train and Test both are true. True
-clip_grads To use deformation for training True
-apex To use half precision on model weights True
-cross_validate To train with k-fold cross validation False
-num_conv Number of convolutional layers in each convolutional block of the encoder and decoder 2
-num_classes Number of classes K, estimated and optimized by the WNet 5
-batch_size Batch size for training 15
-num_epochs Number of epochs for training 50
-learning_rate Learning rate 0.0001
-patch_size Patch size of the input volume 32
-stride_depth, stride_width, stride_length Strides for dividing the input volume into patches in depth dimension (To be used during validation and inference) 16, 28, 28
-num_worker Number of worker threads 8
-s_ncut_loss_coeff loss coefficient for soft ncut loss 0.1
-reconstr_loss_coeff loss coefficient for reconstruction loss 1.0
-mip_loss_coeff loss coefficient for maximum intensity projection loss 0.1
-mip_axis Set projection axis. Default is z-axis. use axis in [x, y, z] or 'multi' z
-reg_alpha loss coefficient for regularisation loss 0.0
-predictor_subject_name subject name of the predictor image ""
-radius radius of the voxel 4
-sigmaX weight for spation correlation in soft_ncut_loss calculation 4
-sigmaI weight for pixel intensity correlation in soft_ncut_loss calculation 10
-init_threshold Initial histogram threshold (in %) 3
-otsu_thresh_param parameter for otsu thresholding. Use 0.1 for unsupervised and 0.5 for weakly-supervised. 0.1
-area_opening_threshold parameter for morphological area-opening. Use 32 for unsupervised and 8 for weakly-supervised. 32
-footprint_radius radius of structural footprint for morphological dilation 1
-fold_index Fold Index for loading the model trained with cross validation ""
-k_folds Number of folds for K-fold cross validation 5
-wandb Set this to true to include wandb logging False
-wandb_project Set this to wandb project name e.g., 'DS6_VesselSeg2' ""
-wandb_entity Set this to wandb project name e.g., 'ds6_vessel_seg2' ""
-wandb_api_key API Key to login that can be found at ""
-train_encoder_only Set this to True to train only the encoder False
-with_mip Set this to true to train with mip loss False
-use_madam Set this to true to use madam optimizer False
-use_FTL Set this to true to use FocalTverskyLoss for similarity loss False
-use_mtadam Set this to true to use mTadam optimizer False