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226 lines (226 loc) · 14 KB
  • v0.14.0
    • Support for digits kwarg (#196).
    • Try to support precompilation with u_str macro (#201).
  • v0.13.0
    • Implement affine quantities for better temperature handling (#177, #182).
    • Rename °Ra to Ra to emphasize that it is an absolute scale.
    • Fix some precompilation issues (#161).
    • Add Velocity, Acceleration, Density derived dimensions (#187).
    • Days display as d now (#184).
    • Type signature of Quantitys has been simplified. Helps with reading error messages (#183).
    • Support isequal with NaN quantities (#172).
  • v0.12.0
    • Bug fixes.
    • Support carrier-to-noise-density ratio (C/N0) in dB-Hz.
    • Added dimensions: DField, EField, ElectricDipoleMoment, ElectricQuadrupoleMoment, MagneticDipoleMoment.
    • Added unit: barn.
    • Some documentation improvements.
  • v0.11.0--v0.9.0
    • Fixes for Julia 0.7 update, primarily.
    • Some new TwicePrecision functionality for quantities.
  • v0.8.0
    • Add Rydberg constant, unified atomic mass unit, mils, rpm, rps, percent, permille.
    • Introduce/rename derived dimensions: ElectricalConductivity, ElectricalResistivity, ElectricalConductance, ElectricalResistance.
    • Fix some Julia 0.7 deprecations.
    • This will probably be the last release that supports Julia 0.6.
  • v0.7.1
    • Bug fixes, mainly.
  • v0.7.0
    • Implement mod2pi for degrees, cleanup display of degree units.
    • Tweak implementation of Gain types for usability.
    • Implement zero and one for Level and Gain.
    • Add a few more cgs units.
    • Tests pass on 32-bit systems, for the first time in a long time (ever?).
  • v0.6.1
    • Permit symbols that are bound to Numbers to be used in u_str macro, such that π and other non-literal numbers can be used.
    • Add some cgs units and a few dimensions #115.
    • Fix a comparison / promotion bug introduced in v0.6.0.
  • v0.6.0
    • Restore compatibility with 0.7.0-DEV.
  • v0.5.1
    • Dimensionless quantities no longer lose their units when dividing by a real number.
    • Ranges constructed via range or colon should work more reliably (e.g., 0:10°:350° works now).
  • v0.5.0
    • Add dBΩ and dBS to permit working with impedances and admittances in dB. These are used in the Touchstone format and in microwave measurements.
    • Implement angle for Quantity{<:Complex}.
    • Implement float for Gain, Level.
    • Replace fieldratio and rootpowerratio with uconvertrp.
      • Permits unit conversion between NoUnits and dB, etc. by presuming unitless ratios are of root-power quantities (hence the rp after uconvert).
      • uconvertrp has generic fallbacks and can be used as a drop-in replacement for uconvert otherwise.
    • Likewise, replace powerratio with uconvertp for ratios of power quantities.
    • Introduce convertrp and convertp. These are like convert but they make similar assumptions about unitless ratios being of power or root-power quantities, respectively.
    • Implement more division operations for Gains (accidental omissions)
  • v0.4.0
    • Introduce logarithmic quantities (experimental!)
    • Update syntax for Julia 0.6 and reorganize code for clarity.
    • Redefine ustrip(x::Quantity) = ustrip(x.val). In most cases, this is unlikely to affect user code. The generic fallback ustrip(x::Number) remains unchanged.
    • isapprox(1.0u"m",5) returns false instead of throwing a DimensionError, in keeping with the behavior of an equality check (==).
    • Display of some units has changed to match their symbols #104.
    • Don't export cd from Unitful.DefaultSymbols in order to avoid conflicts #102.
    • Deprecated dimension(x::AbstractArray{T}) where T<:Number, use broadcasting instead.
    • Deprecated dimension(x::AbstractArray{T}) where T<:Units, use broadcasting instead.
    • Deprecated ustrip(A::AbstractArray{T}) where T<:Number, use broadcasting instead.
    • Deprecated ustrip(A::AbstractArray{T}) where T<:Quantity, use broadcasting instead.
  • v0.3.0
    • Require Julia 0.6
    • Adds overloads for rand and ones #96.
    • Improve symbol resolution in u_str macro #98.
    • More work is done inside the u_str macro, such that the macro returns units, dimensions, numbers (quantities), or tuples rather than expressions.
  • v0.2.6
    • Fix and close #52.
    • Implement Base.rtoldefault for Quantity types (needed for AxisArrays #52).
  • v0.2.5
    • Fix and close #79.
    • Add support for round(T, ::DimensionlessQuantity) where T <: Integer (also floor, ceil, trunc) #90.
  • v0.2.4
    • Bug fix: avoid four-argument promote_type
    • Bug fix: define method for *(::Base.TwicePrecision, ::Quantity)
    • Bug fix: definition of Bohr magneton had e instead of q
  • v0.2.3
    • Dimensionful quantities are no longer accepted for floor, ceil, trunc, round, isinteger. The choice of units can yield physically different results. The functions are defined for dimensionless quantities, and return unitless numbers. Closes #78.
    • Added gn, a constant quantity for the gravitational acceleration on earth #75.
    • Added ge, the gravitational acceleration on earth as a unit #75.
    • Added lbf, pounds-force unit #75.
  • v0.2.2
    • Fixed a bug in promotion involving ContextUnits where the promotion context might not be properly retained.
  • v0.2.1
    • Fixed isapprox bug #74.
    • Added DimensionlessQuantity methods for exp, exp10, exp2, expm1, log1p, log2 #71.
  • v0.2.0
    • Units{N,D} is now an abstract type. Different concrete types for units give different behavior under conversion and promotion. The currently implemented concrete types are:
      • FreeUnits{N,D}: these give the typical behavior from prior versions of Unitful. Units defined in Unitful.jl and reachable by the u_str macro are all FreeUnits.
      • ContextUnits{N,D,P}, where P is some type FreeUnits{M,D}: these enable context-specific promotion rules, e.g. if units are defined in different packages.
      • FixedUnits{N,D}: these inhibit automatic conversion of quantities with different units.
    • LengthUnit, EnergyUnit, etc. are renamed to LengthUnits, EnergyUnits, etc. for consistency (they are related more to Units objects than Unit objects). You can still use the old names for now, but please switch over to using ...Units instead of ...Unit in this release as the old names will be removed in a future release.
    • c is now a unit, to permit converting mass into MeV/c^2, for example. c0 is still a quantity equal to the speed of light in vacuum, in units of m/s #67.
  • v0.1.5
    • Patch for Julia PR #20889, which changes how lowering is done for exponentiation of integer literals.
    • Bug fix to enable registering Main as a module for u_str (fixes #61).
    • Implement readable message for DimensionError #62.
  • v0.1.4
    • Critical bug fix owing to mod_fast changes.
  • v0.1.3
    • Fix symmetry of == #56.
    • Using @refunit will implicitly specify the ref. unit as the default for promotion. This will not change behavior for most people; it just ensures promotion won't fail for quantities with user-defined dimensions.
    • Remove mod_fast in anticipation of Julia PR #20859.
    • Allow tolerance args for isapprox #57
  • v0.1.2
    • On Julia 0.6, exponentiation by a literal is now type stable for integers.
  • v0.1.1
    • Fixed a macro hygiene issue that prevented @dimension and @derived_dimension from working properly if Compat was not imported in the calling namespace.
  • v0.1.0
    • Julia 0.6 compatibility.
    • On Julia 0.6, exponentiation by a literal is now type stable for common integer powers: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3.
    • Added missing methods for dot operators .< and .<= (Julia 0.5, fix #55).
    • Fix #45. Ranges should work as expected on Julia 0.6. On Julia 0.5, Ranges.jl is used to make ranges work as well as possible given limitations in Base.
    • Fix #33, #42, and #50. deps/Defaults.jl is dead. Long live deps/Defaults.jl. To define your own units, dimensions, and so on, you should now put them in a module, or ideally a package so that others can use the definitions too. You can override default promotion rules immediately after loading Unitful and dependent packages; this will generate method overwrite warnings on Julia 0.5 but not on 0.6.
    • @u_str macro has been improved. It can now traverse separate unit packages, as well as return tuples of Units objects.
    • @preferunit has been replaced with a function preferunits.
    • Added some methods for ustrip.
    • Implement typemin, typemax, cbrt for Quantitys.
    • Added matrix inversion for StridedMatrix{T<:Quantity}.
    • Added istriu, istril for AbstractMatrix{T<:Quantity}.
    • The Unitful.SIUnits module has been renamed to Unitful.DefaultSymbols.
    • Add lb, oz, dr, gr to Unitful (international Avoirdupois mass units).
  • v0.0.4
    • Be aware, breaking changes to deps/Defaults.jl caused by some of the following!
    • Fix #40.
    • Fix #30.
    • Support relevant @fastmath operations for Quantitys.
    • Implement fma, atan2 for Quantitys.
    • Implement cis for dimensionless Quantitys.
    • Removed DimensionedUnits and DimensionedQuantity abstract types. They were of dubious utility, and this change shortened the promotion code considerably. More importantly, this change has made it possible to write methods like the following, without method ambiguities: uconvert(e::EnergyUnit, f::Frequency) = uconvert(e, u"h"*f).
    • Promotion wraps usual Number types in dimensionless, unitless Quantity types when promoted together with dimensionful Quantitys. With Quantitys it is not always possible to promote to a common concrete type, but this way we can at least ensure that the numeric backing types are all promoted: (promote(1.0u"m", 1u"N"//2, 0x08) == (1.0 m,0.5 N,8.0), where 8.0 is actually a dimensionless, unitless Quantity). The usual outer constructor for Quantitys (Quantity(val::T, unit)) continues to return a number of type T if the unit is NoUnits, since most of the time the user would prefer a Number type from base rather than a dimensionless, unitless quantity.
    • Add more units to defaults: bar (bar), Torr (torr), atm (atmosphere), l or L (liter; both symbols accepted). You will need to delete deps/Defaults.jl in the Unitful package directory to get the new units.
    • Two character encodings for μ in SI prefixes are now generated automatically (some logic moved out of defaults).
    • Moved definition of sin, cos, tan, sec, csc, cot out of deps/build.jl and into src/Unitful.jl.
  • v0.0.3
    • Bug fix: uconvert(°C, 0x01°C) no longer disturbs the numeric type
    • Allow μ-prefixed units to be typed with option-m on a Mac, in addition to using Unicode. Previously only μm could be typed this way.
    • Include a baremodule called SIUnits in the factory defaults. You can now do using Unitful.SIUnits to bring all of the SI units into the calling namespace.
    • Added remaining SI units to the factory defaults: sr (steradian), lm (luminous flux), lx (illuminance), Bq (becquerel), Gy (gray), Sv (sievert), kat (katal).
    • Simplify array creation, as in [1, 2]u"km" #29
    • Support multiplying ranges by units, as in (1:3)*mm #28
    • Bug fix #26
    • Promoting Quantitys with different dimensions now returns quantities with the same numeric backing type, e.g. Quantity{Float64}. Ideally, this would also be true if you mixed unitless and unitful numbers during promotion, but that is not yet the case. See #24 for motivation.
  • v0.0.2
    • Bug fixes ([1.0m, 2.0m] ./ 3 would throw a Unitful.DimensionError()). Promotion still isn't perfect, but it is hard for me to see what @inferred errors are real until JuliaLang/julia#18465 is resolved.
    • Made units callable for unit conversion: u"cm"(1u"m") == 100u"cm"//1. Note that Units objects have no fields, so this is totally unambiguous. Moreover, we have convenient syntax for unit conversion by function chaining: 1u"m" |> u"cm" == 100u"cm"//1. Note that uconvert will remain supported.
  • v0.0.1 - Initial release