This repo contains experiments for the CLEAR benchmark - Character Unlearning in Textual and Visual Modalities. It mearsures the effectiveness of unlearning methods in mutimodal setup.
For details check the Arxiv Paper
Below are instructions for reproducing the experiments on multimodal model (LLAVA) - first finetuning the model on our dataset, then forgeting using different unlearning methods.
For LLM unlearning run the same scripts from nlp
folder. They are structured similarly as multimodal experiments.
For CV only experiments, check out cv
folder and cv/
(tested with python 3.10 )
Install torch with cuda (may be specific to your platform)
pip3 install torch
Ensure nvidia-toolkit is installed by
nvcc --version
If not, install it
Then install transformers, accelerate, etc
pip install "transformers[torch]" datasets accelerate peft deepspeed scipy
pip install hydra-core omegaconf setuptools wandb natsort pillow
Or from req.txt file:
pip install -r req.txt
For flash attention:
pip install flash-attn --no-build-isolation
For adam_8bit (consume significantly less gpu memory) you need to install bitsandbytes
pip install bitsandbytes
edit config in config/mm/finetune.yaml, specify model, split, etc
then run
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 accelerate launch mm/
edit config in config/mm/forget.yaml
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 accelerate launch mm/
- edit config in config/mm/eval.yaml
Specify model_path
with desired checkpoint to run
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 accelerate launch mm/
Important - to calculate "Forget Quality" metric we need a "gold" retain model,
so we need to finetune and evaluate it. To do this, edit the config/mm/finetune.yaml again, change only the split
field from "full" to "retainN"
For example, if you are forgetting 10 percent, the "gold" model should be trained on retain90.
Finetune the "gold" model, then evaluate it. Remember, where the evaluation files were saved (usually eval_reults
subfolder of model's folder).
- Edit config/aggregate_eval_stat.yaml
Change retain_result
to eval_log_aggregated.json
of gold retain model (this file is a result of evaluate step)
Change ckpt_result
to eval_log_aggregated.json
of model, which you are evaluating.
Change method_name
, submitted_by
and save_file
Run -
The result of the experiment will be available in save_file