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SingleCheeseCuttingSM DOI

Single Cheese Cutting Space Mapping Optimization
  • Aggressive Space Mapping
  • Implicit Space Mapping
  • Response Residual Space Mapping
  • Implict-Response Residual Space Mapping, Type-1
  • Implict-Response Residual Space Mapping, Type-2
  • Aggressive-Response Residual Space Mapping
The standard Implict-Response Residual Space Mapping, is the Implict-Response Residual Space Mapping, Type-1.
I have introduced a new algorithm flow for the Implicit-Response Residual Space Mapping Optimization, called Implict-Response Residual Space Mapping, Type-2

This package contains my independent implementation of the Cheese-Cutting Illustration of Space Mapping Optimization using MATLAB.

Theoretical Information can be found in

Cheng, Q. S. (2004). Advances in space mapping technology exploiting implicit space mapping and output space mapping (Doctoral dissertation).