Use this project to convert Arabic numerals to Roman numerals easily and efficiently
This is the Root directory ::> bin (contains two subfolders)
-> mainRomanNumeralConversionProgram (contains 4 files)
-> testsForRomanNumeralConversion (contains 4 files)
::> src (contains two subfolders and one README.txt)
-> mainRomanNumeralConversionProgram (contains 4 files)
-> testsForRomanNumeralConversion (contains 4 files)
-> README.txt (More details and further explanation)
Details of the project structure can be found from here -->
is the sub folder containing program executables for ArabicToRomanNumeralGenerator
is the sub folder containing program executables to test the execution of the solution
is the sub folder containing all the java files for ArabicToRomanNumeralGenerator
is the sub folder containing all the java files to test the execution of the solution
In whatever language you prefer, write a class that implements the following interface (example given in Java):
public interface RomanNumeralGenerator {
public String generate(int number);
For example, see the following sample inputs and outputs:
1 = “I”
5 = “V”
10 = “X”
20 = “XX”
3999 = “MMMCMXCIX”
Guide to this solution/project ::::>
In this src folder you will find two Java projects, which solves the aforementioned challenge. The project with name, MainRomanNumeralConversionProgram, implements the RomanNumeralGenerator interface and the file is the main entry point to that project. Just compile and run the file to see the implementation in action. Eclipse IDE is used to compile and run these projects, so it is advisable that you use similar IDE to compile and run file.
In the project named, TestsForRomanNumeralConversion, you will find test cases to check if the implementation of RomanNumeralGenerator interface is correct or not. In this project is the entry point. So just compile and run the to check whether all the test cases pass successfully or not.
Compile and run the and other associated .java files in src/MainRomanNumeralConversionProgram to see the solution in action.
Compile and run the and other associated .java files in src/TestsForRomanNumeralConversion to perform tests to check quality of the solution.
To compile the solution using ‘javac’ then use the following command in your terminal:
$ javac -d .
To compile the tests for the solution using ‘javac’ then use the following command in your terminal:
$ javac -d .