All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- added config/
- added config/en/characters.json
- added examples audio file in: examples/it examples/en
- modified config/it/characters.json
- modified com/pause
- modified com/play
- modified doc/
- modified lib/buildCharactersAudio.js
- modified lib/buildConfigJson.js
- spelling (charByChar) function renamed: lib/charbychar.js
- added examples/ containing spelling examples
- google-tts-api updated to version "^2.0.1"
- lib/buildCharactersAudio.js minor issue fixed
Major new feature:
- spelling (charByChar) function
- com/pause
modified files:
- config/it/characters.json
- lib/audioFilenameFromText.js
- lib/buildCharactersAudio.js
- lib/sanitizeFilename.js
new files:
- doc/
- lib/buildConfigJson.js
- lib/spelling.js
- lib/characters.js
modified files:
- bin/jointts.js
- lib/convertAudioFormat.js
- lib/googleTranslateLanguages.js
- lib/googleTranslateTTS.js
new files:
- lib/buildCharactersAudio.js
- lib/characterSet.js
- lib/info.js
- added subcommand
jointts convert
- modified bin/jointts.js
- modified lib/convertAudioFormat.js
- new index.js
- added disclaimer section in
- documentation rework, creating multiple files in doc/
- better explanation in
- lib/characterSetIt.js contains Italian language character spelling
- lib/buildConfigJsonIt.js build Italian language grammar config/it/config.json
- lib/audioFilenameFromText.js updated
- new
- config/it/
- lib/characterSetIt.js
- modified
- config/characters.json
- lib/audioFilenameFromText.js
- lib/concatAudioFiles.js
- lib/fileHelpers.js
- added command line utility
jointts download googletranslate
- command line utility
- ISO langauge codes are validate through googleTranslateLanguages.js
- oncatAudioFiles.js: concat files with same codec, using ffmpeg.
- convertAudioFormats.js: convert audio files codecs/formats, using ffmpeg.
- helpers bash scripts (using ffmpeg):
. - googleTranslateTTS.js: downloads audio base files, using Google Translate Speech library.
- lib/googleTranslateTTS download teh TTS MP3 file from googleTranslate
- lib/convertcodec change codec to WAV/OPUS format, from input audio files
- edited