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Interoperable cache adapters for node and browsers.

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Warning Before v1 is released expect breaking changes in API


  • Simple but powerful API.
  • Native promises /async/await.
  • Don't throw errors.
  • Typescript friendly.
  • High quality & covergae, see e2e tests.
  • Multiple adapters: node-redis, ioredis.


  • Finalize v1 API
    • injectable LoggerInterface
    • SerializerInterface (json, msgpack, gzip, marshaller, superjson)
      • Chainable serializer (json -> gzip...)
    • Cache manager
      • Chainable cache adapter (allows lru as L1, redis as L2)
  • Adapters
    • lru-cache
  • Documentation


package targets description Info
@soluble/cache-interop node,browser Interoperability interfaces & contracts npm


package targets description Info
@soluble/cache-ioredis node Adapter for ioredis driver npm
@soluble/cache-redis node Adapter for node-redis driver npm


package targets description Info
@soluble/dsn-parser node,browser Tiny and relaxed DSN parser npm

At a glance

import { IoRedisCacheAdapter } from "@soluble/cache-ioredis";

const cache = new IoRedisCacheAdapter({
  connection: "redis://localhost:6375",

const getSomething = async () => JSON.stringify({ success: true });

const { data, error } = await cache.getOrSet(
  // Cache key
  // Async function
  // GetOrSetOptions
  { ttl: 3600 }

if (error instanceof Error) {
  throw error;

let parsed;
try {
  parsed = JSON.parse(data);
} catch (e) {
  throw new SerializerException(e.message);


    CacheInterface <|-- AbstractCacheAdapter
    CacheInterface: +getOrSet(key, valueOrFn, options) CacheItemInterface
    CacheInterface: +get(key, options) CacheItemInterface
    CacheInterface: +set(key, valueOrFn, options) boolean|CacheException
    CacheInterface: +has(key, options) boolean|undefined
    CacheInterface: +delete(key, options) boolean|CacheException
    CacheInterface: +getMultiple(keys, options) Map
    CacheInterface: +setMultiple(keyVals, options) Map
    CacheInterface: +deleteMultiple(keys, options) Map
    CacheInterface: +clear() true|CacheException
    class AbstractCacheAdapter {
      +string adapterName
      +getOrSet() CacheItemInterface
      +getMultiple(keyVals, options) Map
      +setMultiple(keyVals, options) Map
      +deleteMultiple(keys, options) Map
    ConnectedCacheInterface <|-- RedisCacheAdapter
    ConnectedCacheInterface <|-- IoRedisCacheAdapter
    class ConnectedCacheInterface {
      +getConnection() ConnectionInterface
    AbstractCacheAdapter <|-- IoRedisCacheAdapter
    class IoRedisCacheAdapter {
        +IoRedisConnection conn
        +string adapterName
    AbstractCacheAdapter <|-- MapCacheAdapter
    class MapCacheAdapter {
        +string adapterName
    AbstractCacheAdapter <|-- RedisCacheAdapter
    class RedisCacheAdapter {
        +RedisConnection conn
        +string adapterName
    class ConnectionInterface {
    ConnectionInterface <|-- IoRedisConnection
    class IoRedisConnection {
    ConnectionInterface <|-- RedisConnection
    class RedisConnection {


GetOrSetOptions target default description
ttl number 0 Time-To-Live in seconds since Epoch time. If zero, no expiry.
disableCache boolean/{read: boolean, write: boolean} false Disable cache


This monorepo holds the various adapters, the contracts for interoperability and the e2e tests.

 ├── dsn-parser
 │   └── # @soluble/dsn-parser: utility for parsing connection dsn #
 ├── cache-interop
 │   └── # @soluble/cache-interop: cache interoperability contracts #
 ├── cache-ioredis
 │   └── # @soluble/cache-ioredis: ioredis adapter implementation #
 ├── cache-redis
 │   └── # @soluble/cache-redis: node redis adapter implementation #
 └── cache-e2e-tests
     └── # e2e test suite for all adapters #


  • PSR-6 - PHP Cache interface standard recommendation.
  • PSR-16 - PHP SimpleCache interface standard recommendation.
  • Symfony cache - Symfony cache component.
  • Node-cache-manager - Flexible NodeJS cache module.
  • C# getOrSet - C# Memory::getOrSet() method.
  • SWR - React Hooks library for data fetching


Special thanks to

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