The following describes discovery in the SoLiD framework using HTTP link following aka "follow your nose".
The starting point of SoLiD discovery is a WebID user profile, which is a hash based URI, typically denoting a (FOAF) Agent. From this profile all of your storage can be found (discovery).
- Starting Point: WebID
- Type: pim : storage
Storage is a root place to store files and data, which is used to create workspaces (see below). Storage can also be of type:
- Public (everyone can see)
- Personal (only the user can see)
- Controlled (allows sharing)
- Starting Point: WebID or preferencesFile
- Type: pim : workspace
Workspaces are where data is stored. There are various types of workspaces, which normally will have their own type. For example workspaces can be
- Personal (only the user can see)
- Private (only the user can see)
- Shared (allows sharing)
- Master (a workspace about other workspaces)
- Starting Point: WebID or preferencesFile
- Type: pim : workspace
The app configuration workspace is a container of many different app configurations. It is also possile to use the "glob * " function, for convenience, to get all configurations of various apps that are in use.
- Starting Point: WebID
- Type: pim : preferencesFile
- Access: Private
Preferences File is a private file that is linked from your WebID, and contains miscellaneous data not in your public profile.
- Starting Point: App Configuration Workspace
- Type: pim : ConfigurationFile
App configuration files contain all information related to an app.