Feature-engine is a community-driven open-source project that relies on contributions from people like you. Every contribution, no matter how big or small, can make a significant impact on the project. If you've never contributed to an open-source project before, don't worry! Feature-engine is a great place to start. Your help will be appreciated and welcomed with gratitude.
The latest contributing guide is available online at:
There are many ways to contribute to Feature-engine, with the most common ones being contribution of code or documentation to the project. Improving the documentation is no less important than improving the library itself. If you find a typo in the documentation, or have made improvements, do not hesitate to submit a GitHub pull request.
Documentation can be found under the doc/ directory.
You can check out requested enhancements and current bugs on the issue tracker, and suggest a PR with the fix. Every contribution is valuable and decreases the burden on the project maintainer.
Another way to contribute is to report issues you're facing, and give a "thumbs up" on issues that others reported and that are relevant to you. It also helps us if you spread the word: reference the project from your blog and articles, link to it from your website, or simply star it in GitHub to say "I use it".
- Submitting a bug report or feature request
- Contributing code
- Contributing docs
- Other ways to contribute
We abide by the principles of openness, respect, and consideration of others of the Python Software Foundation: https://www.python.org/psf/codeofconduct/.