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Users service provides an HTTP API for managing users. Through this API clients are able to do the following actions:

  • register new accounts
  • obtain access tokens
  • verify access tokens

For in-depth explanation of the aforementioned scenarios, as well as thorough understanding of Mainflux, please check out the official documentation.


The service is configured using the environment variables presented in the following table. Note that any unset variables will be replaced with their default values.

Variable Description Default
MF_USERS_LOG_LEVEL Log level for Users (debug, info, warn, error) info
MF_USERS_SECRET_KEY Default secret key used to generate tokens mainflux
MF_USERS_ADMIN_EMAIL Default user, created on startup
MF_USERS_ADMIN_PASSWORD Default user password, created on startup 12345678
MF_USERS_PASS_REGEX Password regex ^.{8,}$
MF_USERS_ACCESS_TOKEN_DURATION Duration for an access token to be valid 15m
MF_USERS_REFRESH_TOKEN_DURATION Duration for a refresh token to be valid 24h
MF_TOKEN_RESET_ENDPOINT Password request reset endpoint, for constructing link /reset-request
MF_USERS_HTTP_HOST Users service HTTP host localhost
MF_USERS_HTTP_PORT Users service HTTP port 9002
MF_USERS_HTTP_SERVER_CERT Path to server certificate in pem format ""
MF_USERS_HTTP_SERVER_KEY Path to server key in pem format ""
MF_USERS_GRPC_HOST Users service GRPC host localhost
MF_USERS_GRPC_PORT Users service GRPC port 7001
MF_USERS_GRPC_SERVER_CERT Path to server certificate in pem format ""
MF_USERS_GRPC_SERVER_KEY Path to server key in pem format ""
MF_USERS_DB_HOST Database host address localhost
MF_USERS_DB_PORT Database host port 5432
MF_USERS_DB_USER Database user mainflux
MF_USERS_DB_PASS Database password mainflux
MF_USERS_DB_NAME Name of the database used by the service users
MF_USERS_DB_SSL_MODE Database connection SSL mode (disable, require, verify-ca, verify-full) disable
MF_USERS_DB_SSL_CERT Path to the PEM encoded certificate file ""
MF_USERS_DB_SSL_KEY Path to the PEM encoded key file ""
MF_USERS_DB_SSL_ROOT_CERT Path to the PEM encoded root certificate file ""
MF_EMAIL_HOST Mail server host localhost
MF_EMAIL_PORT Mail server port 25
MF_EMAIL_USERNAME Mail server username
MF_EMAIL_PASSWORD Mail server password
MF_EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS Email "from" address
MF_EMAIL_FROM_NAME Email "from" name
MF_EMAIL_TEMPLATE Email template for sending emails with password reset link email.tmpl
MF_JAEGER_URL Jaeger server URL http://jaeger:14268/api/traces
MF_SEND_TELEMETRY Send telemetry to mainflux call home server. true
MF_INSTANCE_ID Mainflux instance ID ""


The service itself is distributed as Docker container. Check the users service section in docker-compose to see how service is deployed.

To start the service outside of the container, execute the following shell script:

# download the latest version of the service
git clone

cd mainflux

# compile the service
make users

# copy binary to bin
make install

# set the environment variables and run the service
MF_USERS_LOG_LEVEL=[Users log level] \
MF_USERS_SECRET_KEY=[Secret key used to generate tokens] \
MF_USERS_ADMIN_EMAIL=[Default user, created on startup] \
MF_USERS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=[Default user password, created on startup] \
MF_USERS_PASS_REGEX=[Password regex] \
MF_USERS_ACCESS_TOKEN_DURATION=[Duration for an access token to be valid] \
MF_USERS_REFRESH_TOKEN_DURATION=[Duration for a refresh token to be valid] \
MF_TOKEN_RESET_ENDPOINT=[Password reset token endpoint] \
MF_USERS_HTTP_HOST=[Service HTTP host] \
MF_USERS_HTTP_PORT=[Service HTTP port] \
MF_USERS_HTTP_SERVER_CERT=[Path to server certificate] \
MF_USERS_HTTP_SERVER_KEY=[Path to server key] \
MF_USERS_GRPC_HOST=[Service GRPC host] \
MF_USERS_GRPC_PORT=[Service GRPC port] \
MF_USERS_GRPC_SERVER_CERT=[Path to server certificate] \
MF_USERS_GRPC_SERVER_KEY=[Path to server key] \
MF_USERS_DB_HOST=[Database host address] \
MF_USERS_DB_PORT=[Database host port] \
MF_USERS_DB_USER=[Database user] \
MF_USERS_DB_PASS=[Database password] \
MF_USERS_DB_NAME=[Name of the database used by the service] \
MF_USERS_DB_SSL_MODE=[SSL mode to connect to the database with] \
MF_USERS_DB_SSL_CERT=[Path to the PEM encoded certificate file] \
MF_USERS_DB_SSL_KEY=[Path to the PEM encoded key file] \
MF_USERS_DB_SSL_ROOT_CERT=[Path to the PEM encoded root certificate file] \
MF_EMAIL_HOST=[Mail server host] \
MF_EMAIL_PORT=[Mail server port] \
MF_EMAIL_USERNAME=[Mail server username] \
MF_EMAIL_PASSWORD=[Mail server password] \
MF_EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS=[Email from address] \
MF_EMAIL_FROM_NAME=[Email from name] \
MF_EMAIL_TEMPLATE=[Email template file] \
MF_JAEGER_URL=[Jaeger server URL] \
MF_SEND_TELEMETRY=[Send telemetry to Jaeger (true/false)] \

If MF_EMAIL_TEMPLATE doesn't point to any file service will function but password reset functionality will not work.


For more information about service capabilities and its usage, please check out the API documentation.