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tree-sitter Grammar Dev Notes

Notes so that when maintainers return to look after the project at some point, they will have an easier time :)

Possibly, parts of this could be handy for getting interested folks up to speed.

A Note on Terminology

The string "tree-sitter" may refer to:

  • the name of a command line program
  • the name of a library
  • an adjective used in front of "grammar"

...and possibly other things.

grammar.js and src/scanner.(c|cc)

A tree-sitter grammar is typically expressed in the form of a grammar.js file. The content should be JavaScript of some sort, but it's somewhat vague as to what constructs are supported. Possibly the most notable item regarding ambiguity is support for regular expressions. Simple things work fine, but it's not entirely clear exactly what can be used.

If the ordinary machinery of tree-sitter is not up to the task of handling parsing (e.g. indentation-related constructs for languages like Python or Haskell), one may provide a C or C++ implementation of an "external scanner" to aid in processing. This is typically stored in a file at src/scanner.c or src/ In grammar.js, one expresses that such handling is used via the externals construct.

It's most likely the case that a fair bit of one's development efforts will be focused around grammar.js. It may be that an external scanner is not necessary for a particular programming language. Having said that, out of 58 grammars fetched locally, 37 of them had external least there are plenty of examples :)

Pipeline: From Grammar to Library

Below is an edited version of a "pipeline" diagram showing stages of processing involved in ending up at a library file, starting with grammar.js.

              {grammar.js}  ->    [Node.js]   ->

            {grammar.json}  ->  [tree-sitter] ->

{parser.c, scanner.(c|cc)}  ->   [cc or c++]  ->

            {library file}

| {} are files    |
| [] are programs |

(The original diagram was apparently by Gregory Heytings and was seen here.)

The actual processing is more like:

  • Someone puts together grammar.js (and possibly src/scanner.(c|cc))
  • tree-sitter reads grammar.js, and invokes Node.js' node passing it some bits to produce src/grammar.json
  • tree-sitter uses the received src/grammar.json to produce src/parser.c [1]
  • A C / C++ compiler is used to produce a library using parser.c (and possibly src/scanner.(c|cc))

These steps might be carried out via a Makefile or done automatically by tooling. Indeed, Neovim's nvim-treesitter plugin will fetch files from grammar repositories to produce grammar-specific shared libraries for use in a running editor session. Emacs 29+ currently does something similar [2].

Note that in the flow above, "tree-sitter" can refer to the command line program or some other program that uses the tree-sitter library [3]:

  • See these lines from nvim-treesitter's source code for an example of the former case
  • See this PR at the elisp-tree-sitter repository for an example of the latter case

[1] node-types.json is also produced.

[2] ATM emacs only compiles fetched .c / .cc files to produce a shared library. nvim-treesitter tries to do that but under certain circumstances will get tree-sitter to use grammar.js to produce src/grammar.json and src/parser.c first before making a compilation attempt.

[3] tree-sitter (the cli) is also a program that uses the tree-sitter library.

Brief Summary of Important Files

  • grammar.js - main expression of grammar

  • src/scanner.(c|cc) - expresses an external scanner (not every grammar has one)

  • generated files under src

    • parser.c - influenced by grammar.js via grammar.json
    • grammar.json - produced from grammar.js
    • node-types.json - influenced by grammar.js via grammar.json

The tree-sitter Command Line Program (or CLI)

tree-sitter is a command line program used for development of tree-sitter grammars.

It is a Rust program which uses the tree-sitter library which is written in C.

Some tasks it is used for include:

  • Generating source code (.c and .json) that can be used in building artifacts such as shared libraries for use by the tree-sitter library
  • Parsing source code for the target programming language
  • Running tests
  • Starting a local instance of a web-based playground
  • Building a .wasm file for use by the playground

Like git, it has a "subcommand" interface, so typical invocations look like tree-sitter generate or tree-sitter test.

Some Subcommands

  • generate
    • Given grammar.js, produce at least src/parser.c, src/grammars.json, and src/node-types.json
    • --abi option - at the time of the PR -- 2022-01 -- 13 was chosen as the default, in 2022-09 this changed to 14 [1].
    • --build - also build the shared object
    • --libdir - specify location for the shared object requested for build via --build
  • parse
    • parses source code and outputs a representation of computed tree
    • --debug option - produces detailed text trace
    • --debug-graph option - produces log.html with visualization of shift-reduce parsing + tree at end
  • test
    • runs tests, typically stored in the corpus directory
    • may lead to compilation and installtion of grammar's shared object in a location which tree-sitter knows to look for when it needs to use the shared object for parsing code or running tests :)
  • playground (or web-ui)
    • starts a local web-based playground, needs appropriate .wasm file
  • build-wasm
    • builds a .wasm file for a particular grammar

[1] On the topic of ABIs, maxbrunsfeld had this to say:

As with most ABI version bumps, new builds of the Tree-sitter library are compatible with old generated parsers, but the reverse is not true. Once we regenerate a parser with the new ABI version (14) old versions of the library won't be able to load it.

Relevant Directories

For the tree-sitter cli to be able to parse source code for a particular language, it needs access to a shared object that handles that specific language. Thus, an issue of where tree-sitter should look for such files presents itself.

Configuration Information for tree-sitter

In older versions of tree-sitter, a configuration file was checked for in the following order:

  • $TREE_SITTER_DIR/config.json
  • $HOME/.tree-sitter/config.json

Here $TREE_SITTER_DIR represents the value (if any) of a corresponding environment variable. If no such environment variable existed, the user's home directory was tried as a root instead.

Among other information, config.json can contain location information for tree-sitter to use for finding and accessing grammar-specific shared objects as well as source code.

At some point this was changed. In the new arrangement, the bits concerning TREE_SITTER_DIR still apply, but the user's home directory is only checked assuming there is no indication of a XDG-based configuration file.

To be more concrete, under the new arrangement, on a Linux box, configuration might live under $HOME/.config/tree-sitter/config.json.

This sounds good in theory but in practice it could mean that if you're working on different grammars that use an unlucky combination of different tree-sitter cli programs, you can easily get confused about which configuration information applies. That is, unless you use the TREE_SITTER_DIR method.

Another point worth noting is that what XDG (or even what a user's home directory -- e.g. on Windows) means on certain operating systems may be unclear.

Shared Object Storage Location for tree-sitter

Once tree-sitter finds a configuration file, it can use it to try to determine where grammar-specific shared object files should live. This location is used both for saving the shared object that's a result of compiling a grammar [1] as well as for when trying to handle a subcommand such as parseor query as language-specific handling becomes necessary.

In the older setup, this was typically $TREE_SITTER_DIR/bin or ~/.tree-sitter/bin.

Typical values for more recent setups include:

  • ~/.cache/tree-sitter/lib

I don't have values for Windows handy. May be I'll add some eventually :)

[1] Currently, tree-sitter's loader's load_language_from_sources can trigger a recompilation. It's not clear to me yet exactly what can trigger this, but I believe at least tree-sitter test can. It may be that other subcommands can trigger it too. One reason this might be worth knowing about is that specifically which grammar-specific shared object is being used by tree-sitter to handle a subcommand might matter to you (e.g. when testing).

AFAIK, only load_language_at_path calls load_language_from_sources. Further, load_language_at_path is only called by language_for_id. However, language_for_id appears to be called from multiple places:

Following those trails was a bit too much for me manually so I confirmed that the subcommands below lead to recompilation sometimes by directly invoking tree-sitter after removing an appropriate shared object:

  • generate -- in 2023-01 --build was added; if it's present, yes
  • highlight
  • parse
  • query
  • tags
  • test

N.B. if you want to force a recompilation via the execution of a tree-sitter subcommand, first remove the shared object from where it lives and then use the test subcommand. The other subcommands may lead to an unexpected shared object replacing the erased one because the order in which the scanning of "tree-sitter-*" directories is done may yield unexpected results.

There is a bit in the official docs about "automatic compilation" :

Automatic Compilation

You might notice that the first time you run tree-sitter test after regenerating your parser, it takes some extra time. This is because Tree-sitter automatically compiles your C code into a dynamically-loadable library. It recompiles your parser as-needed whenever you update it by re-running tree-sitter generate.

I think what's meant by this is that if one first invokes tree-sitter generate, a subsequent invocation of tree-sitter test can lead to a build (and install) of a grammar-specific shared object.

There doesn't appear to be mention of other subcommands leading to building in the docs, but this explanation mentioned:

Automatic compilation may trigger on every subcommand that requires a parser for its function, that happens in the tree-sitter-loader crate.

Parser Directories

A config.json file created via the init-config subcommand will specify that ~/github, ~/src, and ~/source are to be scanned for grammar repositories particularly when tree-sitter is executing any of the following subcommands:

In the tree-sitter source code, these are stored under the name parser_directories. In config.json, the string "parser-directories" is used.

IIUC, every directory that lives under a parser directory that starts with the name "tree-sitter-" is scanned.

Depending on one's setup, that can lead to not so desirable situations. For example, if you happen to be in the habit of checking out different versions of a particular grammar, you might end up with directory names like tree-sitter-c.alice and tree-sitter-c.bob because you happen to work with alice's and bob's forks. Prepare to be confused after a while if you do this kind of thing and your tree-sitter configuration setup scans these directories.

The dump-languages subcommand will make it clear which directories were identified so that might help with diagnosing issues.

This situation can be worked around, but it can be surprising and a time sink at first if it happens to you and you are not aware of how these things work. Can you tell I got stuck?

One work-around is to not name forks in the manner mentioned before -- that's doable, but when it's a convention you've been following for years, it's not very nice.

Another work-around is to not place those directories where you usually place your source...but see the previous point.

Yet another work-around is to create a user account for each grammar repository you work with...possibly cleaner in some sense, but the increased overhead for setup doesn't seem so nice. Then there's the matter of when to get rid of such extra accounts...

So far I've been placing forks in a different location, but I'm not really happy with it. Perhaps I'll try the former.


If things seems strange, on Linux you can use strace to figure out which files and directories are being accessed by tree-sitter. On Windows you can use Sysinternals' ProcMon / Process Monitor -- available via scoop: scoop install sysinternals.

The tree-sitter source code might also come in handy to figure things out on occasion. Isn't source access amazing?

Local Web Browser Playground

If you've looked at the tree-sitter site, you may have seen the playground.

It's possible to run a local version of this and for it to use the grammar you are working on. This can be a nice interactive way of trying out / testing your grammar.

Getting (and keeping) it working can be a bit tricky though.

Emscripten and .wasm Files

One of the key things behind the playground is the use of WebAssembly.

In tree-sitter's case, it uses Emscripten for WebAssembly matters,

According to its web site, Emscripten is:

a complete compiler toolchain to WebAssembly, using LLVM, with a special focus on speed, size, and the Web platform.

One of the programs it provides is emcc -- perhaps short for "Emscripten C Compiler"? To get the playground working locally, part of the idea is to feed emcc a grammar's C / C++ source and get back a .wasm file. The .wasm file is typically created using tree-sitter's build-wasm subcommand which uses emcc behind the scenes.

Once the .wasm file is available, it can be used by a web page in a web browser (or other things such as for cross-platform editor plugins). A suitable web page is arranged for by invoking a subcommand of tree-sitter currently named playground -- though it used to be called web-ui (still a valid alias, FWIW).

This doesn't sound too bad in theory but in practice it turns out that the precise combination of tree-sitter version and Emscripten can matter. See below for details.

Install and Enable Emscripten Environment

The Download and Install section of the Emscripten web site has the relevant details, but briefly for a *nix-like system using sh:

git clone
cd emsdk
./emsdk install <version>
./emsdk activate <version>
source ./

where <version> may matter. At the time of writing, the version number that works with the latest master branch of tree-sitter is allegedly, 3.1.29, but that may not work with any currently released tree-sitter. See an upcoming section for hints on how to determine an appropriate version.

Note: if using csh or fish, there are specific emsdk_env.* scripts to use instead.

For Windows (if using cmd.exe):

git clone
cd emsdk
.\emsdk install <version>
.\emsdk activate <version>

Note: if using Powershell, there's a emsdk_env.ps1 script to use instead.

Please be aware that the last step involving emsdk_env.* is important to perform each time before using the upcoming tree-sitter build-wasm invocation.

Create .wasm File and Start Playground

Assuming success so far, this part should be straight-forward.

First, set the current working directory to be your grammar's root directory, e.g. that might be something like:

cd ~/src/tree-sitter-<name>

To build the .wasm file (remember that emsdk_env.* needs to be used first):

tree-sitter build-wasm

This should produce a file named tree-sitter-<name>.wasm where <name> might be something like c, clojure, c-sharp, etc.

With that file available, the playground may be started by:

tree-sitter playground

That should lead to a web browser starting up -- if all went well, a web page with a playground should appear in it.

Version Woes

At the time of this writing, this file indicates a version that might be appropriate. That has sometimes depended on precisely what version of the tree-sitter cli is in use, so if something doesn't work right away, you might consider trying different versions that have been recorded.

There are a few specifics mentioned here and here too.

For reference below is a collection of some reports:

#571, #873, #1088, #1098, #1131, #1560, #1593, #1652, #1829, #2005

Examining tree-sitter parse Output

For this section we'll look at the output of the parse subcommand of tree-sitter with various flags. It's likely that at some point you'll find yourself wondering why your current grammar isn't behaving as it should. The parse command's output can sometimes shed some light on the matter.

For the following sections, we'll be using the following Clojure code as input to the parse subcommand. I typically put the code in a file and specify it as an argument.

(def a 1)

(def b 2)

(def c 3)

tree-sitter parse

The "vanilla" version of the subcommand produces an s-expression tree representation:

(source [0, 0] - [5, 0]
  (list_lit [0, 0] - [0, 9]
    value: (sym_lit [0, 1] - [0, 4]
      name: (sym_name [0, 1] - [0, 4]))
    value: (sym_lit [0, 5] - [0, 6]
      name: (sym_name [0, 5] - [0, 6]))
    value: (num_lit [0, 7] - [0, 8]))
  (list_lit [2, 0] - [2, 9]
    value: (sym_lit [2, 1] - [2, 4]
      name: (sym_name [2, 1] - [2, 4]))
    value: (sym_lit [2, 5] - [2, 6]
      name: (sym_name [2, 5] - [2, 6]))
    value: (num_lit [2, 7] - [2, 8]))
  (list_lit [4, 0] - [4, 9]
    value: (sym_lit [4, 1] - [4, 4]
      name: (sym_name [4, 1] - [4, 4]))
    value: (sym_lit [4, 5] - [4, 6]
      name: (sym_name [4, 5] - [4, 6]))
    value: (num_lit [4, 7] - [4, 8])))

Some things to note:

  • There are nodes for:

  • There are fields for:

  • The square-bracketed pairs of numbers refer to locations in the source.

    • The first number is a row or line number -- 0-based [1]
    • The second number is a sort of a column-ish index number -- 0-based

Let's look at a specific example:

(num_lit [0, 7] - [0, 8])

This tells us that:

  • A num_lit node was found

  • The starting location is indicated by [0, 7] and means:

    • line / row 0 (the first line)
    • 7 refers to "before" a byte (character?) at position 7 (since the index is 0-based, this would be right before the eighth character / byte)
  • The ending location is indicated by [0, 8] and means:

    • line / row 0 (the same line as the starting position)
    • 8 refers to "before" a character / byte at position 8

This "before" business is a way of articulating that we think of these numbers as referring to the "gap" between two successive bytes / characters. Below is an attempt at visualizing the first line of the sample code where the string has been spaced out a bit to provide gaps for illustrative purposes:

     nth byte:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
byte position:  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
       string:  ( d e f   a   1 )
      indeces: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

For our num_lit -- "1" -- is at byte position 7, and the index that refers to where it starts is 7, though it refers to the gap between byte positions 6 and 7. The index that refers to where "1" ends is 8, which is between byte positions 7 and 8.

The notation is similar to what is typically used in corpus tests as expected values, e.g.:


However, the corpus test expected value notation doesn't contain location or field information.

[1] On the topic of 0-based numbers for rows, at one point there was a PR to change UI ouput for rows to be 1-based, but I'm not clear on whether this is still the case.

tree-sitter parse --debug

If the --debug option is specified, before the s-expression tree is printed, one will get a detailed shift-reduce + lexer activity log.

Let's go over a bit of the log.

At the beginning of the parsing we see typically see this:


That corresponds to this line in ts_parser_parse.

Then we'll typically see the following sorts of lines repeatedly.

For something with just lexing and shifting:

process version:0, version_count:1, state:1, row:0, col:0
lex_internal state:0, row:0, column:0
consume character:'('
lexed_lookahead sym:(, size:1
shift state:7

For something with lexing, shifting, and reducing:

process version:0, version_count:1, state:97, row:0, col:4
lex_internal state:0, row:0, column:4
consume character:' '
lexed_lookahead sym:_ws, size:1
reduce sym:sym_lit, child_count:1
reduce sym:_bare_list_lit_repeat1, child_count:1
shift state:2

We might go into some of these details later [1], but first let's finish up by examining the tail end:


accept corresponds to this line from ts_parser__advance.

done corresponds to this line from ts_parser_parse.

Full log can be seen below.

process version:0, version_count:1, state:1, row:0, col:0
lex_internal state:0, row:0, column:0
consume character:'('
lexed_lookahead sym:(, size:1
shift state:7
process version:0, version_count:1, state:7, row:0, col:1
lex_internal state:0, row:0, column:1
consume character:'d'
consume character:'e'
consume character:'f'
lexed_lookahead sym:sym_lit_token1, size:3
shift state:97
process version:0, version_count:1, state:97, row:0, col:4
lex_internal state:0, row:0, column:4
consume character:' '
lexed_lookahead sym:_ws, size:1
reduce sym:sym_lit, child_count:1
reduce sym:_bare_list_lit_repeat1, child_count:1
shift state:2
process version:0, version_count:1, state:2, row:0, col:5
lex_internal state:0, row:0, column:5
consume character:'a'
lexed_lookahead sym:sym_lit_token1, size:1
reduce sym:_bare_list_lit_repeat1, child_count:2
shift state:97
process version:0, version_count:1, state:97, row:0, col:6
lex_internal state:0, row:0, column:6
consume character:' '
lexed_lookahead sym:_ws, size:1
reduce sym:sym_lit, child_count:1
reduce sym:_bare_list_lit_repeat1, child_count:1
reduce sym:_bare_list_lit_repeat1, child_count:2
shift state:2
process version:0, version_count:1, state:2, row:0, col:7
lex_internal state:0, row:0, column:7
consume character:'1'
lexed_lookahead sym:num_lit, size:1
reduce sym:_bare_list_lit_repeat1, child_count:2
shift state:169
process version:0, version_count:1, state:169, row:0, col:8
lex_internal state:0, row:0, column:8
consume character:')'
lexed_lookahead sym:), size:1
reduce sym:_bare_list_lit_repeat1, child_count:1
reduce sym:_bare_list_lit_repeat1, child_count:2
shift state:96
process version:0, version_count:1, state:96, row:0, col:9
lex_internal state:0, row:0, column:9
consume character:10
consume character:10
lexed_lookahead sym:_ws, size:2
reduce sym:_bare_list_lit, child_count:3
reduce sym:list_lit, child_count:1
shift state:5
process version:0, version_count:1, state:5, row:2, col:0
lex_internal state:0, row:2, column:0
consume character:'('
lexed_lookahead sym:(, size:1
reduce sym:source_repeat1, child_count:2
shift state:7
process version:0, version_count:1, state:7, row:2, col:1
lex_internal state:0, row:2, column:1
consume character:'d'
consume character:'e'
consume character:'f'
lexed_lookahead sym:sym_lit_token1, size:3
shift state:97
process version:0, version_count:1, state:97, row:2, col:4
lex_internal state:0, row:2, column:4
consume character:' '
lexed_lookahead sym:_ws, size:1
reduce sym:sym_lit, child_count:1
reduce sym:_bare_list_lit_repeat1, child_count:1
shift state:2
process version:0, version_count:1, state:2, row:2, col:5
lex_internal state:0, row:2, column:5
consume character:'b'
lexed_lookahead sym:sym_lit_token1, size:1
reduce sym:_bare_list_lit_repeat1, child_count:2
shift state:97
process version:0, version_count:1, state:97, row:2, col:6
lex_internal state:0, row:2, column:6
consume character:' '
lexed_lookahead sym:_ws, size:1
reduce sym:sym_lit, child_count:1
reduce sym:_bare_list_lit_repeat1, child_count:1
reduce sym:_bare_list_lit_repeat1, child_count:2
shift state:2
process version:0, version_count:1, state:2, row:2, col:7
lex_internal state:0, row:2, column:7
consume character:'2'
lexed_lookahead sym:num_lit, size:1
reduce sym:_bare_list_lit_repeat1, child_count:2
shift state:169
process version:0, version_count:1, state:169, row:2, col:8
lex_internal state:0, row:2, column:8
consume character:')'
lexed_lookahead sym:), size:1
reduce sym:_bare_list_lit_repeat1, child_count:1
reduce sym:_bare_list_lit_repeat1, child_count:2
shift state:96
process version:0, version_count:1, state:96, row:2, col:9
lex_internal state:0, row:2, column:9
consume character:10
consume character:10
lexed_lookahead sym:_ws, size:2
reduce sym:_bare_list_lit, child_count:3
reduce sym:list_lit, child_count:1
reduce sym:source_repeat1, child_count:2
shift state:5
process version:0, version_count:1, state:5, row:4, col:0
lex_internal state:0, row:4, column:0
consume character:'('
lexed_lookahead sym:(, size:1
reduce sym:source_repeat1, child_count:2
shift state:7
process version:0, version_count:1, state:7, row:4, col:1
lex_internal state:0, row:4, column:1
consume character:'d'
consume character:'e'
consume character:'f'
lexed_lookahead sym:sym_lit_token1, size:3
shift state:97
process version:0, version_count:1, state:97, row:4, col:4
lex_internal state:0, row:4, column:4
consume character:' '
lexed_lookahead sym:_ws, size:1
reduce sym:sym_lit, child_count:1
reduce sym:_bare_list_lit_repeat1, child_count:1
shift state:2
process version:0, version_count:1, state:2, row:4, col:5
lex_internal state:0, row:4, column:5
consume character:'c'
lexed_lookahead sym:sym_lit_token1, size:1
reduce sym:_bare_list_lit_repeat1, child_count:2
shift state:97
process version:0, version_count:1, state:97, row:4, col:6
lex_internal state:0, row:4, column:6
consume character:' '
lexed_lookahead sym:_ws, size:1
reduce sym:sym_lit, child_count:1
reduce sym:_bare_list_lit_repeat1, child_count:1
reduce sym:_bare_list_lit_repeat1, child_count:2
shift state:2
process version:0, version_count:1, state:2, row:4, col:7
lex_internal state:0, row:4, column:7
consume character:'3'
lexed_lookahead sym:num_lit, size:1
reduce sym:_bare_list_lit_repeat1, child_count:2
shift state:169
process version:0, version_count:1, state:169, row:4, col:8
lex_internal state:0, row:4, column:8
consume character:')'
lexed_lookahead sym:), size:1
reduce sym:_bare_list_lit_repeat1, child_count:1
reduce sym:_bare_list_lit_repeat1, child_count:2
shift state:96
process version:0, version_count:1, state:96, row:4, col:9
lex_internal state:0, row:4, column:9
consume character:10
lexed_lookahead sym:_ws, size:1
reduce sym:_bare_list_lit, child_count:3
reduce sym:list_lit, child_count:1
reduce sym:source_repeat1, child_count:2
shift state:5
process version:0, version_count:1, state:5, row:5, col:0
lex_internal state:0, row:5, column:0
lexed_lookahead sym:end, size:0
reduce sym:source_repeat1, child_count:2
reduce sym:source, child_count:1

[1] At some point I may get around to describing the details here, but in the mean time, some of the info in #1309 might help for investigation.

tree-sitter parse --debug-graph

Note that the dot command may be necessary for working with --debug-graph. dot is part of graphviz [1].

As with the other output types described before, the s-expression tree is printed out, but in addition, a file named log.html will be produced.

This log.html file contains concatenated bits of SVG. Conceptually, the file contains 2 portions.

An initial portion corresponds to the lexer + shift + reduce activity log like for --debug output though there is more visualization of nodes and "states".


Note that the image's colors have been inverted to protect my eyes :P

The other portion is a visualization of the final tree


A neat feature of this tree is that hovering over different areas can sometimes reveal relevant information.

Here is a sample log.html file. You may need to download it to a local file first to be able to view it properly. Note that the background is all white.

[1] graphviz is typically available via package managers. There are also precompiled Windows binaries. For scoop, scoop install graphviz, should be sufficient.

Other Flags and Options

I have not used the following, but may be they could be handy in some situations:

To find out what other flags and options exist, invoke tree-sitter parse --help.

Building tree-sitter, the CLI

It's sometimes helpful to use different versions of tree-sitter or to customize it for various purposes (e.g. investigating issues, debugging, etc.) so it's handy to be able to build from source.

There are official instructions [1] that are worth taking a look at.

Below are descriptions of the sorts of things I do. Welcome to the platform fork-in-the-road.

Linux and Other *nix-likes

I'm only familiar with getting rustc, cargo, and friends using rustup. Perhaps a version via a package manager on one's system would suffice as well.

Assuming appropriate Rust development bits are in place (don't do this yet, read on a bit further first):

  • git clone to get a local copy of the tree-sitter repository
  • cd tree-sitter && cargo build --release to build appropriately
  • ln -s ~/src/tree-sitter/target/release/tree-sitter ~/bin/tree-sitter to make an appropriate symlink so that tree-sitter is available via PATH

If you are intending to use the playground subcommand, it's important to run script/build-wasm before building the tree-sitter cli.

script/build-wasm creates tree-sitter.js and tree-sitter.wasm which are served by tree-sitter playground. The two files end up embedded into the tree-sitter cli binary so they need to be built before the binary is compiled.

The two files need to be built because the tree-sitter repository does not appear to have these two files checked in at the time of this writing.

(Note that you may not need to run script/build-wasm every time tree-sitter is compiled. It depends on what has changed.)

(Note also that Emscripten / emsdk needs to be setup for script/build-wasm to succeed. See the "Install and Enable Emscripten Environment" section of this document for details.)

Although the docs claim that not doing this will result in requiring an internet connection to use the playground, that may not work in practice if the fetched .wasm and/or .js files are not compatible with the .wasm file for the grammar, so for reliability purposes, it may be better to build with script/build-wasm as mentioned above.

From time to time it may be good to check these ci lines for what's necessary to build the cli as that might change in the future.

Unless you need to work with Windows, I suggest skipping the next section.


(I don't use WSL* for reasons (TM), but if that works for your situation, you may be able to just follow the non-Windows instructions above with your WSL* setup, but note that that might mean staying and working within a WSL* environment. I'm not sure though :) )

For historical reasons development bits have been much more work to prepare on Windows. Things are significantly better than before but it's still almost always more of a hassle than on many *nix machines.

To cope with the situation I often reach for scoop. There are other alternatives such as Chocolatey but it wasn't to my taste. There is even the upcoming winget from Microsoft itself, but I haven't tried it yet.

I suggest taking a look at the official instructions at the top of their main page, but for the record, what worked here was pretty much what's in their Quickstart text:

Open a PowerShell terminal (version 5.1 or later) and run:

> Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser # Optional: Needed to run a remote script the first time
> irm | iex

Note that this is a "do at your own risk" sort of thing.

Once scoop is installed, to install rustup, open a new Powershell terminal and:

> scoop install rustup

to set up Rust bits.

Then I installed msys2 / mingw64, which is:

a collection of tools and libraries providing you with an easy-to-use environment for building, installing and running native Windows software

msys2 / mingw-w64 can also be installed via scoop, but the resulting installation path is rather deep for my taste so I opted for following the steps here.

If you'd prefer to go the scoop route, in a Powershell terminal, try:

> scoop install msys2

(Have you pinned Powershell to your taskbar yet?)

You'll probably want to learn where the msys2 bits ended up on your system. It's likely under C:\Users\<username>\AppData\ somewhere. The AppData directory might not be visible at first but that can be remedied via Windows Explorer's settings.

But back to the non-scoop method...

  1. View the installation steps

  2. Download the installer. Mine was called msys2-x86_64-20221216.exe, but don't be surprised if yours has a different name. Specifically, the filename has a date embedded in it, so that might be different.

  3. Verify the checksum. Since the file you get will most likely be different, the file content may also differ and thus the checksum may be different too. For reference, what I saw was:


    I used the certutil program via a Powershell terminal:

    > certutil -hashfile msys2-x86_64-20221216.exe SHA256

    That produced a long string matching the long one on the site so I didn't do the GPG Signature method (which is security-wise the much more recommended method). I did however search for the checksum to see if anyone else had mentioned it. There were some hits so I took a look and decided to risk not doing the public key stuff.

  4. Run the installer and choose C:\msys64 as the "Installation Folder".

  5. Follow the rest of the steps except uncheck the "Run MSYS2 now" checkbox. I prefer not to let the installers do more than they need to.

The advantage of this approach is that the length of the string I end up having to use repeatedly -- C:\msys64\mingw64\bin -- is much shorter than for the one you'd get with the scoop one.

I don't tend to add environment variable settings to my system settings because AFAIU that affects too many things and makes it more difficult to accurately document what I've done.

Note that to make use of msys2 / mingw64 in our build, right before we enter the build command, we'll want to change PATH so the appropriate bits are available for use. For me, that ends up looking like:

C:\> set PATH=C:\msys64\mingw64\bin;%PATH%

Note that that's via a cmd.exe command prompt.

For Powershell it can be something like:

> $env:Path = "C:\msys64\mingw64\bin;$env:Path"

Note that "Path" is used above though "PATH" works too. "Path" is something you can end up with via Tab-completion :)

If you don't already have git in your environment...

scoop install git

is one way to arrange for it :)

Finally, we can work on building!

It might be better to hold on carrying out the following steps until you've read a bit passed them.

Via a cmd.exe command prompt:

  • git clone to get a local copy of the tree-sitter repository
  • cd tree-sitter
  • set PATH=C:\msys64\mingw64\bin;%PATH% to make the msys2 / mingw64 stuff available
  • cargo build --release to build appropriately

Here's a log of the Windows build for reference.

For comparison, via Powershell that might be:

  • git clone to get a local copy of the tree-sitter repository
  • cd tree-sitter
  • $env:Path = "C:\msys64\mingw64\bin;$env:Path" to make the msys2 / mingw64 stuff available
  • cargo build --release to build appropriately

At the time of writing, this built of tree-sitter may not be able to successfully carry out the playground subcommand because it is missing a couple of files: tree-sitter.js and tree-sitter.wasm.

Neither of these files appears to be part of the tree-sitter repository and further, unlike for the *nix-like systems case, there do not appear to be any scripts to build them on Windows.

Below is a less generic stripped down translation of script/build-wasm. Perhaps it could be called script/build-wasm.bat.

(Note: Before running script/build-wasm.bat, that Emscripten / emsdk needs to be setup. See the "Install and Enable Emscripten Environment" section of this document for details.)

@echo on

mkdir target\scratch

REM need control to return, so use cmd /c
cmd /c                                                        ^
emcc                                                          ^
  -s WASM=1                                                   ^
  -s TOTAL_MEMORY=33554432                                    ^
  -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1                                    ^
  -s MAIN_MODULE=2                                            ^
  -s NO_FILESYSTEM=1                                          ^
  -s NODEJS_CATCH_EXIT=0                                      ^
  -s NODEJS_CATCH_REJECTION=0                                 ^
  -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=@lib\binding_web\exports.json         ^
  -s EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS='stringToUTF16','AsciiToString' ^
  -s ASSERTIONS=1 -s SAFE_HEAP=1 -O0                          ^
  -fno-exceptions                                             ^
  -std=c99                                                    ^
  -Dfprintf(...)=                                             ^
  -D NDEBUG=                                                  ^
  -I lib\src                                                  ^
  -I lib\include                                              ^
  --js-library lib\binding_web\imports.js                     ^
  --pre-js lib\binding_web\prefix.js                          ^
  --post-js lib\binding_web\binding.js                        ^
  --post-js lib\binding_web\suffix.js                         ^
  lib\src\lib.c                                               ^
  lib\binding_web\binding.c                                   ^
  -o target\scratch\tree-sitter.js

copy target\scratch\tree-sitter.js lib\binding_web\tree-sitter.js

copy target\scratch\tree-sitter.wasm lib\binding_web\tree-sitter.wasm

(Note that you may not need to run script/build-wasm.bat every time tree-sitter is compiled. It depends on what has changed.)

From time to time it may be good to check these ci lines for what's necessary to build the cli as that might change in the future.

(On the off-chance you're wondering if scoop has does, but that gets you a precompiled version.)

...and we're back from the fork!

It might be obivous, but to build a specific version, use git checkout first to arrange for the local working tree to correspond to a particular commit / tag / whatever. Then do the build.

[1] If you take a look you'll notice that NPM is listed as required. Though most grammar repositories show evidence of using NPM, it's not strictly necessary. ATM, Node.js is necessary, but experiments suggest it wouldn't have to be.

Subcommand Use Frequency

I will probably continue to use:

  • generate - essential to create src/parser.c and friends
  • parse - debugging and testing
  • test - sanity checking grammar tweaks and changes

I suspect I may using occasionally:

  • dump-languages - to diagnose "scanning issues"
  • query - to diganose occasional issues

Initially I also used, but currently never use:

  • build-wasm - for playground but used to write VSCode extensions using .wasm
  • playground - was useful for early grammar development

I nearly never use the following subcommands:

  • init-config - not much until it becomes TREE_SITTER_DIR-aware
  • highlight - used it out of curiosity once or twice
  • tags - not likely to be applicable to tree-sitter-clojure ATM


The test subcommand of tree-sitter provides some functionality to aid in some basic sanity testing.

The official docs say:

The tree-sitter test command allows you to easily test that your parser is working correctly.

but this seems on the optimistic side. It's certainly helpful to have, but:

  • Tests still need to be conceived of and written properly
  • Unimagined scenarios don't get tested with this method

With that in mind, it still seems worth using not only for quick sanity tests but also to specifically express cases that are intended to be handled.

Quite a few repositories [1] also make use of the parse subcommand across collections of code. Though this won't catch every kind of issue, this provides another type of checking that I have found helpful in practice.

I've also used Hypothesis in combination with the Python bindings for the tree-sitter library to do some generative / property-based testing. I found the maintenance of the testing code to be cumbersome though and wouldn't recommend the approach while a fair bit of change is happening in a grammar. YMMV.

FWIW, it did turn up one issue that all other methods failed to find.

[1] It's not uncommon for the parse subcommand to be used against a collection of real-world code, though the size of the collection seems to vary a fair bit. Below are some examples. By looking at some of the top-level files (often package.json) one can get an idea of what kind of testing is performed.

test subcommand

The test subcommand invokes "corpus tests".

From the official docs:

For each rule that you add to the grammar, you should first create a test that describes how the syntax trees should look when parsing that rule. These tests are written using specially-formatted text files in the corpus/ or test/corpus/ directories within your parser’s root folder.

Here is an example from tree-sitter-clojure:

BigInt Integer




One might decompose that as:

  • Header - text naming test bounded above and below by = [1]
  • Test Input - source code fragment to be parsed for testing
  • Separator - multiple (at least how many?) instances of -
  • Expected Value - s-expression representing expected value

(Though this leaves the unanswered question of what the empty lines between the header and the separator count as...)

So the header is:

BigInt Integer

The test input is:


The separator is:


The expected value is:


[1] There is a type of tweaking that is possible for the header: #982, #1348

Miscellanous Bits

  • Comments may also be present using a lisp-ish ; construct: #752, Answer in discussions

    I have not used this.

  • Test expectation values can be updated programmatically via --update: #442

    Note that there is at least one report of problematic behavior.

    I've used the feature on occasion without issues. There do seem to be uses for this but without some care it seems possible that an incorrect expected value will sneak in to tests.

  • Tests can be constrained to specific ones by matching against the test name via --filter: #991

  • Doesn't seem possible to express that a test should result in an error in a generic way: #992

Performance Measurement

One of the major use cases for tree-sitter is in the context of text editors. That often means there is a human attention span involved. Thus there are certain durations that are practically unacceptable for parsing.

The parse subcommand has a --time flag that can be used to get some duration information.

Multiple measurements can be obtained using things like multitime to somewhat mitigate single invocation issues.

I also measure how long it takes to complete parsing across a large collection of source files to see if there are noticeable changes.

tree-sitter Project Info

  • tree-sitter maintainers appear to be quite busy and it may be that they are all volunteers.

  • The official tree-sitter docs have come a long way since their early days thanks to contributions from various folks.

  • tree-sitter itself has been in a pre-1.0 state for some time.

Some tree-sitter Version Highlights

Note that these versions refer to the command line program, not necessarily the library (though they might be close in many cases).

Misc Things To Be Incorporated Somewhere :)

  • TREE_SITTER_LIBDIR now exists for customizing the path to the generated shared objects: #2013

  • Acoording to this comment, it's by design that the grammar writer gets little to no control over error recovery.

  • The --report-states-for-rule flag for generate might be worth investigating: Answer in #994

XXX: reasons to get away from doing node bindings


XXX: not into documenting minimum versions of things?


XXX: not all grammars keep generated source under src

XXX: on the topic of generated source being in grammar repositories


XXX: not all grammars keep the generated parser.c + other things in the repository

XXX: tree-sitter init-config doesn't appear to honor TREE_SITTER_DIR. there is a PR to improve the behavior:


XXX: compiling on windows with gcc msys2 / mingw64 needs a tweak to tree-sitter cli


XXX: info on some debugging-related TREE_SITTER_* env vars


XXX: a list of TREE_SITTER_* env vars

XXX: some collected info about regular expression support

XXX: tree-sitter parse from stdin request


XXX: eventually the c library might be able to load grammar / parser .wasms:

Add optional WASM feature to the native library, allowing it to run wasm-compiled parsers via wasmtime

XXX: found some partial implementation notes:

XXX: consider w64devkit vs msys2 / mingw64 - will it be maintained though...

XXX: idea of using r2c for external scanner implementation

tree-sitter/tree-sitter#1413 (comment)