Metrics collection is possible by creating Metric
instances and adding them to server options via MetricsInterceptor
Certain endpoints can be ignored by adding their definitions to ignoreEndpoints
wraps an aggregation object (like a counter or gauge), and needs to implement the onRequest
function, which
returns an EndpointMetric
is used to create the proper metric description. Any additional data might be gathered there, like
getting current timestamp and passing it down to EndpointMetric
callbacks which are then executed in certain points of
request processing.
There are three callbacks in EndpointMetric
- called after a request matches an endpoint (inputs are successfully decoded), or when decoding inputs fails, but a downstream interceptor provides a response.onResponse
- called after response is assembled. Note that the response body might be lazily produced. To properly observe end-of-body, use the providedBodyListener
- called after exception is thrown (in underlying streamed body, and/or on any other exception when there's no default response)
By default, request metrics are labeled by path and method. Response labels are additionally labelled by status code
group. For example GET endpoint like http://h:p/api/persons?name=Mike
returning 200 response will be labeled
as path="api/persons", method="GET", status="2xx"
. Query params are omitted by default, but it's possible to include
them as shown in example below.
If the path contains captures, the label will include the path capture name instead of the actual value, e.g.
Labels for default metrics can be customized, any attribute from Endpoint
, ServerRequest
and ServerResponse
could be used, for example:
import sttp.tapir.server.metrics.MetricLabels
val labels = MetricLabels(
forRequest = List(
"path" -> { case (ep, _) => ep.showPathTemplate() },
"protocol" -> { case (_, req) => req.protocol }
forResponse = Nil
Add the following dependency:
"com.softwaremill.sttp.tapir" %% "tapir-prometheus-metrics" % "@VERSION@"
encapsulates CollectorReqistry
and Metric
instances. It provides several ready to use metrics as
well as an endpoint definition to read the metrics & expose them to the Prometheus server.
For example, using NettyFutureServerInterpreter
import sttp.tapir.server.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusMetrics
import sttp.tapir.server.netty.{NettyFutureServerInterpreter, NettyFutureServerOptions, FutureRoute}
import scala.concurrent.Future
// an instance with default metrics; use PrometheusMetrics[Future]() for an empty one
val prometheusMetrics = PrometheusMetrics.default[Future]()
// enable metrics collection
val serverOptions: NettyFutureServerOptions = NettyFutureServerOptions
// route which exposes the current metrics values
val routes: FutureRoute = NettyFutureServerInterpreter(serverOptions).toRoute(prometheusMetrics.metricsEndpoint)
By default, the following metrics are exposed:
tapir_request_active{path, method}
(gauge)tapir_request_total{path, method, status}
(counter)tapir_request_duration_seconds{path, method, status, phase}
The namespace and label names/values can be customised when creating the PrometheusMetrics
To create and add custom metrics:
import sttp.tapir.server.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusMetrics
import sttp.tapir.server.metrics.{EndpointMetric, Metric}
import io.prometheus.client.{CollectorRegistry, Counter}
import scala.concurrent.Future
// Metric for counting responses labeled by path, method and status code
val responsesTotal = Metric[Future, Counter](
.help("HTTP responses")
.labelNames("path", "method", "status")
onRequest = { (req, counter, _) =>
.onResponseBody { (ep, res) =>
Future.successful {
val path = ep.showPathTemplate()
val method = req.method.method
val status = res.code.toString()
counter.labels(path, method, status).inc()
val prometheusMetrics = PrometheusMetrics[Future]("tapir", CollectorRegistry.defaultRegistry)
Add the following dependency:
"com.softwaremill.sttp.tapir" %% "tapir-opentelemetry-metrics" % "@VERSION@"
OpenTelemetry metrics are vendor-agnostic and can be exported using one of exporters from SDK.
encapsulates metric instances and needs a Meter
from OpenTelemetry API to create
default metrics, simply:
import sttp.tapir.server.metrics.opentelemetry.OpenTelemetryMetrics
import io.opentelemetry.api.metrics.{Meter, MeterProvider}
import scala.concurrent.Future
val provider: MeterProvider = ???
val meter: Meter = provider.get("instrumentation-name")
val metrics = OpenTelemetryMetrics.default[Future](meter)
val metricsInterceptor = metrics.metricsInterceptor() // add to your server options
Add the following dependency:
"com.softwaremill.sttp.tapir" %% "tapir-datadog-metrics" % "@VERSION@"
Datadog metrics are sent as Datadog custom metrics through DogStatsD protocol.
uses StatsDClient
to send the metrics, and its settings such as host, port, etc. depend on it.
For example:
import com.timgroup.statsd.{NonBlockingStatsDClientBuilder, StatsDClient}
import sttp.tapir.server.metrics.datadog.DatadogMetrics
import scala.concurrent.Future
val statsdClient: StatsDClient = new NonBlockingStatsDClientBuilder()
.hostname("localhost") // Datadog Agent's hostname
.port(8125) // Datadog Agent's port (UDP)
val metrics = DatadogMetrics.default[Future](statsdClient)
To create and add custom metrics:
import com.timgroup.statsd.{NonBlockingStatsDClientBuilder, StatsDClient}
import sttp.tapir.server.metrics.datadog.DatadogMetrics
import sttp.tapir.server.metrics.datadog.DatadogMetrics.Counter
import sttp.tapir.server.metrics.{EndpointMetric, Metric}
import scala.concurrent.Future
val statsdClient: StatsDClient = new NonBlockingStatsDClientBuilder()
// Metric for counting responses labeled by path, method and status code
val responsesTotal = Metric[Future, Counter](
onRequest = (req, counter, _) =>
.onResponseBody { (ep, res) =>
Future.successful {
val labels = List(
val datadogMetrics = DatadogMetrics.default[Future](statsdClient)
Add the following dependency:
"com.softwaremill.sttp.tapir" %% "tapir-zio-metrics" % "@VERSION@"
Metrics have been integrated into ZIO core in ZIO2.
Monitoring a ZIO Application Using ZIO's Built-in Metric System.
import sttp.tapir.server.metrics.zio.ZioMetrics
import sttp.tapir.server.interceptor.metrics.MetricsRequestInterceptor
import zio.{Task, ZIO}
val metrics: ZioMetrics[Task] = ZioMetrics.default[Task]()
val metricsInterceptor: MetricsRequestInterceptor[Task] = metrics.metricsInterceptor()
Zio metrics publishing functionality is provided by the zio ecosystem library zio-metrics-connectors.
libraryDependencies += "dev.zio" %% "zio-metrics-connectors" % "2.0.0-RC6"
Example zio metrics prometheus publisher style tapir metrics endpoint.
import sttp.tapir.{endpoint, stringBody}
import zio._
import zio.metrics.connectors.MetricsConfig
import zio.metrics.connectors.prometheus.{PrometheusPublisher, prometheusLayer, publisherLayer}
import zio.metrics.jvm.DefaultJvmMetrics
object ZioEndpoint {
/** >+> is optional if you want JVM metrics */
private val layer = >+> ZLayer.make[PrometheusPublisher](
private val unsafeLayers = Unsafe.unsafe { implicit u =>
def getMetricsEffect: ZIO[Any, Nothing, String] =
Unsafe.unsafe { implicit u =>
val metricsEndpoint ="metrics").out(stringBody).serverLogicSuccess(_ => getMetricsEffect)