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The dht node is a server which handles requests from the dht client defined in swarm (swarm.dht.DhtClient). One or more nodes make up a complete dht, though only the client has this knowledge -- individual nodes know nothing of each others' existence.

Data in the dht node is stored in memory, in instances of the Tokyo Cabinet memory database, with a separate instance per data channel.


Many machines run multiple instances of the dhtnode. There should be a directory in /srv/dhtnode/ for each instance, like /srv/dhtnode/dhtnode-XX. Each directory should contain:

  • An etc/config.ini file with the configuration for that instance.
  • In case when using upstart as an init system, a symlink -- named dhtnode -- to the binary to run (should be one of the binaries located in /usr/sbin/).


Two upstart scripts exist: /etc/init.dht.conf and /etc/init/dhtnode-instance.conf. The latter starts a single instance of the dhtnode and the former starts all instances configured on the server. Configured instances are auto-detected by checking for the presence of config.ini files in /srv/dhtnode/dhtnode-*/etc/.


Two systemd unit templates exist: /lib/systemd/system/dht@.service and /lib/systemd/system/dhtdum@.service. These files are service templates and they can be used to start any number of enabled instances on the machine. Enabling instances is done via sudo systemctl enable dht@N where N is the instance number. To enable first 8 instances, one can use its shell and do sudo systemctl enable dht@{1..8}.



To manually start the DHT node(s) on a server, run sudo service dht start. This will start the processes. If the nodes are already running, you'll need to shut them down first (sudo service dht stop) before restarting them.

An individual dhtnode instance can be started like this: sudo start dhtnode-instance INSTANCE=1 CONFIG=/srv/dhtnode/dhtnode-1/etc/config.ini and stopped like this: sudo stop dhtnode-instance INSTANCE=1


To manually start the DHT node(s) on a server, run sudo systemctl start dht@{1..n}. This will start the first n enabled instances.. To manually restart or stop all instances, wild card can be used: sudo systemctl {verb} 'dht@*', where {verb} can be either stop or restart. An individual node can be started, stopped, or restarted in the same fashion, just specify the instance number after the @ in the previous commands.

Overriding the binary to run

In case you want to run different binary of dhtnode than the one in /usr/sbin/dhtnode, you can specify that by providing systemd override file. To do so, create a file /etc/systemd/system/dht@1.service.d/override.conf with the following content:

Description=Custom executable image to run
# Need to clear the previous one first
ExecPath=/tmp/dhtnode-test -c /srv/dhtnode/dhtnode-1/etc/config.ini

Resource Usage

A dht node process typically uses 40 to 50% CPU usage, and a very high proportion of the server's RAM (divided between the number of running instances -- it is expected that all together the dht nodes instances on a single server should consume up to 90% of ther server's RAM). Anything beyond this might indicate a problem.

Checking Everything's OK

Log Files

The dht node writes two log files:

Notification of errors when handling requests.
Statistics about the number of records and bytes stored (globally and per channel), the number of bytes sent and received over the network, and the number of open connections and records handled.
Dump Files

The dht node's data folder should contain one .tcm file per channel stored. These are periodically written from the data in memory. When a dump happens, the old .tcm file is renamed to .tcm.backup. The .tcm file for each channel should have been updated within the last 6 hours.

Systemctl journal

To inspect the state of the DHT service, one can use sudo systemctl status 'dht@*'. To see the log, use journalctl -u 'dht@*'.

Possible Problems


Many applications in the system rely on being able to read and/or write to the dht. If a single dht node goes down, an equivalent proportion of requests from client applications will fail. There is currently no fall-back mechanism, beyond the possibility for the client applications themselves to cache and retry failed requests. The system is, at this stage, pretty robust; all client applications can handle the situation where a dht node is inaccessible and reconnect safely when it returns.

If a dht node crashes while in the middle of dumping its memory data to disk, all that will happen is that a partly-written temporary file will be found on the disk. This truncated file can be ignored and will not be loaded by the node upon restart.

Dump Failure

There have been instances in the past where the periodic channel dumping stopped working. Currently, some dht nodes are performing this periodic dumping themselves, while (a few) others have handed the duty over to the dht dump process (see below). If dumping stops working, the procedure in each of these cases is slightly different:

Dht node
You can try shutting down the node and hope that the dump which is made at shutdown will succeed. If this doesn't succeed, then you'll need to look through the backup channel dumps to see if you can find any more useful data (i.e. larger dump files).
Dht dump process
You should be able to simply restart the dht dump process, which should reconnect to the node and perform a dump.

The structure of the nodes' code is based very closely around the structure of the core.node package of swarm.

The basic components are:

Select Listener
The swarm.core.node.model.Node : NodeBase class, which forms the foundation of all swarm nodes, owns an instance of : SelectListener. This provides the basic functionality of a server; that is, a listening socket which will accept incoming client connections. Each client connection is assigned to a connection handler instance from a pool.
Connection Handler Pool
The select listener manages a pool of connection handlers (derived from swarm.core.node.connection.ConnectionHandler : ConnectionHandlerTemplate. Each is associated with an incoming socket connection from a client. The connection handler reads a request code from the socket and then passes the request on to a request handler instance, which is constructed at scope (i.e. only exists for the lifetime of the request).
Request Handlers
A handler class exists for each type of request which the node can handle. These are derived from swarm.core.node.request.model.IRequest : IRequest. The request handler performs all communication with the client which is required by the protocol for the given request. This usually involves interacting with the node's storage channels.
Storage Channels
The : IStorageChannelsTemplate class provides the base for a set of storage channels, where each channel is conceived as storing a different type of data in the system. The individual storage channels are derived from : IStorageEngine.

Dht nodes do not access any other data stores.

Dependency:tango v1.1.5

The dht dump process is responsible for saving the in-memory dht data to disk in a location where the dht node can load it upon startup. One dht dump process runs per dht node process, on the same server. Each dht dump process is thus responsible for saving the data stored in a single dht node. As the processes are running on the same server, the data can be transferred locally, without going through the network interface.

The dump process spends most of its time sleeping, waking up periodically to read its dht node's data (via GetAll requests to all channels) and write it to disk. The period and the location to which the dumped data should be written are set in the config file.

Note: this process is a replacement for the dump thread which exists in the currently deployed versions of the dht node.


Many machines run multiple instances of dhtdump. There should be a directory in /srv/dhtnode/dhtnode-* for each instance, like /srv/dhtnode/dhtnode-XX/dump. Each directory should contain:

  • An etc/config.ini file with the configuration for that instance.
  • A symlink -- named dhtdump -- to the binary to run (should be one of the binaries located in /usr/sbin/).


The dhtdump processes are configured to use upstart and will start automatically upon server reboot. The upstart scripts are located in etc/init/dhtdump.conf.


To manually start the DHT dump process(es) on a server, run sudo service dhtdump start. This will start the processes. If they are already running, you'll need to shut them down first (sudo service dhtdump stop) before restarting them.

An individual dhtdump instance can be started like this: sudo start dhtdump-instance INSTANCE=1 CONFIG=/srv/dhtnode/dhtnode-1/dump/etc/config.ini

and stopped like this: sudo stop dhtdump-instance INSTANCE=1

Resource Usage

A dht dump process typically uses around 40-50Mb of memory and 0% CPU when sleeping.

Checking Everything's OK

Console Output

The dht dump process does not, by default make any console output. The deployed instances are, however, configured to mirror their log output (see below) to the console.

Log Files

The dht dump process writes two log files:

Notification of the process' activity. The latest logline will either indicate which channel is being dumped to disk or, while the process is sleeping, the time at which the next dump cycle is scheduled to begin.
Statistics about the number of records and bytes written per log update (every 30s) and the size of each channel (in terms of records and bytes) the last time it was dumped.
Dump Files

The configured dump location should contain one .tcm file per channel stored in the dht node. When a dump happens, the old .tcm file is renamed to .tcm.backup. The .tcm file for each channel should have been updated within the period configured in the dump process' config file (typically 6 hours).

Additionally, a cron job runs on the dht servers which makes a daily backup of the .tcm files in the data folder. These backups are zipped and stored in backup-data.

Possible Problems


If a dht dump process crashes, the world does not end. It can simply be restarted when it is noticed that it's no longer running.

If a dht dump process crashes while in the middle of dumping its memory data to disk, all that will happen is that a partly-written temporary file will be found on the disk. This truncated file can be ignored and will not be loaded by the dht node if it restarts.

Dht dump is a very simple program. It has the following components:

Dump Cycle
dhtnode.dhtdump.DumpCycle. Manages the process of sleeping and dumping.
Dht Client
Owned by the dump cycle. Used to contact the dht node and read the stored data. (As only a single node is being contacted, we have to cheat and not perform the node handshake, which would fail. This is, in practice, ok, as only GetChannels and GetAll requests are performed, which are sent to all nodes in the client's registry, without a hash responsibility lookup.)
Dump Stats
dhtnode.dhtdump.DumpStats. Aggregates and logs the stats output by the process (see above).

The dht dump process accesses all channels in a single dht node, which should be running on the same server.
