⚠️ This plugin is archived and will no longer be maintained.
Please consider using an equivalent plugin such as mini-operators that is part of mini.nvim.
Mini-operators provides operators for duplicating/multiplying text.
The default keybindings to operate on a textobject or the current line are gm
and gmm
, respectively.
To use the same keybindings duplicate.nvim
uses, configure mini-operators
as follows:
require("mini.operators").setup {
prefix = "yd"
A Neovim plugin used to duplicate a textobject.
E.g. use ydaw
to duplicate the current word (including whitespace) or 3ydd
to duplicate the next three lines.
- mappings for duplication in normal mode (line-wise or using textobject) + visual mode
- duplication in normal mode respects
and is dot-repeatable
Requires Neovim ≥ 0.6.
Install it just like any other Neovim plugin. Make sure to call the setup
Example for lazy.nvim:
return {
config = function()
You can override the default settings by passing a Lua table to the setup function. The default options are:
require("duplicate").setup {
-- set any operator to `nil` to disable it
operator = {
normal_mode = "yd", -- duplicate in normal mode, expects a text-object
visual_mode = nil, -- duplicate in visual mode, unmapped by default
line = "ydd", -- duplicate the current line
-- A function with signature `transform(lines: table<string>): table<string>`.
-- Can be used to modify the text to be duplicated.
transform = nil,