This is hardware module for iobroker.zigbee and zigbee2mqtt If you can speek Chinese and be intreasted with this project, please look at this post in ioBroker China BBS
- Use E18-MS1PA1-IPX zigbee module. 20dBm power can make sure zigbee net work signal is strong.
- Add an ESP8266 module. Give you another option that can connect zigbee module though wifi-to-serial (I was using this project). If your machine running smarthome platform, such as ioBroker or homeassistant, is put in a hidden corner, for better signal coverage, you can put your zigbee module in some where else.
- ESP8266 connected to E18 firmware download pins, give you a chance that can update E18 though ESP8266, no need to use CC-DEBUG.
- There will be 4 options for different TTY connection:
- USB TTY <==> ESP 8266 TTY. This option is used for download firmware for E18.
- USB TTY <==> E18 TTY. If you can connect your module though USB wire, this is more stable.
- USB TTY <==> ESP 8266 debug port. ESP 8266 TTY <==> E18 TTY. Connect though wifi, and you can capture debug infomation though USB TTY.
- ESP 8266 TTY <==> E18 TTY. Connect though TTY.