Example CL nodes cluster for system level tests
Install kubefwd
(no nixpkg for it yet, planned)
brew install txn2/tap/kubefwd
If you want to build images you need docker service running
Enter the shell (from the root project dir)
nix develop
We are using devspace
Configure the cluster, see deployments.app.helm.values
and values.yaml comments for more details
Set up your K8s access
export DEVSPACE_IMAGE="..."
./setup.sh ${my-personal-namespace-name-crib}
Create a .env file based on the .env.sample file
cp .env.sample .env
# Fill in the required values in .env
Build and deploy the current state of your repository
devspace deploy
Default ttl
is 72h
, use ttl
command to update if you need more time
Valid values are 1h
, 2m
, 3s
, etc. Go time format is invalid 1h2m3s
devspace run ttl ${namespace} 120h
If you want to deploy an image tag that is already available in ECR, use:
devspace deploy --override-image-tag "<image-tag>"
If you want to deploy an image tag from a public ECR repo, use:
export DEVSPACE_IMAGE=public.ecr.aws/chainlink/chainlink
devspace deploy --override-image-tag 2.9.0
Forward ports to check UI or run tests
devspace run connect ${my-personal-namespace-name-crib}
List ingress hostnames
devspace run ingress-hosts
Destroy the cluster
devspace purge
Check this doc
If you used devspace dev ...
always use devspace reset pods
to switch the pods back
If you would like to use helm
directly, please uncomment data in values.yaml
helm install -f values.yaml cl-cluster .
Forward all apps (in another terminal)
sudo kubefwd svc -n cl-cluster
Then you can connect and run your tests
Add the repository
helm repo add chainlink-cluster https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/helm-release/
helm repo update
Set default namespace
kubectl create ns cl-cluster
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace cl-cluster
helm install -f values.yaml cl-cluster .
Bump version in Chart.yml
add your changes and add helm_release
label to any PR to trigger a release
helm test cl-cluster
helm uninstall cl-cluster
We are using Grabana lib to create dashboards programmatically
You can also select dashboard platform in INFRA_PLATFORM
either kubernetes
or docker
export LOKI_TENANT_ID=promtail
export LOKI_URL=...
export GRAFANA_URL=...
export GRAFANA_TOKEN=...
export INFRA_PLATFORM=kubernetes
export DASHBOARD_NAME=CL-Cluster
devspace run dashboard_deploy
Open Grafana folder DashboardCoreDebug
and find dashboard ChainlinkClusterDebug
Deploy your dashboard and run soak/load tests, check README for further explanations
devspace run dashboard_deploy
devspace run workload
devspace run dashboard_test
Go to dashboard-lib and link the modules locally
cd dashboard
pnpm link --global
cd charts/chainlink-cluster/dashboard/tests
pnpm link --global dashboard-tests
Then run the tests with commands mentioned above