This repo consists of various Computational Linear Algebra algorithms written in MATLAB.
It contains code for the following algorithms -
- QR Decomposition - Gram Schmidt method.
- QR Decomposition - Householder reflectors.
- QR Decomposition - Given rotation matrix method.
- Convert QR to LU decomposition.
- LU Decomposition with partial pivoting
- Solve linear system of equations using LU Decomposition.
- Solve linear system of equations using Jacobi method.
- Solve linear system of equations using Gauss-Seidel method.
- Convert matrix to hessenberg form.
- Convert symmetric matrix to tri-diagonal matrix.
- Cholesky Decomposition of positive definite matrix.
- Find eigen-values of positive definite matrix.
- Find singular values of a matrix.
- Apply Principal Component Analysis(PCA) to compress an image.