Screenshot tool for Linux.
Supports both X11 and Wayland.
People told me that it also works on Windows and partially on MacOS.
Since I'm not using neither MacOS or Windows at all there are no any guarantees related to these platforms.
If you want to add a support for MacOS or Windows - PRs are welcome.
cargo install birdy
birdy --help
Currently it can be run only through "birdy" executable(from terminal, app launcher(e.g. rofi), bound to a hotkey):
# bash
# e.g. sway
bindsym $mod+Shift+p exec birdy
Enter - take a screenshot of selected area, save to a clipboard and exit
f - take a screenshot where selected area is focused, save to a clipboard and exit
a - draw an arrow
z - draw a filled arrow
l - draw a line
r - draw a rectangular border
p - draw a filled rectangle
b - draw a blurred rectangle
t - draw a text
Tab - toggle latest drawn shape between filled/not filled states
Esc - exit