All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See conventional commits for commit guidelines.
- use
(#160) - (a9ba9ff) - Sam Levang - install build in semantic release (#161) - (185dba8) - Sam Levang
2.3.2 - 2024-03-30
- handle indexing changes in new xarray versions (#159) - (7d07d30) - Sam Levang
2.3.1 - 2024-02-28
- correct inverse transform of unseen scores (#154) - (5f0f7a5) - Niclas Rieger
- constrain xarray version (#155) - (8158657) - Niclas Rieger
2.3.0 - 2024-02-04
- support complex input data (#152) - (c6ce4e1) - Niclas Rieger
2.2.6 - 2024-02-04
- inverse_transform fails with single mode and normalized pcs (#151) - (9ea7547) - Niclas Rieger
2.2.5 - 2024-01-28
- incorrect explained variance in CCA (#147) - (f825c68) - Niclas Rieger
- add CITATION.cff (#144) - (787c598) - Niclas Rieger
- update xeofs citation (#145) - (4cf84cf) - Niclas Rieger
2.2.4 - 2023-12-23
- bump new release for JOSS (#143) - (c3e4780) - Niclas Rieger
- use doctest to test README examples (#135) - (382f6c7) - Niclas Rieger
- automatically sync quickstart tutorial with codebase (#136) - (48e63a0) - Niclas Rieger
- loose version constraints of dependencies (#137) - (1a0efe1) - Niclas Rieger
2.2.3 - 2023-12-18
- handle preprocessor serialization for dataset - (5bcdf5c) - Sam Levang
- test serialization roundtrip with dataset - (ff9a1be) - Sam Levang
- serialization for dataset (#139) - (93fce38) - Niclas Rieger
- show contributors in README - (049e654) - Sam Levang
- Update link to contributing guide (#129) - (21b8d3d) - Niclas Rieger
- fix link to perf scripts (#131) - (e2b3276) - Niclas Rieger
- add required dependencies - (ce6b93a) - Niclas Rieger
- add required dependencies (#138) - (7ec694f) - Niclas Rieger
- remove all-contributor config file - (f5234fc) - Niclas Rieger
- show contributors in readme (#140) - (0c12fa5) - Niclas Rieger
2.2.2 - 2023-11-20
- trigger new release - (c79a116) - Niclas Rieger
2.2.1 - 2023-11-20
- trigger new release - (58250b9) - Niclas Rieger
- add password input for PyPI token - (600b43e) - Niclas Rieger
2.2.0 - 2023-11-20
- support saving to netcdf (#123) - (8d06153) - Sam Levang
- normalized option in inverse_transform - (e7d6d90) - Sam Levang
- normalized option in inverse_transform (#124) - (4ad2791) - Sam Levang
- test loaded model vs transform not scores - (a9d6bdf) - Sam Levang
- update to handle v8 semantic release GH action (#127) - (5b8c6d8) - Sam Levang
- (CHANGELOG) update release notes - (42b5c5e) - Niclas Rieger
- (changelog) use PAT instead of GITHUB_TOKEN - (fa58532) - Niclas Rieger
- add workflow dispatch to Github Action - (26f8345) - Niclas Rieger
- specify Python Semantic Release version v8.0.0 - (c7c79e4) - Niclas Rieger
2.1.2 - 2023-11-18
- update default power iterations for improved accuracy (#122) - (9045bc6) - Niclas Rieger
- reactivate CHANGELOG - (06a2014) - Niclas Rieger
- reactivate CHANGELOG (#121) - (6a4370b) - Niclas Rieger
- Merge branch 'main' into develop - (607d25b) - Niclas Rieger
2.1.1 - 2023-11-17
- only sort transform if model is already sorted (#118) - (dfe0001) - Sam Levang
- acknowledge contributors in README (#115) - (f2781d8) - Niclas Rieger
- acknowledge contributors in README (#116) - (1a88379) - Niclas Rieger
- fix broken link - (de49038) - Niclas Rieger
- set computed attrs via deserialize (#117) - (1878406) - Sam Levang
- merge branches - (4447b07) - Niclas Rieger
- bring all-contributors bot back to life - (8929ed5) - Niclas Rieger
- fix config of all-contributor bot - (1eedf4f) - Niclas Rieger
- merge branch 'main' into develop - (f9ef729) - Niclas Rieger
2.1.0 - 2023-11-14
- add EEOF inverse_transform() (#111) - (ab6e3cc) - Niclas Rieger
- lazy execution mode (#110) - (314901e) - Sam Levang
- remove dead files - (6c4842e) - Niclas Rieger
- merge branches - (c36eca5) - Niclas Rieger
2.0.3 - 2023-11-12
- remove poetry io group (#113) - (23cca05) - Niclas Rieger
2.0.2 - 2023-11-08
- safe default zarr write mode - (0f95d04) - Sam Levang
- safe default zarr write mode (#107) - (3003f5a) - Niclas Rieger
2.0.1 - 2023-11-07
- circumvent pypi block with v2.0.1 release - (d014c87) - Niclas Rieger
- circumvent pypi block with v2.0.1 release (#105) - (dbad76a) - Niclas Rieger
2.0.0 - 2023-11-07
- [BREAKING] inverse_transform scores arg - (7c1dc16) - Sam Levang
- [BREAKING] inverse transform for unseen data (#102) - (4974844) - Niclas Rieger
- serialization methods (#103) - (69df4d9) - Sam Levang
- update authors and description - (3e39eda) - Niclas Rieger
- update authors and description (#100) - (49c4367) - Niclas Rieger
- set random_seed for deterministic output - (9f0058a) - Niclas Rieger
- Merge branch 'main' into develop - (0edb852) - Niclas Rieger
1.2.2 - 2023-10-31
- (Dask) avoid double computation - (f24cb09) - Niclas Rieger
- (Decomposer) compute by default - (1f3b214) - Niclas Rieger
- reindexing transformed scores - (a8e458e) - Niclas Rieger
- add performance tests - (42d8e75) - Niclas Rieger
1.2.1 - 2023-10-29
- (Bootstrapper) correct scaling of PCs - (ed59dd9) - Niclas Rieger
- parameter to show dask progress bar - (3482fa4) - Niclas Rieger
- fix broken example - (b58d985) - Niclas Rieger
- fix broken example - (ecc114e) - Niclas Rieger
- fix up minor errors - (ef3fe8a) - Niclas Rieger
- fix reference hyperlinks - (38cadb9) - Niclas Rieger
- update some docstrings - (2795c54) - Niclas Rieger
- repair gallery - (fa647d8) - Niclas Rieger
- update env - (e8f72d5) - Niclas Rieger
- add CoC - (70f10b2) - Niclas Rieger
- complete overhaul - (47e13ea) - Niclas Rieger
- update examples (#93) - (9f3c0c1) - Niclas Rieger
- update doc environment (#94) - (9592dbc) - Niclas Rieger
- build with Python 3.11 - (c181972) - Niclas Rieger
- minor tweaks in documentation - (977a89e) - Niclas Rieger
- fix link - (c6a595b) - Niclas Rieger
- add ipykernel as dependency - (066dc2a) - Niclas Rieger
- docs require rpy2 package - (edd69e2) - Niclas Rieger
- update env - (572cead) - Niclas Rieger
- add pre-commit as dev dependency - (3219562) - Niclas Rieger
- add ipykernel as dependency (#92) - (7fb4b62) - Niclas Rieger
- Merge branch 'main' into develop - (b08e2c3) - Niclas Rieger
- no support for 3.12 - (a0ca2ac) - Niclas Rieger
- install dev dependencies - (be8bffd) - Niclas Rieger
- declare dev docs as optional groups - (52070d3) - Niclas Rieger
1.2.0 - 2023-10-24
- add GWPCA support - (58c2dbe) - Niclas Rieger
- parameter normalized scores - (f0dcb34) - Niclas Rieger
- add Extended EOF Analysis - (2db736c) - Niclas Rieger
- provide standard kwarg for random_state - (cf8b641) - Niclas Rieger
- (dask) compute SVD result immediately - (807b7e8) - Niclas Rieger
- (Bootstrapper) avoid pertubating sample coords - (ffd11fc) - Niclas Rieger
- (CCA) add checks for edge cases - (76c0b1b) - Niclas Rieger
- (GWPCA) raise error in scores - (43e9274) - Niclas Rieger
- score coordinates in T-mode EOF analysis - (731eec2) - Niclas Rieger
- streamline model attribute types - (98c5cef) - Niclas Rieger
- provide top-level type hints - (6be8923) - Niclas Rieger
- (BaseModel) create algorithm methods - (12cfc97) - Niclas Rieger
- (BaseModel) move input check to utils - (183779a) - Niclas Rieger
- (GenericListTransformer) remove inherit - (2307169) - Niclas Rieger
- (Preprocessor) enforce input as list - (ebadaa2) - Niclas Rieger
- create - (166e957) - Niclas Rieger
- simplify model data structure - (09415a3) - Niclas Rieger
- (decomposer) use structural pattern matching - (6f8a9cf) - Niclas Rieger
- update typings - (324c06b) - Niclas Rieger
- (EOF) fix random seed - (4080143) - Niclas Rieger
- isolated NaNs are invalid test cases - (d4b5a77) - Niclas Rieger
- remove cca-zoo test - (6ed06f0) - Niclas Rieger
- Merge branch 'main' into cca - (a7df1b8) - Niclas Rieger
- py3.10 requires typing_extension for Self - (10faa03) - Niclas Rieger
- add cca-zoo as dev dependency - (47e6909) - Niclas Rieger
- add typing-extensions - (fb85abe) - Niclas Rieger
- Release v1.2.0 (#91) - (d8fc3f3) - Niclas Rieger
1.1.0 - 2023-08-31
- (MCA) provide optional PCA preprocessing - (100f40d) - Niclas Rieger
- choose the SVD solver - (50c2386) - Niclas Rieger
- add Canonical Correlation Analysis - (782e624) - Niclas Rieger
- add Optimal Persistence Analysis (OPA) - (2482110) - Niclas Rieger
- choose name of sample and feature dim - (4d521f8) - Niclas Rieger
- add CCA support - (79e82cc) - Niclas Rieger
- PCA preprocessing before Hilbert transform - (2bbcb69) - Niclas Rieger
- add Black badge to README - (759b011) - Niclas Rieger
- update badges - (51113e4) - Niclas Rieger
- update location of Action workflow for badge - (878c5f5) - Niclas Rieger
- update location of Action workflow for badge - (650a8c8) - Niclas Rieger
- add quickstart example and point to methods - (f741199) - Niclas Rieger
- correct typo in README - (3b88d5e) - Niclas Rieger
- more instructive quickstart (#75) - (58c2f09) - Niclas Rieger
- (decomposer) provide kwargs - (a75c805) - Niclas Rieger
- (decomposer) generalize SVD decomposer - (8161e6f) - Niclas Rieger
- (decomposer) remove CrossDecomposer - (52ac245) - Niclas Rieger
- (decomposer) coercing signs is optional - (bb8a0da) - Niclas Rieger
- (stacker) allow sample feature DataArray - (25c2bed) - Niclas Rieger
- extra class for renaming (multi)indeces - (80a4c95) - Niclas Rieger
- add class for MultiIndex convertion - (0033359) - Niclas Rieger
- remove dim checks - (79b43cf) - Niclas Rieger
- generalize hilbert transform over dims - (983e0ad) - Niclas Rieger
- add MultIndexConverter to preprocessor - (39ee3fb) - Niclas Rieger
- add MultiIndexConvert & tests - (52935a0) - Niclas Rieger
- add Sanitizer & tests - (508d742) - Niclas Rieger
- Stacker focuses on stacking - (9f39f8f) - Niclas Rieger
- Sanitizer removes NaNs - (7b5068b) - Niclas Rieger
- streamline Scaler - (a62fc5a) - Niclas Rieger
- adapt Preprocessor to refactoring - (4a43ce9) - Niclas Rieger
- reflect refactoring in Factory - (0ce02f0) - Niclas Rieger
- generalize preprocessing in MCA - (fe9bd46) - Niclas Rieger
- (tests) apply Black coding format - (717f5fe) - Niclas Rieger
- (tests) streamline test names - (3a1fb91) - Niclas Rieger
- apply Black formatting to repo - (029f6e9) - Niclas Rieger
- integrate Black into repo - (dd4cd7f) - Niclas Rieger
- add and streamline type hints - (b51f36a) - Niclas Rieger
- (DatasetStacker) remove failing tests - (3a2411e) - Niclas Rieger
- provide method to create synthetic data - (a737127) - Niclas Rieger
- add more flexible data generation classes - (15f0194) - Niclas Rieger
- (black) specify version and target directory - (7919090) - Niclas Rieger
- add black as dev dependency - (81ccaa8) - Niclas Rieger
- update Github Action workflows - (25211eb) - Niclas Rieger
- cosmetic changes (#72) - (9f44357) - Niclas Rieger
1.0.5 - 2023-07-31
- use xarray built-in method for variance - (23af4d8) - Niclas Rieger
- (ListStacker) use DA Stacker to unstack scores - (c6479cf) - Niclas Rieger
- weigh modes with norm before reconstructing - (13f42e0) - Niclas Rieger
- transform of rotator classes - (3368ed0) - Niclas Rieger
- add missing conj for PCA inverse transform - (e9d6fe1) - Niclas Rieger
- inverse_transform enforces real output - (5e97160) - Niclas Rieger
- remove **kwargs from BaseModel classes - (555d0db) - Niclas Rieger
- MCA covariance (fraction) - (3e4558d) - Niclas Rieger
- (bootstrapper) update to new design pattern - (d61525b) - Niclas Rieger
- update changelog - (ace7ac9) - Niclas Rieger
- extend and streamline doc strings of methods - (a70b9d0) - Niclas Rieger
- improve documentation - (ea32e7e) - Niclas Rieger
- add a Project description to - (0a5cfe3) - Niclas Rieger
- use mamba to create doc env - (610facf) - Niclas Rieger
- add mamba to RTD config - (33d040b) - Niclas Rieger
- remove interactivity - (6e99b8e) - Niclas Rieger
- add DataContainer to model structure - (fc73ccf) - Niclas Rieger
- align Bootstrapper with design pattern - (f3e2a10) - Niclas Rieger
- use values of modes sorting index - (3925ed6) - Niclas Rieger
- init DataContainer in models - (fdd0e78) - Niclas Rieger
- remove unnecessary imports - (29954c0) - Niclas Rieger
- apply rotation matrix in a consistent way - (2f5286d) - Niclas Rieger
- (EOF) check dimensions of components/scores - (093cee8) - Niclas Rieger
- (MCA) check dimensions of components/scores - (a214801) - Niclas Rieger
- add basic test for preprocessor - (aa840b0) - Niclas Rieger
- test cases for transform, inverse_transform - (bee9b1f) - Niclas Rieger
- update python-semantic-release to v8 - (0887579) - Niclas Rieger
- internal design (#69) - (b39bdaf) - Niclas Rieger
- lock PSR to 7.x - (b5b94e3) - Niclas Rieger
- add cartopy and ipywidgets as dev depends - (4d4dcd4) - Niclas Rieger
- update poetry lock - (7edfdc9) - Niclas Rieger
- specify cartopy version - (ec15384) - Niclas Rieger
- remove cartopy from dev dependencies - (c95f658) - Niclas Rieger
1.0.4 - 2023-07-22
- issue with dot product in rotation - (ab28cca) - Niclas Rieger
- use conjugate for squared total variance - (597ba77) - Niclas Rieger
- consistent (squared) covariance for MCA - (8e43d15) - Niclas Rieger
- correct MCA scores and SCF (#66) - (f6ecc49) - Niclas Rieger
- Merge branch 'hotfix-mca-scores' into develop - (f380aed) - Niclas Rieger
1.0.3 - 2023-07-10
- dummy patch to fix package versioning (#53) - (89d128d) - Niclas Rieger
- add ipython to env to use syntax highlight - (6b2d16b) - Niclas Rieger
- add Scaler and Stacker factories - (5cf719f) - Niclas Rieger
- merge Stacker & Scaler into Preprocessor - (8c27b84) - Niclas Rieger
- correct package version - (9070851) - Niclas Rieger
1.0.2 - 2023-07-10
- (method) remove bias in Hilbert transform after padding - (8e199ef) - Niclas Rieger
- (method) remove bias in Hilbert transform after padding (#52) - (f65f54b) - Niclas Rieger
- correct bias in Hilbert trans when padding - (c0183df) - Niclas Rieger
- correct bias in Hilbert trans when padding (#51) - (ef37dd3) - Niclas Rieger
- add dev-dependeny for readthedocs (#46) - (e1e6379) - Niclas Rieger
- fix broken badge - (9d9b5d8) - Niclas Rieger
- add comparison to other packages - (7985585) - Niclas Rieger
- move to pydata sphinx theme - (9e92920) - Niclas Rieger
- improve documentation (#48) - (378aae8) - Niclas Rieger
- add pydata-sphinx-theme as doc dependency - (15c5a3e) - Niclas Rieger
- add pydata-sphinx-theme as doc dependency (#49) - (976d390) - Niclas Rieger
- set color styling - (59213dc) - Niclas Rieger
- citation - (4054e15) - Niclas Rieger
- updates examples - (f31024b) - Niclas Rieger
- citation in bibtex format - (f33f2d5) - Niclas Rieger
- minor improvements (#50) - (00ac5b3) - Niclas Rieger
- Merge 'main' of - (93fb010) - Niclas Rieger
- Merge branch 'main' into develop - (bc4e87d) - Niclas Rieger
- merge branch 'main' of nicrie/xeofs - (efb5ab9) - Niclas Rieger
- merge main into develop - (9f50392) - Niclas Rieger
- revert errorenous upgrade to v2 - (ca22aa4) - Niclas Rieger
- merge branch 'main' into develop - (e0e8d93) - Niclas Rieger
1.0.1 - 2023-07-07
- add dependency statsmodels - (87e7e1d) - Niclas Rieger
- add dask as dependency (#42) - (2bb2b6b) - Niclas Rieger
- build and ci (#45) - (7d1a88b) - Niclas Rieger
- add sphinx related packages to env - (6e07d3b) - Niclas Rieger
- fix incorrect MCA output - (9a22140) - Niclas Rieger
- merge 'main' of - (cfc164b) - Niclas Rieger
- Merge branch 'main' into develop - (d1896d6) - Niclas Rieger
- remove redundant file - (4699a56) - Niclas Rieger
- add dask - (fef6509) - Niclas Rieger
- remove python 3.8 support - (2b408e7) - Niclas Rieger
- drop 3.9 support - (4552fa9) - Niclas Rieger
- Merge develop of nicrie/xeofs into develop - (f31e56e) - Niclas Rieger
1.0.0 - 2023-07-07
- add support for complex EOF - (6bff6af) - Niclas Rieger
- EOF class transform, inverse_trans and corr - (fb71ffe) - Niclas Rieger
- RotatorFactory to access rotator classes - (90b2db6) - Niclas Rieger
- add complex MCA - (13f8bbc) - Niclas Rieger
- Rotation supports dask input - (78360cf) - Niclas Rieger
- skeleton of Bootstrapper class - (4934b31) - Niclas Rieger
- add meta data to model output - (083a8e0) - Niclas Rieger
- complex MCA amplitude and phase - (55ce3b1) - Niclas Rieger
- [BREAKING] v1.0.0 - (ec70e8a) - Niclas Rieger
- always compute scaling arrays prior to analy - (5b810ce) - Niclas Rieger
- define names of output arrays - (c826aa8) - Niclas Rieger
- ListStacker correctly unstacks - (e363357) - Niclas Rieger
- reindex data to ensure deterministic output - (60c382b) - Niclas Rieger
- remove unecessary dimensions in scores - (63e2204) - Niclas Rieger
- added missing import - (207af0a) - Niclas Rieger
- complex decomposition not used - (2086546) - Niclas Rieger
- phase of complex methods returns np.ndarray - (dfb050d) - Niclas Rieger
- [BREAKING] change parameter dims to dim - (70fe651) - Niclas Rieger
- [BREAKING] n_components instead of n_modes - (5d282b1) - Niclas Rieger
- [BREAKING] rename n_rot to n_modes - (5b39cd4) - Niclas Rieger
- number of modes to be rotated defaults 10 - (b13c833) - Niclas Rieger
- supress warning when unstacking coords - (2f01695) - Niclas Rieger
- stacker in T-mode - (2f9be99) - Niclas Rieger
- Merge 'release-v1.0.0' into bootstrapper - (e6ea275) - Niclas Rieger
- add components and pattern method to MCA - (849059b) - Niclas Rieger
- add docstrings - (0fe6e24) - Niclas Rieger
- add more docstrings - (84ebb5a) - Niclas Rieger
- improve documentation - (b7c6680) - Niclas Rieger
- (pandas) [BREAKING] drop support for pandas - (96196e5) - nicrie
- add Scaler class - (a202fa5) - Niclas Rieger
- add Scaler class - (8428471) - Niclas Rieger
- add basic Stacker class - (8d170be) - Niclas Rieger
- add Decomposer class - (cb76350) - Niclas Rieger
- EOF model uses xarray only - (369f40b) - Niclas Rieger
- Merge branch 'stacker' into release-v - (aea74c7) - Niclas Rieger
- add Rotator class - (58e66d2) - Niclas Rieger
- components as correlations to testing - (be1aed6) - Niclas Rieger
- add method in tools for computing corr - (4866357) - Niclas Rieger
- add CrossDecomposer - (43c9ca4) - Niclas Rieger
- clean and move tests - (68392e3) - Niclas Rieger
- clean up - (0d868c6) - Niclas Rieger
- reorganize repo - (d109a2c) - Niclas Rieger
- move standard, complex model in one file - (83f0aad) - Niclas Rieger
- to fit_transform - (e949c57) - Niclas Rieger
- Merg 'release-v1.0.0' into bootstrapper - (97f57ff) - Niclas Rieger
- bootstrapper - (7074942) - Niclas Rieger
- version into separate file - (d51d167) - Niclas Rieger
- bootstrapper - (5525ed1) - Niclas Rieger
- ignore .vscode files - (2877f1d) - nicrie
- ignore some type hints - (d03553a) - Niclas Rieger
- ignore some type hints - (dfeb5a0) - Niclas Rieger
- ignore some type hints - (0e3cff2) - Niclas Rieger
- streamline arguments - (4af426c) - Niclas Rieger
- add EOF test cases - (ba95eb5) - Niclas Rieger
- add test cases for ComplexEOF - (7b6b29b) - Niclas Rieger
- add tests for MCA and Rotator - (bc6d1c6) - Niclas Rieger
- add more test cases - (5921eb4) - Niclas Rieger
- update poetry.lock to newer versions - (1215e57) - nicrie
- update to Node 16 - (7373b8a) - nicrie
- add action for semantic pull request - (2af2456) - nicrie
- test also against python 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11 - (29d0ae0) - Niclas Rieger
- update environment to Python 3.11 - (5947194) - Niclas Rieger
- update to most recent versions - (3a06022) - Niclas Rieger
- add sphinx theme - (5b61bcd) - Niclas Rieger
- python 3.10 bug - (0dd2a18) - Niclas Rieger
- adapt dev versions - (9dba9c4) - Niclas Rieger
- Update semantic_release.yml - (7f1b2b4) - Niclas Rieger
- do not run on PR - (9829517) - Niclas Rieger
0.7.2 - 2023-01-10
- FutureWarning in coslat check (#37) - (285fe0f) - Sam Levang
0.7.1 - 2023-01-08
- allow newer xarray version - (49723c0) - Sam Levang
0.7.0 - 2022-08-26
- add Rotator class for MCA - (6adf45f) - nicrie
- Add Rotator class for MCA - (0e9e8f9) - nicrie
- add ROCK PCA - (0ba0660) - nicrie
- Merge branch 'develop' into rock-pca - (6a5bda8) - nicrie
- add support for ROCK-PCA - (202844d) - nicrie
- numpy and pandas classes did not consider axis parameter - (8b75271) - nicrie
- add stabilizer for communalities during rotation - (462f2fe) - nicrie
- fix docs - (19bb84e) - nicrie
- more text - (0f9c32e) - nicrie
- some minor corrections in docstrings - (75eed31) - nicrie
- add example and update docs - (8bed38a) - nicrie
- update ROCK PCA to documentation - (3a7394d) - nicrie
- adding example for ROCK PCA - (8c6da93) - nicrie
- update README - (9e3210d) - nicrie
- change examples - (1c69645) - nicrie
- update README - (2d28995) - nicrie
- fix some minor errors - (d5d3f73) - nicrie
- add bibtex - (1428ebf) - nicrie
- bibtex not showing up on Github ;) - (0c2a663) - nicrie
- Merge branch 'main' of into develop - (73e2473) - nicrie
- add simple test cases for MCA Rotator - (900d76e) - nicrie
0.6.0 - 2022-08-22
- bootstrapper base class - (f4ee31a) - nicrie
- bootstrapper for numpy class - (c5923b3) - nicrie
- bootstrapper for pandas - (a32b1d3) - nicrie
- bootstrapper for xarray - (f807ea6) - nicrie
- add bootstrap methods - (d5f6797) - nicrie
- add MCA base class - (58612e4) - nicrie
- add MCA support for numpy - (8ded4df) - nicrie
- add MCA support for pandas - (834d7dd) - nicrie
- add MCA support for xarray - (e816e36) - nicrie
- add MCA - (34a82d1) - nicrie
- set informative names of Dataframes and DataArrays - (b5b5286) - nicrie
- add zenodo badge - (4f338ef) - nicrie
- add install instructions for conda - (ef293e5) - nicrie
- add simple example for bootstrapping - (ba62057) - nicrie
- add docstrings to bootstrapping methods - (9c8145c) - nicrie
- add figure to bootstrapping example - (69894a0) - nicrie
- reorganize examples - (68d9db0) - nicrie
- add MCA example - (4fb881e) - nicrie
- update documentation and docstrings - (b8fffdc) - nicrie
- minor changes in text and example arrangements - (b7f1628) - nicrie
- remove some old examples - (625dd08) - nicrie
- minor restructuring - (dbdc885) - nicrie
- remove some comments - (4eae075) - nicrie
- refer to issue why nodefaults is necessary - (2aed6f3) - nicrie
- correct an indent that prevented xeofs being published to pypi - (1ee531c) - nicrie
- simple tests for Bootstrapper to compile without error - (ca3141a) - nicrie
- add MCA test wrapper - (eb2a280) - nicrie
- Merge branch 'main' of into main - (00eb862) - nicrie
- Merge branch 'main' into develop - (14839d4) - nicrie
- add tqdm as dependency - (0de85e5) - nicrie
- repair missing tqdm dependency - (46fd5f2) - nicrie
- remove defaults from anaconda channels when building readthedocs - (0dbcf81) - nicrie
- docs do not compile properly, try changing version in - (0a73edb) - nicrie
- change conf - (a73ef85) - nicrie
0.5.0 - 2022-03-12
- Merge branch 'main' into develop - (6d2d646) - nicrie
- add base and xarray class for multivariate EOF analysis - (5ba07f0) - nicrie
- add support for multivariate EOF analysis - (fa9503a) - nicrie
- add support for multivariate EOF analysis - (53961d9) - nicrie
- add zenodo badge - (7792953) - nicrie
- add example for multivariate EOF analysis - (7ae2ae8) - nicrie
- add example - (07b3bb8) - nicrie
- add example for multivariate EOF analysis - (59a1f1b) - nicrie
- update README - (fdc76ee) - nicrie
- remove class MultivariateEOF - (4fa1ff8) - nicrie
- consistent transformer and multi_transformer definition - (9445769) - nicrie
- tests for new transformer definition - (cf330ff) - nicrie
- multivariate EOF analysis - (b0d0b33) - nicrie
- loose numpy version constrain - (375d675) - nicrie
0.4.0 - 2022-03-02
- eofs as correlation for EOF analysis - (e53d449) - nicrie
- eofs as correlation for rotated EOF analysis - (cb8c472) - nicrie
- add eofs as correlation - (85960ab) - nicrie
- add scaling for PCs and EOFs - (c2c6fe1) - nicrie
- allow different scalings of EOFs an PCs - (ea39f02) - nicrie
- reconstruct input data for EOF analysis - (7ed306a) - nicrie
- reconstruct input data after rotation - (0c9479e) - nicrie
- allow to reconstruct original data with arbitrary mode combination - (be095d7) - nicrie
- project unseen data onto EOFs - (64e38b1) - nicrie
- project unseen data onto EOFs - (341546b) - nicrie
- project unseen data onto rotated EOFs - (63b2d3a) - nicrie
- project new data onto EOFs and rotated EOFs - (d8b0e57) - nicrie
- back_transform automatically add feature coords - (0fef30d) - nicrie
- PC projections was missing -1 correction for degrees of freedom - (a243a26) - nicrie
- fix incorrect dof for rotated PC scaling - (addeb82) - nicrie
- update examples - (5795ffa) - nicrie
- add matplotlib to environment to generate example - (2346fcb) - nicrie
- update links to examples - (44a4353) - nicrie
- install current master branch of sphinx-gallery - (8426033) - nicrie
- forgot to specifiy master branch - (2c827ba) - nicrie
- too many "install" ;) - (ea66ba6) - nicrie
- remove older version of sphinx-gallery - (938f294) - nicrie
- update README - (29f1b4d) - nicrie
- add eofs as correlations - (64c60c1) - nicrie
- update docs - (28e248b) - nicrie
- add project_onto_eofs to autosummary - (af7d1f2) - nicrie
- update README - (58f539b) - nicrie
- update README - (8c8cb29) - nicrie
- update README - (2d00a71) - nicrie
- update README - (c52763b) - nicrie
- update README - (982d7e3) - nicrie
- fix typo - (d5505c6) - nicrie
- update README - (5693fe9) - nicrie
- helper fuction for mode selection - (318e8ea) - nicrie
- dataframe and dataarray transformer return index and coords - (1c6252a) - nicrie
- consistent class names - (5d59fad) - nicrie
- consistent class names in tests - (40416fa) - nicrie
- remove comments - (835951b) - nicrie
- eof as correlation - (d84454c) - nicrie
- add scaling to wrapper tests - (7cad9fe) - nicrie
- add tests for reconstruct_X - (1029f0c) - nicrie
- projection onto EOFs - (49dc6d8) - nicrie
0.3.0 - 2022-02-20
- add weight transformer - (52b98e6) - nicrie
- add weight support to EOF classes - (8821108) - nicrie
- Add support for weighted EOF analysis including coslat weighting - (654b437) - nicrie
- add Rotator base class - (d024d81) - nicrie
- add varimax and promax algorithms - (f1e928f) - nicrie
- add Rotator interface for numpy, pandas, xarray - (050b883) - nicrie
- add Varimax and Promax rotation - (b42ba16) - nicrie
- add error messages when calling invalid coslat weighting - (6104e69) - nicrie
- coslat error was too restrictive - (faece55) - nicrie
- always center data X - (4a58dfc) - nicrie
- incorrect number of mode index for DataArray caller - (4e610ac) - nicrie
- some minor changes in examples - (9611eea) - nicrie
- add example for weigted EOF analysis - (9dedab2) - nicrie
- add example for rotated EOF analysis - (efc364a) - nicrie
- add array fixtures with arbitrary shapes - (7021ef6) - nicrie
- add tests for weights - (318b225) - nicrie
- add simple test for coslat weighting - (793148b) - nicrie
- verify against normalized PCs - (48f054f) - nicrie
- add test for Rotator classes - (bb783e7) - nicrie
0.2.0 - 2022-02-17
- add support for multidimensional axes - (7c31c58) - nicrie
- allow multidimensional axis for decomposition - (e09a420) - nicrie
- place badges on same line - (e2d4dc3) - nicrie
- repair docs due to importlib being installed twice - (0e21ebd) - nicrie
- remove conflicting package versions - (49636ae) - nicrie
- add installation instructions - (43e2563) - nicrie
- update docs - (7b19b5b) - nicrie
- update docstrings - (e02b6ec) - nicrie
- add download badge - (9a96fd1) - nicrie
- add EOF s-mode and t-mode gallery example - (5f371b7) - nicrie
- try to solve readthedoc version number - (981bcdd) - nicrie
- try to solve the readthedocs issue with importlib - (b4cdd9e) - nicrie
- solve readthedoc version issue by installing xeofs first - (7afdd78) - nicrie
- update typings of EOF techniques - (668a375) - nicrie
- correct invalid typing - (3745308) - nicrie
- change error message - (ad13409) - nicrie
- update tests for _array_transformer - (47fe5d2) - nicrie
- Merge branch 'main' into develop - (e1c3534) - nicrie
0.1.2 - 2022-02-15
- pandas and xarray eofs back_transform was called twice - (4fa2bfb) - nicrie
- add batches and link to documentation - (a7dd2d0) - nicrie
- add installation instruction - (9512d34) - nicrie
- add EOF numpy interface - (b5ff975) - nicrie
- add more test cases for numpy wrapper - (d9ca6ae) - nicrie
- add tests for pandas wrapper - (7a8786d) - nicrie
- add tests for xarray wrapper - (d5f20cb) - nicrie
- Merge branch 'main' into develop - (f51e4d2) - nicrie
- add netcdf4 as dev-dependency - (4c4897c) - nicrie
- add version - (739ae74) - nicrie
- add flake8 dependency - (483cf42) - nicrie
- add development dependencies - (e1cc1f6) - nicrie
- wrong pytest version - (774b2d6) - nicrie
- allow standardized EOF analysis - (6e80f78) - nicrie
- typo in CI - (b34ccc5) - nicrie
- update dependencies - (05ceb68) - nicrie
- migrate to poetry - (f7def8a) - nicrie
- migrate to poetry - (a5db259) - nicrie
- use pre-commit hooks to ensure conventional commits - (1c04785) - nicrie
- fix incorrect call of coverage - (d9ee80e) - nicrie
- semantic-release is triggered for PR on main - (e9077a2) - nicrie
- migrate python-semantic-release to github workflows - (c27de9a) - nicrie
- Merge branch 'main' into develop - (9cdef9b) - nicrie
- upload package to pypi - (989a278) - nicrie