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167 lines (137 loc) · 4.29 KB

File metadata and controls

167 lines (137 loc) · 4.29 KB



  • Reports Added
    • Editors can now define reports to pull data from Slice
  • Gem Changes
    • Update to ruby 2.6.3
    • Update to haml 5.1.1
    • Update to jbuilder 2.9

8.0.0 (April 16, 2019)


  • Videos Added
    • Editors can embed videos for users to view
  • Gem Changes
    • Update to ruby 2.6.2
    • Update to rails 6.0.0.beta3
    • Update to carrierwave 1.3.1
    • Update to devise 4.6.1
    • Update to font-awesome-sass 5.8.1

7.1.0 (March 8, 2019)


  • Gem Changes
    • Update to bootstrap 4.3.1

7.0.1 (February 8, 2019)


  • Gem Changes
    • Downgrade to carrierwave 1.2.3

7.0.0 (February 8, 2019)


  • General Changes
    • Display profile picture in menu
    • Update welcome email to indicate that account approval is needed before site access
  • Gem Changes
    • Update to ruby 2.6.1
    • Update to devise 4.6.0
    • Update to mini_magick 4.9.2

Bug Fix

  • Fix bug where cached browser redirects prevented file downloads

6.0.0 (January 29, 2019)


  • Gem Changes
    • Update to pg_search 2.1.4

Bug Fix

  • Fix an issue downloading profile pictures via ActiveStorage links

5.0.1 (January 25, 2019)

Bug Fix

  • Fix an issue downloading documents via ActiveStorage links

5.0.0 (January 25, 2019)


  • Admin Changes
    • Account approval email now forwards to the account show page
  • General Changes
    • Added example pareto chart
  • Site Changes
    • Coordinating centers now split into Clinical Coordinating Center and Data Coordinating Center
  • Gem Changes
    • Update to ruby 2.6.0
    • Update to rails 6.0.0.beta1
    • Update to carrierwave 1.3.1
    • Update to bootstrap 4.2.1
    • Update to font-awesome-sass 5.6.1

4.0.0 (November 7, 2018)


  • General Changes
    • Users are now forwarded to dashboard after login if no other internal URL was visited before login
    • Updated overall randomization goal number
  • Document Changes
    • Increased the default maximum upload size for files to 100 MB
    • Uploading files now provides an error message if the files exceed the upload limit
  • Gem Changes
    • Update to ruby 2.5.3

3.0.0 (October 16, 2018)


  • General Changes
    • Add updated Privacy Policy

2.0.2 (October 9, 2018)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix for friendly forwarding
  • Dashboard "Complete your profile" section no longer asks for profile picture if it has already been uploaded

2.0.1 (October 5, 2018)

Bug Fix

  • Fix a crash caused by friendly forwarding that could occur when signing in or signing out

2.0.0 (October 5, 2018)


  • General Changes
    • Update LOFT-HF logo
    • Internal pages and file links now friendly forward after sign in
  • Admin Changes
    • Simplify folder archiving and management for admins
  • Profile Changes
    • Users can now edit their profile and account settings
  • Search Changes
    • Search now returns more specific results as more search terms are added
  • Gem Changes
    • Update to font-awesome-sass 5.3.1

Bug Fix

  • Fix issue with uploading a file to a folder that shares the same name as another folder

1.0.0 (August 21, 2018)


  • General Changes
    • Add landing page
    • Add contact page
    • Add version page
    • Add dashboard
    • Add directory
    • Add document pages
    • Add randomization report
    • Add data health page
    • Add report card page
    • Add search page
    • Add coordinating centers and recruiting centers pages
  • Admin Changes
    • Add admin dashboard
    • Add user role management
    • Admins are notified by email when a user registers a new account
  • Editor Changes
    • Editors can create folders and assign them to a category
    • Editors can upload files to folders
    • Editors can create sites and assign users as members
    • Editors can edit and reorder categories
  • Registration Changes
    • Welcome emails are sent to new user registrations
    • Users need to confirm their email
    • Users are notified by email when their account is approved
  • Base Web Framework
    • Rails for the web framework
    • Amazon AWS for hosting and continuous deployment
    • Travis CI for continuous integration testing
    • Devise for authentication
    • Bootstrap for user interface
    • Font Awesome for icons