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rbuckton / engine262
Forked from engine262/engine262An implementation of ECMA-262 in JavaScript
xvw / recursion-schemes-from-the-ground-up
Forked from nrinaudo/recursion-schemes-from-the-ground-upHNPWA - Hacker News readers as Progressive Web Apps 📱
fponticelli / react-angular-ember-elm-performance-comparison
Forked from evancz/react-angular-ember-elm-performance-comparisonComparing performance of Elm, React, Angular, and Ember
Sources for the PureScript book
HeapsIO / hlsteam
Forked from larsiusprime/SteamWrapHaxe native extension for the Steam API
stevegury / rsocket-js
Forked from rsocket/rsocket-jsJavaScript implementation of RSocket
Scripts for automatic templates generation
KiaraGrouwstra / parsz
Forked from dijs/parszThe language engine and tool for web parsing
jdegoes / scalaz
Forked from scalaz/scalazAn extension to the core Scala library for functional programming.
A prettier index.html for listing public files and folders in Amazon S3 buckets.
andyli / aframe
Forked from aframevr/aframeA web framework for building virtual reality experiences.
joejordanbrown / material2
Forked from angular/componentsMaterial Design components for Angular 2
mgmeier / purescript
Forked from purescript/purescriptA small strongly typed language that compiles to Javascript
sledorze / angular.haxe
Forked from frabbit/angular.haxeToolset for using angular.js (https://angularjs.org) in haxe applications
fullofcaffeine / docker-haxe
Forked from imsky/docker-haxeHaxe for Docker.
binaryfoundry / cannon.hx
Forked from schteppe/cannon.jsHaXe language port of Cannon.js
sledorze / ember.hx
Forked from ccapndave/ember.hxA library allowing ember.js to be used with the Haxe programming language
sledorze / scala-react
Forked from ingoem/scala-reactScala.react is a reactive programming library for Scala.
sledorze / hots
Forked from frabbit/hotsType classes and higher order types for haxe
sledorze / roy
Forked from puffnfresh/roySmall functional language that compiles to JavaScript.
sledorze / flambe
Forked from aduros/flambeRapidly cook up games for Flash and HTML5.
haxe macros experiment
sledorze / MinimalCompsHX
Forked from Beeblerox/MinimalCompsHXHaxe port of Keith Peters minimalcomps
sledorze / haxe-three.js
Forked from labe-me/haxe-three.jsHaxe externs for three.js
clemos / haxe-sublime-bundle
Forked from joa/haxe-sublime2-bundleSublime Text bundle for Haxe programming language
sledorze / bdog-mongo
Forked from blackdog66/bdog-mongoa haxe wrapper for mongo for node.js