exp_scripts Public
Useful scripts for my experimental setup and data processing
data_f4_wire_b Public
Vibrating wire thermometry in He3-B (Fridge4, RUN22)
Python UpdatedAug 1, 2023 -
data_filter Public
A smart filter for telemetry data
Tcl GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 29, 2023 -
tcl-device Public
Device library - replaced with https://github.com/slazav/device2
magneetti Public
Old program for magnetic field profile calculation
bresenham Public
description of Bresenham algorithm (line, circle), comments in Russian
he3waves Public
matlab scripts for various numerical calculations: magnon condensate, spin waves in HQV, vortex fermion states...
MATLAB UpdatedJul 8, 2020 -
tcl-bf2gr Public
parse Bluefors/CryoMech/Magnicon/etc. logfiles, put data into graphene database
he3text1r Public
He3-B 1D radial texture calculation. F/C/matlab/octave interfaces
he3en Public
Collection of matlab/octave scripts for testing various 3He-B energies
M UpdatedOct 11, 2018 -
dealii_progs Public
Simulation: Spin waves between half-quantum vortices in polar phase of 3He
PostScript UpdatedSep 14, 2018 -
weather Public
построение графиков количества снега и температуры по данным rp5