First,you need to start a background process for the broker.
- icehydra -f your.json -D
Icehydra use json file to config Publisher and Subscriber.
The json file tells how icehydra works , like:
"ih-pid" : 0,
"ih-pid" : 100
"ih-pid" : 101
The first json node confiures the name and bound CPU ID of the Publisher, and initializes four shared memory bloks.Note that the Publisher's "ih-pid" must be 0.
The remaining processes connecting to the Publisher only need to configure the "ih-pid" and name.
NOTE: ih-pid ranges from 0-255. Indeed, 0 must be reserver for the Publisher.
Subscriber uses 1-255.
After completing the previous step,when you input 'ipcs' , you should see the following information.
The subscriber process is easy to connect to the broker .
//create and connect to the broker,use the name configured in json file
Then you can send messages through send-apis
//uint8_t ids_array = {101} (it's the ih-pid defined in json you want to send-to)
//ids_num = sizeof(ids_array)
IH_BROADCAST_CMD_T cmdtest = {
.br_ids = ids_array,
.br_num = ids_num,
.data = str,
.datalen = strlen};
ret = ih_send_broadcast_data(&cmdtest);
The another subscriber process will recv the str by recv-api
struct timeval timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = 1;
timeout.tv_usec = 0;
ret = ih_recv_data(recvbuf,&recvlen);
if(ret < 0){
But how we use the share memory we defined ?
First,we send a get-shm-cmd to the Publisher to get all share memory id.
Then use recv-api check is get-shm-cmd-reply.
Broker return the IDs of shared memory in the order defined by the json file.
Finally,use API to attch to share memory
//want to use share memory,send cmd to broker
timeout.tv_sec = 1;
timeout.tv_usec = 0;
ret = ih_recv_data(recvbuf,&recvlen);
if(ret < 0){
//check recv type is share-memory-ids
//get share memory ptr by shm_name in JSON