這是 2021 年的師大進階程式設計作業:Legend of Code and Magic
由「大師」臺語羅馬拼音:Tāi-su 簡化而來
├── authors.json # author info shall be recorded here
├── auto_report.py
├── code # your workplace
│ ├── main.cpp
│ ├── makefile
│ ├── tai-su.cpp # main library
│ └── tai-su.h # main library header
├── main_stub.cpp
├── make_c.py
├── makefile # export production makefile
├── readme.md
├── requirements.txt # python requirements
└── tcc_template.docx # docx template
code 資料夾中的 main.cpp 和 tau-su.cpp 為可供使用者使用的程式碼
tai-su.cpp 的最下面有提供使用者定義計算行動分數的 functions ,注意是分數越低的越會被優先選取
the submission for coding game
.pdf/.zipthe file submit to moodle
make clean # clean the current build
a work similar to this project has already conducted. however, this project does not preserve some properties for binary and different compilers. for instance if you want to use the lastest c++20, you may suffer that the online judge does not support the syntax you need. as a result, this project use a different approach. it compiles the object code locally and inject it to the stub code then deflated to the remote server(see main_stub.cpp and make_c.py for further details). In addition to code generation, it also automaticially generate report and packed code on given template file(tcc_template.docx
). it will scan the style inside the word file and write report depending on what you tracked in your git repository. author informations and student id prefix can be set in authors.json
and makefile
NOTE: DO NOT track binary files for git. it will lead to undefined behaviours.
- clang-format
- python3
- unoconv
pip3 install -r requirements.txt && apt install unoconv