This code is the part of midterm assignment for SES 598 Autonomous Exploration System Course at Arizona State University (ASU). The project involves moving the quadcopter close to a probe for data mulling, later move towards precariously balanced rock, revolve around it and create PointCloud map using ORBSLAM2 and land safely on Rover.
The phase-1 world consist of bishop mars terrain along with a probe, a precariously balanced rock, a rover and a quadcopter. The task includes below points in the given sequence 1. Set offbaord and go to the probe for data mulling (distanceThreshold = 1 meter) 2. After data mulling is completed, move closer to rock and map the entire rock using OrbSlam2 3. Once mapping is completed, move towards the pre-defined location where rover is parked and land on it safely. 4. All the above sequence of action must happened autonomoulsy without human intervention in
Register on to get access to pre-configured docker container with 3D graphics, ROS, Gazebo, and PX4 flight stack. Or you can clone and build using
Install ORBSLAM2 by following the github repository
Follow below instruction to clone the in ./scripts/ folder
cd cps_challenge/scripts
git clone
Run the phase-1 world of gazebo using the command
roslaunch cps_challenge_2020 phase-1.launch
Run the ORBSLAM2 using the command
rosrun ORB_SLAM2 Mono PATH_TO_VOCABULARY PATH_TO_SETTINGS_FILE /camera/image_raw:='your camera topic'
Run the program using the command
rosrun cps_challenge_2020 or python
- Python 2.7
- Ubuntu 18.04
- Gazebo 9.6