GDM-BioBert Public
Relation Extraction using biobert pytorch : gene, disease and mutation.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 3, 2023 -
Bank-Management-System Public
PERN stack project with Node.js as back-end and React.js and Bootstrap as front-end. Created a RESTful API in a Node.js environment running on a Express.js server using a PostgreSQL database.
Tweets are analysed as they come from Twitter Streaming API, using Stanford CoreNLP Library. Backend server is built using Spring (Boot), where the tweets are extracted and stored in the Spring Boo…
Java UpdatedDec 9, 2021 -
SpringBoot-Thymeleaf-Web-App Public
A Spring Boot Starter Web-Maven application with RESTful features and mail sending functionality using Spring Boot SMTP. Project includes Pagination and Sorting features using Spring Boot, Thymelea…
HTML UpdatedDec 6, 2021 -
Organisation_Management Public
A PERN Stack project built to handle the primary record handling functionality in an organisation. Project uses Node JS for backend with npm as the package manager and React JS and Material UI for …
JavaScript UpdatedJun 10, 2021 -
Hilzer's barber shop synchronization problem solved using semaphore and threading concepts in C programming language.
C UpdatedApr 25, 2021 -