Fusional approaches for temporal action localization in untrimmed videos
This repo holds the codes and models for the framework, introduced in the paper:
"Hear Me Out: Fusional Approaches for AudioAugmented Temporal Action Localization".
- Paper Introduction
- Prerequisites
- Data setup
- Download datasets
- Training
- Testing
- Best proposals
- Other info
State of the art architectures for untrimmed video Temporal Action Localization (TAL) have only considered RGB and Flow modalities, leaving the information-rich audio modality totally unexploited. Audio fusion has been explored for the related but arguably easier problem of trimmed (clip-level) action recognition. However, TAL poses a unique set of challenges. In this paper, we propose simple but effective fusion-based approaches for TAL. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to jointly consider audio and video modalities for supervised TAL. We experimentally show that our schemes consistently improve performance for state of the art video-only TAL approaches. Specifically, they help achieve new state of the art performance on large-scale benchmark datasets - ActivityNet-1.3 (52.73 mAP@0.5) and THUMOS14 (57.18mAP@0.5). Our experiments include ablations involving multiple fusion schemes, modality combinations and TAL architectures.
The following table showcases the improvement in mAP scores due to incorporation of audio in current SOTA video-only architectures.
The training and testing in AVFusion is implemented in PyTorch for the ease of use.
- [PyTorch 1.8.1][pytorch]
Other minor Python modules can be installed by running
pip install -r requirements.txt
The code relies on CUDA extensions. Build them with the following command:
python setup.py develop
Clone this repo with git, please remember to use --recursive
git clone --recursive https://github.com/skelemoa/tal-hmo
Extract video features: We can use pre extracted I3D features of thumos from here
Extract audio features:
python extractVGGishFeatures.py
GTAD for DupTrim,AvgTrim and Concat:
python gtad_fusion.py
MUSES for DupTrim,AvgTrim and Concat:
python muses_fusion.py
GTAD RMattn:
python models.py
python models_Muses.py
python pgcn_models.py
for proposal fusion eval_detection_results.py was used, twice.
First for RGB and flow, and the result was again run with Audio features.
Train your own models with the following command
python train_net.py DATASET --cfg CFG_PATH --snapshot_pref SNAPSHOT_PREF --epochs 20
SNAPSHOT_PREF: the path to save trained models and logs, e.g outputs/snapshpts/thumos14_rgb/
We provide a script that finishes all steps on THUMOS14, including training, testing, and two-stream fusion. Run
bash scripts/do_all.sh
You can obtain the detection scores by running
denotes for the trained model.
This script will report the detection performance in terms of [mean average precision][map] at different IoU thresholds.
The trained models and evaluation results are put in the "results" folder.
mAP@0.5IoU (%) | RGB | Audio | (RGB+Audio(encoding))+Flow |
MUSES | 56.16 | 4.73 | 57.18 |
- Best_proposals/propsAnet.zip for ActivityNetv1.3
- Best_proposals/propsThumos.zip for Thumos14
For questions and suggestions, file an issue or contact Jazib Mahmood at "jazib.mahmood@research.iiit.ac.in".