Tool for dirty Youtube SEO guys. This is just a PROOF-OF-CONCEPT software, i don't promise you nothing (can't even promise that it works)
To use this tool you have to have youtube channel with:
- More than 2 videos on your channel
- Talking name of channel - that immediately shows that you are about.
##Idea Basic idea is very simple.
- you define list of channels that somehow relate to your channel
- go to these channels and find their most popular video
- scan through all comments and find most active users
- start subscribing to these active users, so they will notice you and maybe subscribe back.
Active users on youtube is a good idea, because:
- they are more likely to subscribe to your channel (if you properly defined channel list)
- there is a big probability they will create comments under your video
- there is a big probability they will create a flame war in comments for your video. If they come back to leave comment - you receive +1 view. So they can generate more views then anyone else in youtube world.
I think, spamming everyone with messages is a bad idea. I propose to just subscribe, it's less scammy they to show that you around. And remember, your youtube channel name - should immediately interest them.
All the gems involved. My mother and to Stanislav Lem for endless inspiration.