from plotly.grid_objs import Column, Grid
column_1 = Column([1, 2, 3], 'column 1')
column_2 = Column(['a', 'b',], 'column 2')
grid = Grid(column_1, column_2)
unique_url = py.grid_ops.upload(grid, filename, world_readable=True)
Grids are identified with either grid
or grid_url
, or filename
will be unsupported in this version
rows = [[1, 'a'], [2, 'b']]
grid = Grid(c1, c2)
py.grid_ops.upload(grid, 'my file')
# We recommend this call signature, since `row` gets appended to the grid
py.grid_ops.append_rows(rows, grid=grid)
# But, these all do the same thing
py.grid_ops.append_rows(rows, grid_url="") #shortcut
py.grid_ops.append_rows(rows, filename='my file') # currently unsupported.
# will do a get request behind
# the scenes to get the grid_id
Similarly for appending columns:
from plotly.grid_objs import Column
new_col = Column([1,2,3], 'new col name')
# these are equivalent
py.grid_ops.append_columns([new_col], grid_url='')
py.grid_ops.append_columns([new_col], filename='my file') # Currently unsupported
# this, too:
grid = Grid(Column([1,2,3], 'first column name'))
py.grid_ops.upload(grid, 'my file')
py.grid_ops.append_columns([new_col], grid=grid) # also implicitly adds new_col to grid
grid[0].name # 'first column name'
grid[1].name # 'new col name'
Overwriting currently isn't possible. For now,
>> py.grid_ops.upload(grid, 'my grid')
"PlotlyFileException: Yikes, a file already exists with this filename."
"You can delete that file with:"
"> py.grid_ops.delete('my grid')"
"Warning: If any graphs were made from this grid, the data in those graphs"
"will also be lost. If you make a new grid after you delete with the same filename, "
"the new grid's URL will also be different."
"That's confusing and you're probably not having a good time.""
In the near future:
# Updates the data, but not the column ids, of the grid. Referenced plots don't break.
# Behind the scenes, this:
# 1 - Makes a `GET` request to retrieve a {column_name: column_id} hash
# 2 - Makes a `PUT` request to update the data of the columns
>> py.grid_ops.upload('my grid') # overwrite defaults to True
# Or, recieve an exception with:
>> py.grid_ops.upload(grid, 'my grid', overwrite=False)
"PLotlyFileException: Yikes! ..."
# throw good errors if none or more than 1 were specified
py.grid_ops.delete(filename=None, grid_url=None, grid=None, grid_id=None)
In the future, once we can delete Plots and Folders
py.file_ops.delete(file_path=None, fid=None, url=None)
>> print Column([1,2,3], 'column 1')
<Column "column 1": [1, 2, 3]>
>> print Grid(col1, col2)
<Grid: [<Column "column 1": [1, 2, 3]>, <Column "column 2": ["a", "b", "c"]>]>
>> grid = Grid(col1, col2)
>> print grid[0]
<Column "column 1": [1, 2, 3]>
>> grid = Grid(col1, col2)
>> print grid.get_column('column 1')
<Column "column 1": [1, 2, 3]>
If you have the grid
>> from plotly.grid_objs import Grid
>> grid = Grid(column_1, column_2)
>> grid.upload(grid, 'experimental data')
>> fig_data = [Scatter(xsrc=grid[0], ysrc=grid[0])]
>> print Scatter(xsrc=grid[0], ysrc=grid[1])
[{"xsrc": "chris/8:3dkb", "ysrc": "chris/8:cbk8", "type": "scatter"}]
>> py.plot(fig_data)
>> Scatter(x=[1,2,3], y=[2,1,2])
"High five!"
>> Scatter(xsrc=[1,2,3], ysrc=[2,1,2])
"PlotlyTypeException: xrc and ysrc must be type string or plotly.grid_obj.Column"
>> Scatter(xsrc=Column('myCol', [1,2,3]), ysrc=Column('otherCol', [2,1,2]))
"PlotlyFileException: you must upload a grid before you can reference it in plots"
>> Scatter(xsrc=localGrid[0], ysrc=localGrid[1])
"PlotlyFileException: you must upload a grid before you can reference it in plots"
>> Scatter(x=grid[0], y=grid[1])
"PlotlyTypeException: Yikes, column objects aren't currently supported here."
"x must be an array of strings, numbers, or datetimes."
>> print Scatter(xsrc=grid[0], yscr=grid[1])
{"xsrc": "chris/3:3dfbk", "ysrc": "chris/3:dk3c"}
Otherwise, download the grid (Not currently supported)
>> grid = grid_ops.get(filename=None, grid_id=None, grid_url=None)
(Download should use same endpoint as grid_url.json
, e.g.
>> grid = Grid(column_1, column_2)
>> trace = Scatter(x=grid[0], y=grid[1])
"PlotlyGridException: Grid must be uploaded to Plotly before figures can be created."
"Call `py.grid_ops.upload(grid)`"
>> col1 = Column([], 'my column name')
>> col2 = Column([], 'my column name')
>> Grid(col1, col2)
"PlotlyGridException: Grid can't have duplicate column names"
>> py.grid_ops.append_row(Row({'column 1': 1}), grid=grid)
"PlotlyGridException: Missing column entries, partial row update is not supported."
"Supply data for 'column 2' and try again."
Type checking boiler plate
>> Column({'a': 'b'}, 'col1')
"PlotlyColumnException: Data argument must be an array of numbers, strings, Nones, or datetimes"
>> Column([{'a': 'b'}], 'col1')
"PlotlyColumnException: Data values must be an array string, a number, Nones, or a datetime"
A PlotlyRequestError
that prints a useful error message from the server:
- Print
if provided (Plotly error message) - Otherwise, print
if the response is plain-text - Otherwise, print the original
error message.
Also, store the status code.
c1 = Column('first column', [1, 2, 3, 4])
grid = Grid([c1])
meta = {"settings":{"scope1":{"model":"Unicorn Finder","voltage":4}}}
# First, create a grid
c1 = Column('first column', [1, 2, 3, 4])
grid = Grid([c1])
grid_url = py.grid_ops.upload(grid, unique_filename, auto_open=False)
# Add some Metadata to that grid
meta = {"settings": {"scope1": {"model": "Unicorn Finder", "voltage": 4}}}
meta_url = py.meta_ops.upload(
>> py.file_ops.mkdirs('new folder in root')
>> py.file_ops.mkdirs('make/each/of/these/folders')
Note that this is like mkdir -p
. mkdirs
is a Java convention.
We could also use our own, like:
These commands will:
- return status codes:
if nothing created,201
if created - raise exception if a file or folder already exists with that path
In the future, once we can delete Plots and Folders
py.file_ops.delete(file_path=None, fid=None, url=None)
Or, if we want to keep unix convention (do we?)
py.file_ops.rm(file_path=None, fid=None, url=None)