The most advanced flower in the world. Electrical & Mechanical flower lamp that blooms with all the colors of rainbow thanks to the set of RGB LEDs.
- 6 petals that open and close - operated by servo motor inside the flowerpot
- 7 RGB LEDs in the center of the blossom
- capacitive touch sensor in the leaf
- ESP32 microcontroller
- Arduino IDE or MicroPython support
- Bluetooth & WiFi connectivity
- USB-C interface for programming (CP2102N USB-to-UART)
- 1600 mAh LIPO battery (TP4056 charging IC)
- deep sleep mode to extend battery life
- red charging and blue activity LEDs in the flowerpot
Earlybird Prototypes currently available on Join waitlist to get notified every time the new batch is ready.
- Revision 5
- Serial numbers 0001 - 0018, 0021, 0022
- The history starts here
- Revision 6
- Serial numbers 0019, 0020, 0023 - 0032
- Added USB power detection circuitry
Floower can be programmed using the Arduino IDE. However, the ESP32 microcontroller is not supported by default, so you need to install & configure it:
- Prerequisites: Arduino IDE Installed
- Install CP2102 Universal Driver
- Install ESP32 Add-on in Arduino IDE:
- Open File > Preferences
- Enter into the Additional Board Manager URLs field and click OK button. (If you already have other boards URL, separate the URLs with a comma)
- Open Tools > Boards > Boards Manager... and search for esp32
- Click Install button for the ESP32 by Espressif Systems. It should be installed after a few seconds.
- Open Tools > Boards and select DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1
- Download / Clone this code repository
- Open src/flower-esp32/flower-esp32.ino project file with Arduino IDE (it will automatically load all the project files)
- Install following Arduino libraries to full-fill dependencies:
- Open Tools > Manage Libraries, search and install following dependencies:
- ESP32Servo (version 0.9.0 tested)
- NeoPixelBus By Makuna (version 2.6.0 tested)
- Connect your Floower to your computer via USB-C data cable. Make sure you are using smart/data USB cable, some of the cables are power only and thus cannot transfer data at all. Select the port of your Floower Tools > Port. It should be the one that just appeared.
- Run Sketch > Upload. You should get a sweet 'avrdude done. Thank you.' message at the end of the console.
- Now you can make your own personalized Floower.