If you want to use our environment for your research, you can check this README file.
We provide several examples in the example
directory to try our environments, including relocate, pour, and place
inside. It is very simple to use the code, take pour as example:
import numpy as np
from hand_imitation.env.environments.mug_pour_water_env import WaterPouringEnv
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Environment parameters
tank_size = (0.15, 0.15, 0.06) # the size of water tank container
mug_init_offset = (0.22, 0) # the initial position of mug
tank_init_pos = (-0.08, -0.1) # the initial position of the water tank container
# Geom parameters for the MuJoCo mug object
# Please refer to http://www.mujoco.org/book/XMLreference.html#geom for more details
geom_params = dict(condim="4", margin="0.003")
# Construct env
env = WaterPouringEnv(has_renderer=True, tank_size=tank_size, mug_init_offset=mug_init_offset,
tank_init_pos=tank_init_pos, **geom_params)
# or you can simply use the default parameters with:
# env = WaterPouringEnv(has_renderer=True)
# Action spec
obs = env.reset()
low, high = env.action_spec
# Visualization
for i in range(500):
action = np.random.uniform(low, high)
obs, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)