We will analyze the effect of using Dropout in the visible and hidden layers while training the models on the skin cancer dataset.
Python 3.5 Keras 2.2.0 Tensorflow-GPU 1.9.0 Scikit-Learn
Feel free to run the codes from the attached Jupyter Notebook. The codes can be used with your own custom datasets. All that you need is a CSV file containing the features and class labels. We believe the code would be of good value for the research community and request to kindly cite our study: T. R. Thamizhvani, Suganthi Lakshmanan & R. Sivaramakrishnan (2018). Mobile application-based computer-aided diagnosis of skin tumours from dermal images, The Imaging Science Journal, 66:6, 382-391, DOI: 10.1080/13682199.2018.1492682