Currently based on r5rs-denot, but will diverge significantly in code generation and core syntax. Also, there is no evaluator here, just a transpiler from Lisp to JavaScript.
Excluding the variadic lambda forms, all the syntax below can currently be converted to JavaScript.
(if <expr> <expr> <expr>)
(if <expr> <expr>)
(set! <id> <expr>)
(lambda <id>* <expr>*)
(lambda <id> <expr>*)
(lambda (<id>* . <id>) <expr>*)
(<expr> <expr>*)
Some of the following derived forms have been implemented.
(define <id> <expr>)
(define (<id> <id>*) <expr>*)
(define (<id>* . <id>) <expr>*)
(begin <expr>*)
(cond (<expr> <expr>)*)
(let ((<id> <expr>)*) <expr>*)
(letrec ((<id> <expr>)) <expr>*)
(and <expr>*)
(or <expr>*)
Ensure Cabal is installed and build this project by running cabal run
. The REPL will boot up. Type an expression and hit ENTER to
evaluate it.
lisp-to-js> (define (fact n) (if (= n 0) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1))))) (fact 6)
var fact=((n)=>(n==0)?(1):n*fact(n-1));fact(6)
lisp-to-js> (define a 1) (define b 3) a
var a=1,b=3;a
lisp-to-js> (define a 3) (set! a 10) a
var a=3;a=10;a
lisp-to-js> (cond ((= 1 2) "hello") ((= 3 1) "foo") (#t "bar"))
The Scheme program:
((lambda (x) (+ x x)) 10)
Can be written in the Haskell Expr
datatype as:
prog = App (Lambda ["x"] [] (App (Id "+") [Id "x", Id "x"])) [Const (Number 10)]
Which will then be converted into a minified JavaScript AST.
JSAstProgram [JSExpressionStatement (JSMemberExpression (JSExpressionParen JSNoAnnot (JSArrowExpression (JSParenthesizedArrowParameterList JSNoAnnot (JSLOne (JSIdentifier JSNoAnnot "x")) JSNoAnnot) JSNoAnnot (JSExpressionStatement (JSExpressionBinary (JSIdentifier JSNoAnnot "x") (JSBinOpPlus JSNoAnnot) (JSIdentifier JSNoAnnot "x")) JSSemiAuto)) JSNoAnnot) JSNoAnnot (JSLOne (JSDecimal JSNoAnnot "10")) JSNoAnnot) JSSemiAuto] JSNoAnnot
Which gets pretty-printed into a JavaScript program.