A personal blog page created entirely with vanilla HTML/CSS/JS + Contentful API for posts. Read the post introducing this blog and explaining it here.
- Customization: preset themes, color sliders to create your own custom theme
- Frequent posts: a guarantee of frequent posts on various topics: reviews, tech things, projects, sneak peeks, and more!
- Awesome design: good quality-of-life UX and UI
Made by sipped in one week in March 2025. Uses pure html/css/js + the Contentful API for fetching and posting posts. Currently hosted with Vercel under the domain blog.sipped.org. Or, access it with: sipped.org/blog
- Get early news and updates by supporting me with Ko-fi
- Added views counter using my own Counter-API to each blog post
- Hyperlinks are now in the color of the theme's "primary color"
- Base release
Contact me at hello@sipped.org!
Support me and get early access to sipped.org (and all my other projects) updates, changes and early looks for as low as $3: https://ko-fi.com/sipped