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Generate map-based noise models and noise simulations.


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Map-based Noise ModelS

Serving up sugar-coated map-based models of SO/ACT data. Each model supports drawing map-based simulations. The only ingredients are data splits with independent realizations of the noise or equivalent, like an independent set of time-domain sims.


For any questions please reach out to Zach Atkins (email:, github: @zatkins2). If you use any released mnms products or this code in your own work, please cite Atkins et. al. 2023.


Products for the ACT DR6.01 release are available at NERSC and at Princeton (della). You can create a public account on NERSC following these instructions. Follow the setup instructions for mnms and sofind, and utilize the appropriate sofind data model.

As an aid in forecasting studies, the noise curve products for figure 3 of Atkins et. al. 2023 are available at, with an accompanying notebook.


Users wishing to filter data or generate noise simulations should have the following dependencies in their environment:

  • from simonsobs: pixell, sofind
  • from the community: numba, enlib
    • optweight is required if you are using mnms for any functionality beyond loading existing products to disk with sofind.

All other dependencies (e.g. numpy etc.) are required by packages listed here, especially by pixell.

A note on enlib: all users need access to the top-level python modules. This is achieved just by adding the repo to your PYTHONPATH. If you are only drawing new simulations or loading existing products from disk, you do not need to do anything else. Only if you are generating new noise models, you may also try compiling the library array_ops. This is done via make array_ops executed from within the top-level directory. Please see the enlib docs for more info on how to do this on your system. We have had success using an up-to-date intel c compiler with intel mkl loaded in your environment, if available. However, enlib.array_ops is not necessary to generate new noise models. If the array_ops module isn't compiled, mnms will fallback to using optweight to help make models.


Clone this repo and the sofind repo. mnms and sofind are install-time circular dependencies. Thus, they need to be installed in the same call to pip:

$ pip install path/to/mnms path/to/sofind


$ pip install -e path/to/mnms -e path/to/sofind

to see changes to source code automatically updated in your environment. To check the installation, run tests from within path/to/mnms:

$ pytest

Tests are still under construction!

Quick Setup

All users must create a file .mnms_config.yaml in their system's HOME directory. One is also generated for you when the repo is installed. This file encodes the location on their system of products read and written by mnms. This file contains only a private_path entry:

private_path: "/path/to/personal/mnms/products"

The private_path is unique to each user: it is where mnms will write any products the user generates themselves. This directory must contain the following subdirectories: models and sims.

Basic Usage

The simplest way to interact with mnms products in code is by instantiating a BaseNoiseModel subclass object from a configuration file, e.g.:

from mnms import noise_models as nm

# a qid is an identifier tag for a dataset, like a detector array.
# see sofind for a list of possible qids depending on which data
# model you load. thus, in the below, could also do ['pa4a', 'pa4b'] 
# or ['pa6a', 'pa6b']
qids = ['pa5a', 'pa5b'] 

# this will load a baseline-map noise model for act_dr6v4. could also 
# do (for example) 'act_dr6v4_pwv_split' for pwv split maps (likewise el_split, inout_split), or `act_dr6.01` for dr6.01 products. these
# correspond to the name of noise_model config files in the noise_model
# product of sofind
config_name = 'act_dr6v4' 

# this will load the tiled noise model. could also do 'fdw_cmbmask'
# for directional wavelet model (or 'tile', 'wav', or 'fdw' for
# dr6.01; see noise_models product configs in sofind). these correspond
# to the blocks within the config file
noise_model_name = 'tile_cmbmask'

# if you are loading a config that requires subproduct_kwargs (e.g.,  
# 'act_dr6v4_pwv_split' maps require a 'pwv_split' argument), you need
# to specify which subproduct_kwargs the model will include at object
# creation. this could be nothing (e.g., for 'act_dr6v4'),
# {'pwv_split': ['pwv1']} (e.g, for 'act_dr6v4_pwv_split'), or may be
# a longer list like {'inout_split': ['inout1', 'inout2']} (e.g., for
# 'act_dr6v4_inout_split'). in the latter case, passing a pair of qids
# will result in 4 "datasets" (the outer product of all the qids and
# subproduct_kwargs in the list) being jointly modeled/covaried.
subproduct_kwargs = {}
# subproduct_kwargs = {'inout_split': ['inout1', 'inout2']}

# instantiate NoiseModel object
tnm = nm.BaseNoiseModel.from_config(

# grab a sim from disk, generate on-the-fly if does not exist
my_sim = tnm.get_sim(split_num=2, sim_num=16, lmax=10800)

# grab a sim from disk, fail if does not exist on-disk
my_sim = tnm.get_sim(split_num=2, sim_num=16, lmax=10800, generate=False)

# generate a sim on-the-fly whether or not exists on disk
my_sim = tnm.get_sim(split_num=2, sim_num=16, lmax=10800, check_on_disk=False)

These method calls can also write products to disk by supplying write=True. Products written by users are always saved in their private_path! Note, a noise covariance matrix (i.e., a model) must exist before a simulation can be drawn. Such a covariance matrix can be produced via the BaseNoiseModel.get_model method.


In addition to on-the-fly simulations as above, we provide ready-made scripts for users who wish to write a large batch of products to disk in a dedicated SLURM job. We have three kinds of scripts: gen only generates a noise covariance matrix from raw data inputs; sim only generates simulations given a noise covariance matrix on-disk; all first generates the covariance matrix, and then generates simulations as well. A noise covariance matrix (i.e., a model) must exist before a simulation can be drawn.

To protect against wasted computation, scripts check for existing products on-disk and only generate new products if they do not exist. The command-line options for each script are documented and available as

python noise_{all/gen/sim}.py --help

Products written by users are always saved in their private_path!

Configs and Metadata

The recommended way to instantiate a BaseNoiseModel subclass of any type is by loading a configuration file (in fact, the provided scripts require this). A configuration file lives in the sofind repository, under sofind/products/noise_models (all configs are always yaml files).

The job of a config is to store the metadata that helps instantiate noise models in a centralized location. For instance, you wouldn't want to have to manage all the arguments for a FDWNoiseModel instance yourself! In addition, the config maps this metadata to filenames. Each config stores a model_file_template and a sim_file_template which will be populated by the kwargs in the config when those products are written. Users can experiment with changing the templates to match their preferred filename --- note, some additional kwargs provided at runtime to get_model and get_sim likely go here, e.g. lmax or split_num.

Take care with filenames:

  • mnms will not prevent you from overwriting preexisting products in your private_path!
  • mnms will prevent you from writing a filename into your private_path if it already exists in the public location indicated by sofind. This ensures reading products from disk is always unambiguous as to where the product comes from.

Other Notes

  • All noise models can account for correlated detector-arrays. The array correlations are introduced automatically between qids if multiple qids are passed in the constructor to a noise model. Adding a list of subproduct_kwargs for a given subproduct key expands the datasets as the outer product of all qids and subproduct_kwargs lists. See the documentation of noise_models.BaseNoiseModel.from_config for more detail.

  • All noise models are multithreaded. Please ensure to set the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS appropriately in your slurm scripts. The bottleneck tends to be either spherical-harmonic transforms or fourier transforms. We've had success on 10-20 threads; more than that tends to incur too much overhead. The number of threads also plays a role in random number generation, so sims with identical parameters but run with a different number of threads will be different.

  • All map products assume the following axis assignment convention: (qid, split, polarization, y, x). If the map is loaded as an alm, the last two axes will only be one axis: the lm index. Because simulations are per-split, the second axis always has dimension 1!


Generate map-based noise models and noise simulations.







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