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This is a simple game of tic-tac-toe with all parts implemented except for two methods. At this time, it does not:

  • take a player's move and add it to the board
  • correctly check for a tied game when there is no winner

Your job is to implement the first function (adding a player's move to the board), merge it with a branch that contains a solution for the second function, merge it to master, then push your changes.


Follow these instructions and answer the questions for yourself to understand what is going on.

  1. Fork the repository in your own GitHub account.
  2. Clone the repository to your local machine
    1. Run git clone<your-username>/learn-git.git
    2. Run cd learn-git
  3. Create your own branch where you implement and test playerTurn(...)
    1. Run git branch. What do you see? What branch are you on?
    2. Run git log. Notice which commits you see here. Press q to quit.
    3. Run git branch player-turn, then run git branch. What do you see now? What branch are you on?
    4. Run git checkout player-turn, then run git branch. What branch are you on now?
    5. Run git log. Notice which commits you see here. Press q to quit.
    6. Run git checkout origin/check-tie, then run git log. Notice which commits you see now. Press q to quit.
    7. Run git switch -c check-tie, then run git branch. Notice what branch you are on now.
      This switches to a new local branch which pushes to your remote branch.
    8. Run git checkout player-turn.
    9. Implement the method playerTurn(...) in
  4. Stage and commit your changes.
    1. Run git status. What do you see?
    2. Run git add, then run git status again. What do you see now?
    3. Run git log. Notice which commits you see. Press q to quit.
    4. Run git commit -m "<your-commit-message>"
    5. Run git log again. Notice which commits you see now. Press q to quit.
    6. Run git status. What do you see now?
  5. Push your changes from this branch.
    1. Check your GitHub repository. Notice the commit history and branches.
    2. Run git push -u origin player-turn. Check your GitHub repository now, how have the branches and commit history changed?
      The flag -u sets your local branch to track a remote branch with the same name when you push for the first time. Use git push to make subsequent pushes in this branch. You can read more about this in the Git documentation, but don't worry about it for this tutorial.
  6. Merge your changes.
    1. Run git merge check-tie. How does look? What did this command do?
    2. Run git log. What did the merge command do with all the previous commits? Did it make any new commits?
    3. Run git checkout master, then run git log again. Notice which commits you see. Press q to quit. How does look?
    4. Run git merge player-turn. How does look now? What did this command do?
    5. Run git log. What did the merge command do this time?
  7. Push your merged changes in master.
    1. Check your GitHub repository. Notice the commit history and branches.
    2. Run git push. Check your GitHub repository now, how have the branches and commit history changed?
      We did not need to use the -u flag this time because the local master branch was already set to push to the remote master branch.

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