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319 lines (284 loc) · 11.2 KB

Roundcube Webmail SieveRules

This plugin adds the ability for users to manage their sieve mail filter rules. Inspiration and most of the code for this plugin was taken from: Aleksander Machniak - original Roundcube managesieve patch Tested with Dovecot-managesieve


This is just a snapshot from the GIT repository and is NOT A STABLE version of SieveRules. It is Intended for use with the GIT-master version of Roundcube and it may not be compatible with older versions. Stable versions of SieveRules are available from the Roundcube plugin repository (for 1.0 and above) or the releases section of the GitHub repository.


Supported Extensions

comparators envelope fileinto imapflags/imap4flags notify/enotify regex reject/ereject relational subaddress vacation vacation-seconds body copy spamtest virustest variables date editheader


This plugin is released under the GNU General Public License Version 3+.

Even if skins might contain some programming work, they are not considered as a linked part of the plugin and therefore skins DO NOT fall under the provisions of the GPL license. See the README file located in the core skins folder for details on the skin license.


  • Place this plugin folder into plugins directory of Roundcube
  • Add sieverules to $config['plugins'] in your Roundcube config

NB: When downloading the plugin from GitHub you will need to create a directory called sieverules and place the files in there, ignoring the root directory in the downloaded archive.


The default config file is plugins/sieverules/ Rename this to plugins/sieverules/

  • Set the host where managesieve is listening
  • Set the port managesieve is listening on
  • (Optional) Set the folder delimiter (if your managesieve implementation uses a different one to your IMAP server
  • Set the name of the ruleset in which your sieve rules are stored
  • Enable/disable the actions you want
  • (Optional) Define any predefined rules you wish to use
  • (Optional) Define a default sieve rule file
  • (Optional) Define an example sieve rule file

Predefined rules

The predefined rules option allows you specify a set of simple rules which are available in the UI identified by their name. All other rule options are hidden when a predefined rule is selected.

The following options are available in each field:

  • type:
  • header
  • address
  • envelope
  • size
  • operator:
  • for rules of type header, address, envelope one of:
  • 'contains' : contains
  • 'notcontains' : does not contain
  • 'is' : is equal to
  • 'notis' : is not equal to
  • 'exists' : exists
  • 'notexists' : does not exist
  • 'matches' : matches wildcard string
  • 'notmatches' : does not match wildcard string
  • 'regex' : matches regular expression
  • 'notregex' : does not match regular expression
  • 'count "gt"': count is greater than
  • 'count "ge"': count is greater than or equal to
  • 'count "lt"': count is less than
  • 'count "le"': count is less than or equal to
  • 'count "eq"': count is equal to
  • 'count "ne"': count does not equal
  • 'value "gt"': value is greater than
  • 'value "ge"': value is greater than or equal to
  • 'value "lt"': value is less than
  • 'value "le"': value is less than or equal to
  • 'value "eq"': value is equal to
  • 'value "ne"': value does not equal
  • 'user': user part equals
  • 'notuser': user part does not equal
  • 'detail': detail part equals
  • 'notdetail': detail part does not equal
  • 'domain': domain part equals
  • 'notdomain': domain part does not equal
  • for rules of type size one of:
  • 'over' : is more than
  • 'under' : is less than
  • extra: with count or value operators a comparator can be specified, this can be any comparator supported by your server (i;ascii-casemap is default, to use this comparator the field should be left blank)

The name, header, and target fields do not have set values


  1. Simple spam filter:
    'name' => 'Is Spam',
    'type' => 'header',
    'header' => 'X-Spam-Flag',
    'operator' => 'exists',
    'extra' => '',
    'target' => '')
  1. Big message filter:
    'name' => 'Big messages',
    'type' => 'size',
    'header' => '',
    'operator' => 'over',
    'extra' => '',
    'target' => '5M')
  1. Spam score filter:
    'name' => 'Definitely spam',
    'type' => 'header',
    'header' => 'X-Spam-Score',
    'operator' => 'value "ge"',
    'extra' => 'i;ascii-numeric',
    'target' => '10')

Advanced editor

The advanced editor allows users to edit the sieve file directly, without the restrictions of the UI. Please note any changes made to the file directly which cannot be parsed by the script will be lost if rules are saved in the normal mode.

IMPORTANT: There is no validation of the script, please be careful when editing it directly or you could break all your filtering!

Default sieve rule file

If a default sieve rule file is specified then when a user has no sieve rules defined this file is loaded instead and the rules are displayed just as if they belong to the user. The file can be stored any where on your server and the user under which your web server runs must have permission to read it.

Example sieve rule file

If an example sieve rule file is specified then the filters from this script are loaded and displayed in a drop down in the bottom right of the screen. Users can select one of these example rules, it will load in the just as one of their rules, edit it and then save it to their rule set. The file can be stored any where on your server and the user under which your web server runs must have permission to read it.

Import existing rulesets

The plugin contains a basic import system and 2 example import filters. These filters are not perfect, use them with care you may lose some rule data! You can create your own filter (or modify existing ones). To create an import filter you must either rename one of the example files by removing .ex from the end of the file name or create your own file in the importFilters directory. The file must contain a class named 'srimport_[filename]'. Each import filter must have:

  • An attribute called name - this should be the user friendly name of the import e.g. Squirrelmail (Avelsieve)
  • A pubic function called detector - used to detect of if current rule file was genereted with the software
  • A pubic function called importer - converts the rule file to SieveRules format

The importer function can return either a string to be parsed by the SieveRules parser or an array, similar to the one created by the SieveRules parser.

The structure of the rule file

By default this plugin uses \r\n to seperate lines (RFC 5228) if you want to use \n instead then set

define('RCUBE_SIEVE_NEWLINE', "\n");

in your config. Add

define('RCUBE_SIEVE_INDENT', "\t");

to change the indent character. By default this plugin places a simple comment at the top of the rule file to show it was generated by the plugin. This header can be overridden by setting

define('RCUBE_SIEVE_HEADER', "## Generated by Roundcube SieveRules ##");

in your config.

sieverules_connect hook

This hook is triggered right before connecting to the managesieve server and can be used to change connection details dynamically Arguments/Return:

  • username - (string) the user's username
  • password - (string) the user's password
  • host - (string) the managesieve host
  • port - (int) the managesieve port
  • auth_type - (string) authentication type (eg. CRAM-MD5, DIGEST-MD5, PLAIN)
  • usetls - (bool) enable TLS for managesieve server connection
  • ruleset - (string) the name of the default ruleset file to be used
  • dir - (string) the path to the plugin directory, use for locating the import filters. This is th path to the directory containing the importFilters directory
  • elsif - (bool) the rule file can be written as one IF/ELSIF statement or as a series of unrelated IF statements
  • auth_cid - (string) optional managesieve authentication identifier to be used as authorization proxy
  • auth_pw - (string) optional managesieve authentication password to be used for sieverules_auth_cid

sieverules_init hook

This hook allows other plugins to manipulate the default values displayed in the UI. Arguments/Return:

  • id - (mixed) the id of the rule being viewed
  • script - (array) the parameters of the rule being viewed
  • extensions - (array) the extensions supported by the Managesieve server
  • defaults - (array) collection of default values for selects/lists used in UI

sieverules_load hook

Before filter information is loaded into the UI the plugin hook sieverules_load is executed, this allows you to perform any custom actions like hiding rules you dont want end users to see.

NOTE: rules removed using this hook will need to be added back via the sieverules_save hook if you want to keep them on the server. Arguments:

  • ruleset - (string) the name of the ruleset file
  • script - (string) the raw sieve script
  • obj - (object) the rcube_sieve object


  • script - (string) the raw sieve script

sieverules_save hook

Before filter information is saved to the managesieve server the plugin hook sieverules_save is executed, this allows you to perform any custom actions like updating another system or performing further validation. Arguments:

  • ruleset - (string) the name of the ruleset file
  • script - (string) the raw sieve script
  • obj - (object) the rcube_sieve object


  • script - (string) the raw sieve script
  • abort - (boolean) if true the script will not be saved
  • message - (string) optional reason why the script was not saved which will be shown to the user

sieverules_list_rules hook

Before the list of rules is displayed in the UI the plugin hook sieverules_list_rules is executed, this allows you to hide rules from the list. It affects display only not the raw rules. Arguments:

  • idx - (int) the index of the rule being listed
  • name - (string) the name of the rule being listed


  • abort - (boolean) if true the rule will be hidden from the list in the UI

sieverules_list_rulesets hook

Before the list of rulesets is displayed in the UI the plugin hook sieverules_list_rulesets is executed, this allows you to hide rulesets from the list. It affects display only not the raw rules. Arguments:

  • ruleset - (string) the name of the ruleset file


  • abort - (boolean) if true the ruleset will be hidden from the list in the UI