Android Rich text Editor (中文说明见这里)
If you are looking for a good rich text editor on Android, DON'T MISS THIS ONE!
It's still in progress now, welcome fork and join me!
I published colorpicker and emojipicker as standalone components so they can be reused in other projects easily.
This is implemented by Java
- Bold
- Italic
- Underline
- Strikethrough
- Numeric list
- Bullet list
- Align left
- Align center
- Align right
- Insert image
- Background color
- Hyper link
- @
- Quote
- Foreground color
- Emoji icon
- Superscript
- Subscript
- Font size
- Video
- Image from internet
- Dividing line
- All styles support save as HTML file
- Load from HTML then continue editing or displaying - New in 0.1.0
- Maintain release, includes:
- Documents for installation and developement
- UI improvements
- Bugs fixing
More features you can open feature request but will need to wait for 0.1.3 if it is not urgent.
- Audio
- Font family
- Indent right
- Indent left
- Save editings to local SQLite
- Notes list
- Headline - defered, can be done with font size and center style
Check out usage guideline: Before the general release, you need to checkout the code and add this to a layout file and include the layout file in your Activity. Just refer to the in the source code.
<com.chinalwb.are.AREditor xmlns:android=""
android:background="@android:color/white" />
How to use the callback function for uploading video file?
public interface VideoStrategy {
* Upload the video to server and return the url of the video at server
* @param uri
* @return
public String uploadVideo(Uri uri);
Do upload implementation:
private VideoStrategy mVideoStrategy = new VideoStrategy() {
public String uploadVideo(Uri uri) {
try {
Thread.sleep(3000); // Do upload here
} catch (Exception e) {
return "";
Set to ARE:
this.arEditor = this.findViewById(;
String html = "<html><body><p><b>aaaa</b></p><p><i>bbbb</i></p>\n" +
" <p><u>cccc</u></p>\n" +
" <p><span style=\"text-decoration:line-through;\">dddd</span></p>\n" +
" <p style=\"text-align:start;\">Alignleft</p>\n" +
" <p style=\"text-align:center;\">Align center</p>\n" +
" <p style=\"text-align:end;\">Align right</p>\n" +
" <p style=\"text-align:start;\">Align left</p>\n" +
" <p style=\"text-align:start;\">Hello left<span style=\"background-color:#FFFF00;\"> good?</span> yes</p>\n" +
" <p style=\"text-align:start;\">Text color <span style=\"color:#FF5722;\">red </span><span style=\"color:#4CAF50;\">green </span><span style=\"color:#2196F3;\">blue </span><span style=\"color:#9C27B0;\">purple</span><span style=\"color:#000000;\"> normal black</span></p>\n" +
" <br>\n" +
" <p style=\"text-align:start;\">Click to open <a href=\"\">QQ</a> website</p>\n" +
" <br><br>\n" +
" <blockquote><p style=\"text-align:start;\">Quote</p>\n" +
" <p style=\"text-align:start;\">Quote 2nd line</p>\n" +
" <br>\n" +
" </blockquote>\n" +
" <br><br>\n" +
" <p style=\"text-align:start;\">2X<sub>1</sub><sup>2 </sup>+3X<sub>1</sub><sup>2</sup>=5X<sub>1</sub><sup>2</sup></p>\n" +
" <br>\n" +
" <br>\n" +
" <p style=\"text-align:start;\"><hr /> </p>\n" +
" <p style=\"text-align:start;\">Text <span style=\"font-size:32px\";>SIZE </span><span style=\"font-size:18px\";><span style=\"font-size:21px\";>normal</span></span></p>\n" +
" <br>\n" +
" <p style=\"text-align:center;\"><img src=\"emoji|" + R.drawable.wx_d_8 + "\"></p>\n" +
" <p style=\"text-align:start;\">Image:</p>\n" +
" <p style=\"text-align:start;\"><img src=\"\" /></p>\n" +
" <p style=\"text-align:start;\"></p>\n" +
" <p><a href=\"#\" ukey=\"2131230814\" uname=\"Steve Jobs\" style=\"color:#FF00FF;\">@Steve Jobs</a>, <a href=\"#\" ukey=\"2131230815\" uname=\"Bill Gates\" style=\"color:#0000FF;\">@Bill Gates</a>, how are you?</p>" +
" <p style=\"text-align:start;\"><emoji src=\"2131230915\" /><emoji src=\"2131230936\" /><emoji src=\"2131230929\" /></p>" +
" <ul>" +
" <li>aa</li>" +
" <li>bb</li>\n" +
" <li>dd</li>\n" +
" <li>eea</li>\n" +
" </ul>" +
" <ol>\n" +
" <li>ddasdf</li>\n" +
" <li>sdf</li>\n" +
" <li>cc</li>\n" +
" </ol>" +
" <p style=\"text-align:center;\"><video src=\"\" uri=\"/storage/emulated/0/Download/wx_camera_1519181163870 (1).mp4\" controls=\"controls\"></video></p>" +
" <p style=\"text-align:start;\"><img src=\"\" /></p>" +
" </body></html>";
You can download the APK here:
Click ARE_20180702_0.1.1.apk to download
Known issues:
- Background color - cursor invisible when put it in the range of BackgroundColorSpan
Thanks @Yasujizr providing the logo for ARE.
If you find my work is helpful to you or you are start using my code, you don't need to buy me a coffee, just could you please send me a "✨"? Your * encourages me to make more features open source, thanks for your support. You can contact me at if you need any customization or any suggestion.