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Provingground - Basic Homotopy Type theory implementation

These notes concern the object HoTT, which has the core implementation of homotopy type theory.

The major components of homotopy type theory implemented in the object HoTT are

  • Terms, types and Universes.
  • Function and dependent function types.
  • λs.
  • Pairs and Dependent pairs.
  • Disjoint union types.
  • Types 0 and 1 and an object in the latter.
  • Identity types

Inductive types, induction and recursion are in different objects as they are rather subtle. The other major way (also not in the HoTT object) of constructing non-composite types is to wrap scala types, possibly including symbolic algebra.

The core project contains code that is agnostic to how it is run. In particular this also compiles to scala-js.

Universes, Symbolic types

We have a family of universes, but mostly use the first one denoted by Type. Given a type, we can construct symbolic objects of that type. We construct such a type A.


scala> import provingground._ 

import provingground._

scala> import HoTT._ 

import HoTT._

scala> val A = "A" :: Type 

A: Typ[Term] with Subs[Typ[Term]] = A

scala> A == Type.::("A") 

res9: Boolean = true

We consider a symbolic object of the type A

scala> val a = "a" :: A 

a: Term with Subs[Term] = a

Function types, lambdas, Identity

Given types A and B, we have the function type A → B. An element of this is a function from A to B.

We can construct functions using λ's. Here, for the type A, we construct the identity on A using a lambda. We can then view this as a dependent function of A, giving the identity function.

In this definition, two λ's are used, with the method lmbda telling the TypecompilerType that the result is a (non-dependent) function.

scala> val id = lambda(A)(lmbda(a)(a)) 

id: FuncLike[Typ[Term] with Subs[Typ[Term]], Func[Term with Subs[Term], Term with Subs[Term]]] = (A :  𝒰 _0)  ((a :  A)  (a))

The type of the identity function is a mixture of Pi-types and function types. Which of these to use is determined by checking dependence of the type of the value on the varaible in a λ-definition.

scala> id.typ 

res12: Typ[FuncLike[Typ[Term] with Subs[Typ[Term]], Func[Term with Subs[Term], Term with Subs[Term]]]] = A ~> (A)  (A)

scala> lmbda(a)(a).typ 

res13: Typ[Func[Term with Subs[Term], Term with Subs[Term]]] = (A)  (A)

scala> lmbda(a)(a).typ.dependsOn(A) 

res14: Boolean = true

The lambdas have the same effect at runtime. It is checked if the type of the value depends on the variable. The result is either LambdaFixed or Lambda accordingly.

scala> val indep = lmbda(a)(a) 

indep: Func[Term with Subs[Term], Term with Subs[Term]] = (a :  A)  (a)

scala> val dep = lambda(a)(a) 

dep: FuncLike[Term with Subs[Term], Term with Subs[Term]] = (a :  A)  (a)

scala> indep == dep 

res17: Boolean = true

Note that we have alternative notation for lambdas, the maps to methods :-> and :~>. For instance, we can define the identity using these.

scala> assert(id == A :~> (a :-> a))

Hygiene for λs

A new variable object, which has the same toString, is created in making lambdas. This is to avoid name clashes.

scala> val l = dep.asInstanceOf[LambdaFixed[Term, Term]] 

l: LambdaFixed[Term, Term] = (a :  A)  (a)

scala> l.variable 

res20: Term = a

scala> l.variable == a 

res21: Boolean = false

Modus Ponens

We construct Modus Ponens, as an object in Homotopy Type theory. Note that A ->: B is the function type A → B.

scala> val B = "B" :: Type 

B: Typ[Term] with Subs[Typ[Term]] = B


scala> val f = "f" :: (A ->: B) 

f: Func[Term, Term] with Subs[Func[Term, Term]] = f


scala> val mp = lambda(A)(lambda(B)(lmbda(a)(lmbda(f)(f(a))))) 

mp: FuncLike[Typ[Term] with Subs[Typ[Term]], FuncLike[Typ[Term] with Subs[Typ[Term]], Func[Term with Subs[Term], Func[Func[Term, Term] with Subs[Func[Term, Term]], Term]]]] = (A :  𝒰 _0)  ((B :  𝒰 _0)  ((a :  A)  ((f :  (A)  (B))  ((f) (a)))))

The type of Modus Ponens is again a mixture of Pi-types and function types.

scala> mp.typ 

res25: Typ[FuncLike[Typ[Term] with Subs[Typ[Term]], FuncLike[Typ[Term] with Subs[Typ[Term]], Func[Term with Subs[Term], Func[Func[Term, Term] with Subs[Func[Term, Term]], Term]]]]] = A ~> B ~> (A)  (((A)  (B))  (B))

We can apply modus ponens with the roles of A and B reversed. This still works because variable clashes are avoided.

scala> val mpBA = mp(B)(A) 

mpBA: Func[Term with Subs[Term], Func[Func[Term, Term] with Subs[Func[Term, Term]], Term]] = (a :  B)  ((f :  (B)  (A))  ((f) (a)))

scala> mpBA.typ == B ->: (B ->: A) ->: A 

res27: Boolean = true

Equality of λs

Lambdas do not depend on the name of the variable.

scala> val aa = "aa" :: A 

aa: Term with Subs[Term] = aa

scala> lmbda(aa)(aa) == lmbda(a)(a) 

res29: Boolean = true

scala> (lmbda(aa)(aa))(a) == a 

res30: Boolean = true

Dependent types

Given a type family, we can construct the corresponding Pi-types and Sigma-types. We start with a formal type family, which is just a symbolic object of the appropriate type.

scala> val Bs = "B(_ : A)" :: (A ->: Type) 

Bs: Func[Term, Typ[Term]] with Subs[Func[Term, Typ[Term]]] = B(_ : A)


In addition to the case class constructor, there is an agda/shapeless-like convenience method for constructing Pi-types. Namely, given a type expression that depends on a varaible a : A, we can construct the Pi-type correspoding to the obtained λ-expression.

Note that the !: method just claims and checks a type, and is useful (e.g. here) for documentation.

scala> val fmly = (a !: A) ~>: (Bs(a) ->: A) 

fmly: GenFuncTyp[Term, Func[Term, Term]] = a ~> ((B(_ : A)) (a))  (A)


There is also a convenience method for defining Sigma types using λs.

scala> Sgma(a !: A, Bs(a)) 

res33: SigmaTyp[Term, Term] = ((a :  A)  ((B(_ : A)) (a)))
scala> Sgma(a !: A, Bs(a) ->: Bs(a) ->: A) 

res34: SigmaTyp[Term, Func[Term, Func[Term, Term]]] = ((a :  A)  (((B(_ : A)) (a))  (((B(_ : A)) (a))  (A))))

Pair types

Like functions and dependent functions, pairs and dependent pairs can be handled together. The mkPair function assignes the right type after checking dependence, choosing between pair types, pairs and dependent pairs.

scala> val ba = "b(a)" :: Bs(a) 

ba: Term with Subs[Term] = b(a)

scala> val b = "b" :: B 

b: Term with Subs[Term] = b

scala> mkPair(A, B) 

res37: AbsPair[Term, Term] = ((A) , (B))

scala> mkPair(a, b) 

res38: AbsPair[Term, Term] = ((a) , (b))

scala> mkPair(a, b).typ 

res39: Typ[U] = ((A) , (B))

scala> mkPair(a, ba).typ 

res40: Typ[U] = ((a :  A)  ((B(_ : A)) (a)))
scala> mkPair(A, B).asInstanceOf[ProdTyp[Term, Term]] 

res41: ProdTyp[Term, Term] = ((A) , (B))

Plus types

We can also construct the plus type A plus B, which comes with two inclusion functions.

scala> val AplusB = PlusTyp(A, B) 

AplusB: PlusTyp[Term, Term] = PlusTyp(A,B)
scala> AplusB.incl1(a) 

res43: PlusTyp.FirstIncl[Term, Term] = FirstIncl(PlusTyp(A,B),a)
scala> AplusB.incl2 

res44: Func[Term with Subs[Term], PlusTyp.ScndIncl[Term, Term]] = ($cn :  B)  (ScndIncl(PlusTyp(A,B),$cn))

In the above, a λ was used, with a variable automatically generated. These have names starting with $ to avoid collision with user defined ones.

Identity type

We have an identity type associated to a type A, with reflexivity giving terms of this type.

scala> val eqAa = IdentityTyp(A, a, a) 

eqAa: IdentityTyp[Term with Subs[Term]] = a = a

scala> val ref = Refl(A, a) 

ref: Refl[Term with Subs[Term]] = Refl(A,a)
scala> ref.typ == eqAa 

res47: Boolean = true

The Unit and the Nought

Finally, we have the types corresponding to True and False

scala> Unit 

res48: Unit.type = Unit

scala> Zero 

res49: Zero.type = Zero

scala> Star !: Unit 

res50: Term = Star