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commacd Build Status

A faster way to move around (Bash 3+).

While going through "Usage" section please keep in mind that commacd is NOT an autojump/z/fasd alternative nor they are mutualy exclusive. It doesn't track history, write any logs, nothing like that. It really is just an improved cd.


curl -o ~/.commacd.bash && \
  echo "source ~/.commacd.bash" >> ~/.bashrc

On OS X you'll need to make sure ~/.bashrc is sourced from ~/.bash_profile (

Updating to the latest version

curl -o ~/.commacd.bash


commacd exports three commands: , (for jumping forward), ,, (backward) and ,,, (backward+forward):

All three of them try to match by prefix first. Only if no results are found, will they fallback to substring (fuzzy) matching (0.2.0+).

~$ , des
  => cd Desktop

# move through multiple directories
~$ , /u/l/ce
  => cd /usr/local/Cellar

# allow me to choose directory in case of ambiguous pattern (= multiple choices)
~$ , d
  => 1 Desktop
     : <type index of the directory to cd into>

# given two directories jdk7 and jdk8 on the Desktop, cd into jdk8 without hitting 
# interactive mode (the one shown above)
~/github$ , ~/d/j*8
  => cd ~/Desktop/jdk8

# cd into directory having 'esk' somewhere in its name
~/github$ , ~/esk # in pre-0.2.0 that would be `, ~/*esk`
  => cd ~/Desktop

# go all the way up to the project root (in this case, the one that has .git in it)
~/github/lorem/src/public$ ,,
  => cd ~/github/lorem

# cd into to the first (closest) parent directory named g*
~/github/vimium/src/public$ ,, g
  => cd ~/github

# substitute jekyll with ghost
~/github/jekyll/test$ ,, jekyll ghost
  => cd ~/github/ghost/test

# jump to some other project (in this case, located in ~/github)
~/github/rook/src/public$ ,,, binlog # in pre-0.2.0 you would need to use `m*binlog` 
  => cd ~/github/mysql-binlog-connector-java

As a bonus, all three aliases support <Tab> expansion (try , /u/lo<Tab>) and can be combined with other tools (e.g. ls `, /u/lo` ).

For more information, please refer to


make # lint sources and run tests 


  • 0.3.2 - Fixed COMMACD_CD handling #10 (thanks to @chilicuil).
  • 0.3.1 - Fixed VCS root lookup (,,) in case of nested checkouts (/.../checkout_1/.../checkout_2).
  • 0.3.0 - Improved tab completion. "multiple choices" can now start with 1 (still 0 by default, but can be changed using export COMMACD_SEQSTART=1) (thanks to @skorochkin).
  • 0.2.1 - Ordered prefix/substring matching of ,,.
  • 0.2.0 - Added substring (fuzzy) matching as a fallback to the default prefix lookup (can be turned off with export COMMACD_NOFUZZYFALLBACK="on").
  • 0.1.0 - Starting point.


MIT License